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why blizzard cant create tournament about dota 1?

But then other maps/projects would argue they should have Blizzard organised tournaments too and then it becomes a whole mess of favouritism and organisation that blizzard can avoid by just not getting involved at all. Besides there's no money to be made for them from it really.
Level 2
Dec 8, 2023
Pero luego otros mapas/proyectos argumentarían que Blizzard también debería organizar torneos y entonces se convierte en todo un lío de favoritismo y organización que Blizzard puede evitar simplemente no involucrándose en absoluto. Además, realmente no se puede ganar dinero con ello.
blizzard can give legal problems with steam?. for trying to monetize this?
Probably not, Steam don't own DOTA 1 only DOTA 2 the whole reason DOTA 2 is called DOTA 2 is because the court ruled that steam didn't have the rights to DOTA as "DOTA" but they do own all the rest of the IP hence why in DOTA 2 they had to differentiate the heroes more from their Warcraft origins.

But again, Blizzard have nothing to gain from hosting DOTA 1 tournaments so why would they? And if they did why DOTA 1 and not any other custom map that is out there?
Level 2
Dec 8, 2023
Probably not, Steam don't own DOTA 1 only DOTA 2 the whole reason DOTA 2 is called DOTA 2 is because the court ruled that steam didn't have the rights to DOTA as "DOTA" but they do own all the rest of the IP hence why in DOTA 2 they had to differentiate the heroes more from their Warcraft origins.

But again, Blizzard have nothing to gain from hosting DOTA 1 tournaments so why would they? And if they did why DOTA 1 and not any other custom map that is out there?
because the game is a popular game and the game can be the publicity that they need for getting free publicity and not getting publicity from begin.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
It's too late, the window for custom games to be re-launched into the "mainstream" was if Reforged did well to not only in sales, but in energy and Blizzard and community members worked together in that way. They would have to hit a home run internationally in reviving/energizing the community, not just in sales but also in public image through Twitch/YT/social media as Dota 1 and other custom games were still holding on. At this point, the infrastructure of the Dota 1 community and other competitive custom games have mostly moved on to being niche.

During my role in being one of the bridges in community feedback and devs, I actually had plans of assembling teams for this (custom game & blizzard cooperation, with DotA 1 being the first target). I made some progress on the community side assembling a team with the needed DotA leaders to make it possible, but personal things happened and I became inactive. But I'm obviously not even a part of the bigger puzzle: resources ended up becoming spread too thin anyway for the team's attention to support esports & more for specific custom games, amidst all the Blizzard issues (cutting back funding, talent turnover, controversies) and the Reforged release state killing the chance.

It was a long shot but it DEFINITELY was not impossible, there were pieces in place! But right now, there is no profit in it, and the PR goodwill of it will be minimal this late. Microsoft's turn though right? </3
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