RP in Northrend is dieing? Just because you host some games? RP in Northrend is not dieing, if you just host some RP's you really won't find the ''good'' RP'ers.
Why? Because the ''good'' RP'ers only play private RP's. And nothing to blame them, cause if you host a public, only idiotic RPers come along.
Example: Most important standard for me: Size 100 footman based, speed 100for walking. If you don't like that, no need to RP with me. Sure, Northrend is one of the most dieing RP-servers. But, if I go to the US and I check out clans, I come to the conclusion alot of them are very bad RP'ers themselves. I'm not saying there aren't good ones, but that also counts for Northrend. So don't base your conclusion on RP, just by hosting something.