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When is GetTriggerPlayer() fired?

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Warcraft Moderator
Level 68
Aug 10, 2018
I think as long as you don't change (Triggering player) before referencing it, if that's even possible with this Event Response, then it's perfectly fine.

I vaguely recall situations where I had to switch back to (Owner of (Triggering unit)) instead of (Triggering player) in certain situations. It had to do with the design of the trigger and what Actions it was using.
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"Unit - Starts the Effect of an ability" etc are PLAYER_UNI_EVENT in JASS. TriggeringPlayer will work fine there.
"A Unit Enters Region" is not a "PLAYER_UNIT_EVENT" as example, then (Owner of (Triggering unit)) must be used.
Ah perfect explanation. I will look over the common.j and see what uses PLAYER_UNIT_EVENT to get a better idea.
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