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What's your talent

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Your talent is looking FABULOUS.

My talent is the ability to learn things quite fast.

When I was 7 years old, I knew so much about Astronomy, I knew every single capital of every single country on this planet, and I knew a lot about math that I wasn't even supposed to learn until grade 8-9 ;P

I don't know what ruined me.
I could've been like that kid genius with autism :(

My 'talent' would be intelligence I guess, I'm pretty good in a lot of classes and in general, I learn things really fast and understand them without too much studying.
As far as 'real' talents go, I haven't discovered any yet. (I wish I could sing /o/)
Oh god, I vouch for that. Your test results were/are impressive. Plus, you are very ambitioned, but tend to work too much.

Fuck the term talent, call it interests/motivation, and we can go.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
I'm quite intelligent and I usually don't need to study for things, I mostly remember and learn everything the moment the teacher tells it to us, that is quite relaxing I must say. In the last two years, my ambitions for school have gone down a bit, ending up in a bit worse grades than usually, (everywhere the best ones, only in three I got the second best ^_^)

Other then that, I've began to read fantasy books and other stuff with 5 or 6, and playing videogames in the same age too, ending up in huge speaking and writing style and word pool in german (the books) and in english (which resulted out of playing videogames and visiting english websites like this in early age), for my age at least (14 years).
Level 6
May 26, 2010
I'm really intelligent guys being intelligent is my talent I am talented in being intelligent really I'm more intelligent than most people I've met my age I'm sure I'm the only person that thinks this way too because I'm intelligent more intelligent than average I'd say.
Level 6
Jul 30, 2012
Umm I think they're too many XD

1. Martial Arts Stuff - I've been a martial artist since 2009 XD. And I'm almost close to be a Black belt.

2. I learn too fast - Once something is taught on me, I can easily understand it.

3. Music - Well yeah, I'm a vocalist in our church and at the same time, support guitarist.

Oh they're only 3 XD
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Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
talent? lol, singing...
  • and i can also update my status on facebook really fast
  • can run with a 42" flat inch hd tv at 2 blocks per minute
  • 60 stabs per minute
  • can shoot 20 soda cans at 20 feet while holding two pistols sideways without expending at least 250 bullets
  • call women bitches and get away with it
  • get invisible at dark, like night elves.
  • go at 41Mph on a 40Mph limit highway without cops noticing
  • run as fast as Bolt
my biggest talent is peeling oranges like this:

Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Well there is still time to see if i have talent in some things.
I still have quite a bit of things to do in my life, you never know.

That is what i meant.

Have you tried cooking? :D

No seriously, maybe you just didn't find it yet.

My talent is.......... analyzing I guess. Idk, I am just forever told that I've got a good perspective on life (based of analyzing.....), but I'm also too lazy to get the profits off of it. :pir:
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
I like creating things. I do some handicraft, I like terraining maps, drawing. I also have some vast imagination that if I thought about a serious wound or blood intensively, I could pass out easily, haha. I also need only my imagination to jerk off, uh, shouldn't have said it.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
ironically, i had already kinda observed that in you...

anyway, im sure you cant peel oranges as nicely as i can

Oh you'd be surprised. :D But I suck at potatoes though. :C If I ever got to do that for the army, they'd probably starve from lack of potatoes :D

Also social skills suck.
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