I do it like:
1. i make a short description of spell, just what it does(but no numbers like damage duration, i do it like "it deals damage and last a few seconds"
2.Than i go into detail Here i will wrote an exsample for warstomp:
Casters jump in the air and slams the ground, all enemy targets will suffer damage and get stunned for a short amount of time.
Deals 90 damage to enemy units and stunns them for 3 seconds.
I do the amount of damage first than, other effects like armor, damage bonus, than stunns, slows(%) and the last thing is duration.
This is how i do it, its a bit lame, but i think that the player undarstands what the spell should do.
and its good to use SHIFT for spell names like "Almighty Superior War Stomp" (this is a bit long name for a spell, but i think you get my point)
Hope this comes handy
Have Fun!