• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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[Altered Melee] What should i do first

What should i choose

  • Illidan Forces

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • Burning Legion

    Votes: 9 12.2%
  • Fel Horde

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Dark Horde

    Votes: 12 16.2%
  • High Elves

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Highborne Night Elves

    Votes: 13 17.6%
  • Naga

    Votes: 7 9.5%
  • Gnolls

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Murlocs

    Votes: 7 9.5%
  • Dwarf

    Votes: 6 8.1%
  • Others

    Votes: 4 5.4%

  • Total voters
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Level 18
Aug 22, 2013
Thanks please help me request models or icons for me or made them for me
Also nice Avatar Chen
Aso here some ideas for the Races

Soiux(Includes Cheyenne, Cree & Arapaho)
Iroquios(Includes Huron, Cherokee & Machicans allies)
Aztecs(Includes Zapotec & Mayan allies)
Comanche change to Inuits(Includes Nootka, Klamath, & Seminoles)

Instead of uping ages like original they up TH like Wc3
Dances are upgrades
Spellcasters have no attack
Includes Hero
Mercenary Camp includes other Natives

Also please help me request for a good nice map
Level 7
Jul 29, 2014
Thanks please help me request models or icons for me or made them for me
Also nice Avatar Chen
Aso here some ideas for the Races

Soiux(Includes Cheyenne, Cree & Arapaho)
Iroquios(Includes Huron, Cherokee & Machicans allies)
Aztecs(Includes Zapotec & Mayan allies)
Comanche change to Inuits(Includes Nootka, Klamath, & Seminoles)

Instead of uping ages like original they up TH like Wc3
Dances are upgrades
Spellcasters have no attack
Includes Hero
Mercenary Camp includes other Natives

Also please help me request for a good nice map

hmmm... Inuit and Seminole distance is far and different climate (Inuit - North Canada...Seminole - Florida/Bayou) but Inuit is a good idea! you can make dog cart unit for them lol :ogre_hurrhurr:
spellcasters are medics, doctors, shaman (real world), witch doctor, apothecary (real world), etc.
for mercenary i suggest european nations like Spanish, Portuguese, or Americans...
Level 3
Mar 17, 2014
Hey Sunreaver! Your altered melee maps were the best i've played (sorry did not leave a rating, not my thing)

Or You Could Do Bandit or Pirate Race? Hehe

That would be an interesting custom race, Hayate. Make it one please!

Looking forward for your new AM map! :wink:
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Hm..... ideas

Taueens....... to hard

Dwarfs...... aleeady with human

Wretched........ maybe.....

Iron Horde.......... nice......

Old God minions.... great.... love to see facelesses and nerubians its unique noones done it yer

Pirates and Bandits.... nice.... perfect since no ones done it quite yet....

Satyrs..... might be same with ta legion

Elementals...... :) :)

My final idea: Goblins......i would lovw to see clockwerk workers and shredders wrecking havoc
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Old God!!!!! I want Facelesses! Nerubians!!!! Nagas!!!! Quiraji!!!!Mantid!!! Ummm..... Mecha Gnomes!!!!Iron Dwarves and Dark Iron!!!!! I want them all in a huge race!!!
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
The Dark Horde

The Dark Horde is a renegade group of orcs, trolls, ogres, and goblins who dwell in Blackrock Spire and consist largely of the remnants of the Blackrock clan and Dragonmaw clan. They were marshaled by Nefarian and ruled by the self-styled Warchief Rend Blackhand. Unlike the orcs of Thrall's Horde, they remained steadfast to the ideals of the old Horde, including demon worshipping, and depraved blood lust.

The remnants of the Blackrock and Dagonmaw clans, along with their forest troll, ogre and goblin allies, form a brutal though small force. They are outnumbered in a hostile land, these orcs and their allies have developed more sophisticated tactics than those they used in the past. The original Horde that came from Draenor had the benefit of large numbers; it appeared that for every orc that fell, ten more came to take his place. Now these renegades temper their chaotic, bloodthirsty natures with caution, as they no longer have the forces to support reckless charges.

The Dark Horde uses the terrain around Blackrock Spire to its advantage. Orc and goblin lookouts hide behind carefully stacked rockfalls they can trigger in an instant, burying enemies on the path below. The renegades engage enemies in bottlenecks, where a pack of ogres or forest trolls make short work of assailants forced to approach one at a time. The renegades also know the best ambush sites on the Spire, where they throw rocks and fire missile weapons at enemies in shallow canyons.

When engaging enemies outside their territory, these renegades prefer to scout the land and pick defensible positions before attacking. The orcs try to have one or two locations to which they retreat when hard-pressed, usually rocky terrain with plenty of cover or thick forest (unless they are fighting night elves). The warriors attempt to lure their foes into unfamiliar ground where, if the orcs have no advantage, at least neither does the opposition.

The Dark Horde places its toughest warriors, usually ogres, in the front ranks, keeping weaker fighters in the back with ranged weapons and healing magic. In rare cases, the strongest orc leaders might appear mounted on the backs of black drakes, but such a sight is never seen outside Blackrock Spire. The melee fighters use intelligent tactics in battle, however, after a few attacks the bloodlust can take over the orc. Warriors lose control and lash out wildly at their opponents. Instead of using multiple attacks on one enemy, an orc may swing once at every enemy in range. These renegades train themselves to focus their attacks
on the strongest enemy they can see until he falls, but in the heat of combat they often forget such training and may chase weakened stragglers across the battlefield.

Two types of spellcasters support the renegades. First, orc warlocks call down annihilating magical barrages and summon fiendish monstrosities. Second, forest troll healers, usually voodoo priests, assist the troops with healing magic and defensive spells. Orc warlocks who serve the Burning Legion also assist them.

Orc (Blackrock)- Orcs make up the majority of the Dark Horde.

Blackrock - The founding members of the Dark Horde led by their chieftain, Rend Blackhand
Blackhand Legion
Blackrock Raiders
Bloodaxe Legion
Firebrand Legion
Scarshield Legion

Dragonmaw - Some remnants of this clan from the secound war are seen fighting for the Dark Horde in the Wetlands.

Black Tooth Grin- Rend and Maim survived the battle over the Dark Portal. They took control of the survivors of the Blackrock and Black Tooth Grin clans, and used them to form the Dark Horde, establishing their base at Blackrock Spire.

Ogre:ogre_icwydt::ogre_hurrhurr::ogre_datass: - Many ogres decided to stay under the leadership of the son of Blackhand

Firegut - Allies of the Blackrock orcs. They work closely with those orcs, keeping the mineral rich Dreadmaul Rock guarded and the supply lines open at all times.

Spirestone - A remnant of the Old Horde's ogre forces during the Second War. After the war, a sizable number of orcs led by Rend Blackhand and his brother Maim managed to return to their base at Blackrock Mountain.

Torchbelcher - An ogre tribe allied with the Dragonmaw clan of the Wetlands.

Stonegullet - a group of ogres found in the Searing Gorge. A group of them barricaded the road leading south to Blackrock Spire, and demand tribute from all wishing to pass, and with the help of three black drakes to ensure that all travelers paid the toll.

Forest troll - A few forest trolls intend to honor the pact the Horde made with the forest trolls and continue to follow what they see as the true Horde.

Firetree - One of the forest troll tribes that joined the Horde during the Second War after the Horde rescued their leader Zul'jin from the human forces. The Second War ended with the defeat of the Horde, but Rend Blackhand refused to give up the fight, some orcs, trolls, and ogres followed him, including the Firetree tribe

Smolderthorn - One of two tribes of forest trolls that belong to the Dark Horde. Smolderthorn trolls revere the memory of Zul'jin and consider the Firetree tribe acceptable allies, but despise all other forest trolls as deserters, particularly the Revantusk tribe, which is loosely affiliated with Thrall's Horde.

Goblin - The Dark Horde has hired many goblins to assist them in assassination and forging.

Red dragonflight - The Dragonmaw still have red dragonkin controlled by demonic magic.

Demons - Many members of the Dark Horde practice demon worship and summon imps, felhounds, and felguards to their aid.


Black dragonflight - led by Nefarian, in truth they are controlling the Dark Horde

Corrupted dragonflights - The orcs have corrupted many dragons to do their bidding.

Chromatic dragonflight - The chromatic dragonflight of Blackrock Spire was created by Nefarian's magical experiments, using the blood of dragons from the other dragonflights.
Redridge Gnolls

Enslaved Ettin....:)ogre_haosis:)

Mostly taken from wowpedia.com

I vote for Dark Horde!
Level 18
Aug 22, 2013
I am working with a map with Randomall. Then we decided to split up. It features the Kul'Thiras faction. Expect a release after Chinese New Year or maybe even earlier. Since he is stubborn not hearing my advice at balancing I decided to rework everything. He may release it next week.
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