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[General] What Neutral Items Sold in Normal/Ladder/Standard Games?

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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
As a preface, I don't play melee Wc3 pretty much at all nowadays, so I'm pretty out of the loop.

However, for Important Modding Reasons, I need to know exactly what kinds of Items can ever be sold via a Neutral source in the normal, standard, ladder game. AFAIK that means what's in the Goblin Merchant as well as the Marketplace.

I know all the racial Items (or it can be looked up), and even the Merchant's wares are, I think, standard across all maps. However, as far as I can recall the Marketplace is a unique Neutral building introduced in TFT which has a random assortment of items (and those items can change over time in the game as well). I really need to be able to figure out everything that can be sold, and what cannot.

Any help?
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
native AddItemToAllStock      takes integer itemId, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing
native AddItemToStock         takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing
native RemoveItemFromAllStock     takes integer itemId returns nothing
native RemoveItemFromStock      takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns nothing
affects only units with Asid (sell items dynamic) ability, items added this way cannot have hotkeys
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I forgot about this but it's still pertinent so BUMP.

I realized that the Patch Notes might have some clues, after reading the first one...

- Necklace of Immunity, Tome of Greater Experience, and Goblin Land Mines
no longer randomly drop in multiplayer games.
- Scroll of Resurrection & Scroll of Animate Dead item level increased.
- Scepter of Mastery no longer will drop randomly in multiplayer maps.
- Tome of Power, Mask of Death both increased in level (8 to 9 and 8 to 10
- Wand of Lightning Shield is now a level-3 item, down from level 6.
- Sentry Ward item now comes with 3 charges, down from 5.
- Periapt of Vitality now gives 150 hps, up from 100.
- Pendant of Mana now gives 250 mana, down from 300.
- Tome of Experience now gives Heroes 150 experience points, down from 200.
- Anhk of Reincarnation is now a level 7 item.
- Potion of Restoration now heals 500 health and 200 mana, rather than fully
replenishing a hero's health and mana.
- Scroll of Restoration now heals 300 health and 150 mana, rather than fully
replenishing all targets health and mana.
- Tome of Experience is now a level 5 item
- Scroll of Protection cost reduced to 150
- Items have been revamped with new level tables. Items now have a level
from 1 to 8, along with one of several categories. Items of levels 1 to 6
can be charged items, permanent items, or powerups. Items of level 7 or
higher are artifacts.
Examples: Wand of Lightning Shield (charged), Stone Token (charged), Ring
of Protection +2 (permanent), Tome of Strength +2 (powerup), Mask of Death
- You can now sell items at the Goblin Merchant by right-clicking on an item,
and then "dropping" it onto a Goblin Merchant.
- Scroll of Town Portal now takes 5 seconds to use. During this time it is
being "channeled", and the Hero using it cannot be attacked or stunned.
Under no circumstances can the town portal be aborted once started.
- Wand of Illusion can no longer be cast on hostile units. This change was
made to prevent players from cheesing high level creep camps by using Wand
of Illusion on high level creeps, and then using this illusionary creep to
tank the damage.
- Boots of Speed no longer stack: two Boots of Speed will make a Hero just
as fast as one.
- Replenishment Potion can now be sold to a shop for 75 gold, down from 200
- Sentry Wards now have 2 charges, down from 3.
- Anti-magic Potion duration increased to 15 from 10.
- Orb of Fire cost reduced to 300 from 375.
- Orb of Venom cost reduced to 325 from 375.
- Healing Wards and Ankh of Reincarnation are now level-4 items (down from 5).
- Red Drake Egg, Stone Token and Spiked Collar are now level-5 items, up from
level 4.
- Staff of Preservation cost reduced to 150 from 200.
- Staff of Preservation no longer affects allied units--it now can only
affect its owner's units.
- Staff of Sanctuary now heals 15 hp/sec, up from 10 hp/sec.
- Boots of Speed now cost 250 gold, up from 150 gold. They are not
available until the first nightfall, and are now considered a level-3
permanent item, up from level 2.
- Talisman of the Wild is now a level-5 charged item, up from 4.
- Legion Doom-Horn is now a level-5 permanent item, up from being a
level-4 permanent item.
- Wand of Lightning Shield reduced to 2 charges from 3.
- Orb of Venom poison damage increased to 9 per second from 7 per second.
- Orb of Fire cost reduced to 275 gold from 300 gold.
- Staff of Preservation cooldown increased to 30 seconds from 15 seconds.
- Shared cooldown of 20 seconds added on all summoning items.
- Wand of Lightning Shield given 10-second cooldown.
- Staff of Preservation max stock set to 1, down from 2.
- Sentry Ward item duration reduced to 5 minutes from 10 minutes.
- Targeting an unwalkable location with a Scroll of Town Portal will now
try to place units as close to that location as possible. If no valid
location can be found, the units will be teleported to an area around
the town hall.
- All Orbs now affect magic-immune units.
- Orb of Corruption debuff can no longer be dispelled.
- Orb of Fire now deals Spell damage instead of Magic damage.
- Mechanical Critters are no longer displayed on the minimap.
- Mechanical Critters no longer teleport with you.
- Amulet of Spell Shield no longer blocks physical skills (e.g., Ensnare).
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
I think that when an item is dropped, an item of the same class can appear in the market palce. If a level 2 permanent item is dropped, level 2 permanent items can be found in the market place.
I know that it works for the classes permanent, charged and artifact, as they are the ones used in melee maps. Not sure if there is a class it does not work for (except power up).
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I think that when an item is dropped, an item of the same class can appear in the market palce. If a level 2 permanent item is dropped, level 2 permanent items can be found in the market place.
I know that it works for the classes permanent, charged and artifact, as they are the ones used in melee maps. Not sure if there is a class it does not work for (except power up).
Ok, that's good but which ones ? I need to know which items can be bought/find/dropped & which cannot.

So far, I've determined (see above) that the Scepter of Mastery, Necklace of Immunity, Tome of Greater Experience, & Goblin Land Mines are part of the latter list. But surely, aside from just playing an infinite number of games, there should be some method to find this out; some table or directory that marks the difference.
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
So far, I've determined (see above) that the Scepter of Mastery, Necklace of Immunity, Tome of Greater Experience, & Goblin Land Mines are part of the latter list. But surely, aside from just playing an infinite number of games, there should be some method to find this out; some table or directory that marks the difference.
There are boolean values in the item "can be dropped", "can be sold by merchant" and "can be sold to merchant". Maybe they have somethign to do with it.
There is also "include as random choice" which has probably something to do with it. (it is set to false for the items you mentioned. Except for the tome didn't find it in the items.)
Make some test like placing a ton of market places on the map and creeps that drop items and find out what determines whether it can be sold by the market place.

edit: If you take a look at your patch notes, you see: "no longer drop randoly", thats probably because of "include as random choice"
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
There are boolean values in the item "can be dropped", "can be sold by merchant" and "can be sold to merchant". Maybe they have somethign to do with it.
There is also "include as random choice" which has probably something to do with it. (it is set to false for the items you mentioned. Except for the tome didn't find it in the items.)
Make some test like placing a ton of market places on the map and creeps that drop items and find out what determines whether it can be sold by the market place.

edit: If you take a look at your patch notes, you see: "no longer drop randoly", thats probably because of "include as random choice"
Ok, just checked in the WE... And while this was a good lead, it was ultimately (mostly) fruitless.

See, I just checked every single in-game item. The relevant fields seem to be
Stats - Can Be Dropped
Stats - Can Be Sold By Merchants
Stats - Can Be Sold To Merchants
as well as
Stats - Include As Random Choice //where?
...and there are whole swaths of them that have some of that (specifically "Can be sold by Merchants" I was concerned about) set to False. Mostly Campaign stuff, which makes sense & lends credence to that theory.

However, there are also whole swaths of ones set to True that are definitely not normal, in-game items. Can you buy Shadow Orb +4 or Drek'Thar's Spellbook or Scepter of Mastery in a normal, ladder game? Demonstrably not.


So the search continues. This is really starting to bug me; sans some kind of insane testing regimen (which might not even be able to 100% tell us what is & what isn't), is there no way to determine what items are available in a standard game?
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
20170625 - UPDATE

Discussion was sparked recently over at the Hive's Discord channel. @MindWorX found the lines of code that detail the process of neutral creep's dropping random items. The important line appeared to be:

call RandomDistAddItem( ChooseRandomItemEx( ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT, 1), 10)

Specifically "ChooseRandomItemEx()". But from which items was it randomly choosing??

Then, @Abovegame (whew, glad your name was the same) pointed out an overlooked data field for each Item in the Object Editor:

Stats - Include as Random Choice


This data field is a Boolean (either True/False), and after looking at all standard in-game Items, it appears as follows:

- NOT Diamond of Summoning
- NOT Staff of Teleportation
- n/a
Power Up
- only Tomes & Manual of Health (none else)
- No glyphs, bundles, gold coins, or runes
- all True
- only potion of lesser invulnerability (none else)
Folks... This might be it.

Granted I do not play standard Wc3 much at all, but AFAIK the things that are False in this list actually do not appear in game, randomly (either as Creep drops or thus Marketplace purchasables). I'm surprised on the Potion of Lesser Invulnerability (& not others like Invisibility) are on there... But no creep should drop a glyph, a bundle, gold coins, runes, etc. And definitely not a campaign item (soul stone, anyone? Shadow Orb +10?). So that's all consistent.

Abovegame said:
Okay so

ChooseRandomItemEx(ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT, 2) this depends on -> Stats - Include as a random choice

I've set all prnament items to false

Except staff of teleportation

And it will only choose the staff

ChooseRandomItemEx(ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT, 2) this chooses a random level 2 permanent item

@Khyrberos I maybe figured something out.If a unit drops a artifact type of item level 8

The marketplace will choose a random item of type artifact with the same level

Though this is not concrete


Might have to do some more testing, but I'm gonna flesh this out.

Thanks to all that have helped so far!
Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
I did not understand wether it is solved or not, but from my experience (melee and tests):

Items that are included as random choice can be dropped when using the "drop random item of level/type", and can appear in the marketplace.

After 2 minutes(IIRC) ingame, items of the category and level of items dropped on death during the game will have a chance to be in stock in the marketplace.
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