Thanks for your sharing guys. Okay here is mine:
"what am I actually doing in this site?" => I know some of you know that I'm hardly accepting critism, but, believe it or not, IMO the best part of this site is when people is commenting on my resources. Yeah, I love it. It's the fun part. But while having fun, I also have "the main objective": I'm trying to improve my coding knowledge. I'm preparing my future, because, I have a dream to get-in to any world-wide famous game developer team, just like Blizzard, I don't know what must I call them. So I'm also working hard to collect high rating for my resources, hence on the future, they know that I have a truth-worthy coding/game making skill.
"Am I doing something useful?" => I don't know, I'm just hoping that this gonna be useful somehow. I don't event know that wc3 modding is the right place to show off our skill.
"Am I just wasting time here?" => Mostly yes, but not completely "wasting". Since I only have 2 things that I loved to do: programming & sport (basketball). Just a narcissistic sharing, I love basketball more than anything. And at the first place, I have a dream to get into NBA which is impossible: I'm not "big" enough \o/
"What am I going to do with my sparkling reps? Is it useful for my future?" => no use for me. And I don't care anything about reps. I don't ask this question to myself actually. I'm just trying to help you guys, because if you are here only to collect reps then I suggest you to leave as soon as possible, for your own good.