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Weekend Mapping Madness #3 - Poll

Vote for your favorite Weekend Mapping Madness #3 entry!

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Contestants were to create an experience containing no battles, blood or any traces of violence.


  • Each user can only vote once in the poll.
  • You cannot vote for yourself. If a voter has the same IP as the author then the vote will not be counted and it may result in the disqualification of the entry.
  • You cannot create multiple accounts to vote for an entry in the poll. If a voter has been found to be using multiple accounts, none of the voters' votes will count in the final result.
  • You cannot bribe users for votes. Contestants who break this rule will be disqualified and given negative reputation.

  • First Place: 30 reputation points and your entry on the award icon
  • Second Place: 20 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 10 reputation points and an award icon

  • Ardenian
  • rulerofiron99

OriginalityDoes the entry bring any new ideas to the table? This may include gameplay mechanics, genre or different iterations of an existing concept.25pts
GameplayThe fun factor: Does the whole package create an enjoyable experience for the player?
e.g. Are the spell effects satisfying, is there replayability, is the plot compelling, ...?
ThemeDoes the entry conform to the contest's assigned theme 'Peace(ful)'?
A map containing blood, gore, violence, fights, anger, unrest, etc. will lose points in this category.
AestheticsThe beauty of the map: how well-made is above all the terrain?
This includes the right choice of doodads for the theme of the environment, the lighting, the proper use of imported models, etc.
Overall, the visuals of the map are judged in this category, thus the terrain and, additionally, the spell effects, the atmosphere of the map (which may include the use of an atmospheric soundtrack), etc.
Triggers/PerformanceDoes the map run well performance-wise?
Factors which influence this category are: efficiency of the triggers/coding, memory leaks, game-breaking bugs, etc.
Due to the contest's short duration, small bugs here and there, which do not retract much from the user experience, will not reduce the contestant's points in this category.
PolishingDoes the map have a title, an in-game description, a quest log?
Is the in-game text clear to read (this may include proper use of colors)?
Are there assigned hotkeys for skills and are they easy to use?
Are the hero/skill tooltips clean and easy on the eyes?
If custom icons were used, were their counterparts (e.g. 'DISBTN', etc.) properly imported?

  • 65% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 35% of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.
It is good that the competition is finally over. Way too many hours were put into my map, but that is the price that must be paid when the deadline is put 3 days after competition start, and what make these kinds of competitions fun. I personally shall not vote, simply because that after this, it will take some time before I'll look at the wc3 world editor again willing.

May the best map win.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Whether or not I win, I don't care. I actually released a complex map I made that was more or less complete. That totals to like 3 maps completed in the past 7 years (probably more, but THW dates me at '08). Still going to play all the contest maps and vote, though.
This has now been approved by Deolrin! Woohoo!
edit: Mkay playing the other entries atm.

World of Efcather:
- What are you supposed to do in the shop/city centre/dragon tamer's guild? :p
- The camera should rotate around when you're moving
- Often times the camera went underground
- Not a lot of roleplaying to do when all you can do is go around to places where nothing's happening and eat/sleep ;D
- The 'I feel a little hungry' message's sound isn't very peaceful, lol

But I must say it's an interesting idea to only use dialogs. The map just needs actual content at this point. The terrain seems to be pretty okay too, though I can't fully judge it due to the camera angle.

True Love:

- please


- +1 for the loading screen image
- Oh man the music, here take another +1
- Nice interface, easy to use everything
- Use passive icons for passive skills ;)
- So many features! Sleeping, energy, mixing differently to get various tastes, ...
- The game seems to be quite long though, even on the shortest setting (30 days)

Neat, neat! I like it.
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Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
- Oh man the music, here take another +1
- So many features! Sleeping, energy, mixing differently to get various tastes, ...

Neat, neat! I like it.

Hahaha... Yeah, The music was easily my favorite part as soon as I had the idea to use it.

I had a lot of other features planned, just no time to add it =p

I'll probably end up moving the map to the development forum for more features/polishing after the contest. I had way too much fun to stop here.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
This has now been approved by Deolrin! Woohoo!
edit: Mkay playing the other entries atm.

World of Efcather:
- What are you supposed to do in the shop/city centre/dragon tamer's guild? :p
- The camera should rotate around when you're moving
- Often times the camera went underground
- Not a lot of roleplaying to do when all you can do is go around to places where nothing's happening and eat/sleep ;D
- The 'I feel a little hungry' message's sound isn't very peaceful, lol

But I must say it's an interesting idea to only use dialogs. The map just needs actual content at this point. The terrain seems to be pretty okay too, though I can't fully judge it due to the camera angle.

1. View the Terrain (I know this get 0 on polishing)
2. Use Arrow keys
3. ?
4. Maybe...
5. Really? I really don't think so.

Really, people, does Hunger include Gore/Violence aka isn't Peaceful???

Well, Looks like mine is pretty screwed up.

Played All maps:


Cool idea and terrain (and moderate Gameplay), But the game length was too short!!

True Love:

Shar shall win this thing. I'm sure.

Let's Rock:
Idea seems good, but the Terrain isn't pretty...
FATAL BUG: the Game crashed when I tried to buy Sth (don't remember, most likely that
Magic Helmet


Great idea, Loading Screen and Music man!

VERY BAD BUG: I took an order, but then the man left, and I couldn't take any other orders. Seriously?

Guild of Traders:

I Was surprised by the seed system. Well done.

However, sometimes I sell something and Lose money, and sometimes buy something (E.G. a Structure or material) and Gain money.
Also, I became filthy rich only using Iron Thingies.

World of Efcathat (I give criticism to myself too):

Fresh Terrain and Idea (Also I believe Original), but low Gameplay.
Sometimes the Dialog titles aren't reset. (was too Stressed/lazy to do that, The map was done at 1 A.M in here Time zone...)

Playing as someone who isn't familiar, I totally got Nothing --_-- Why didn't I add a "Help" Button? Really?
Sometimes the Camera messed up REAL bad.
Guild of Traders:

I Was surprised by the seed system. Well done.

However, sometimes I sell something and Lose money, and sometimes buy something (E.G. a Structure or material) and Gain money.
Also, I became filthy rich only using Iron Thingies.

As in: Got less money than you bought the item for in the first place? Because that is the point. Sometimes the market is "oversaturated". Which also prevents a player from using the same structures all the time. If you actually lose money from selling, that is a bug. Maybe being caused by selling so much to a shop that the item value tips over and become negative. Also yeah, didn't have enough time to perfectly balance item values: Iron Ore and Ironwares is the most expensive, and gives the most back. Maybe too much.

Good people have a week to vote, so far it seems there might be more participants in this contest than voters.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
VERY BAD BUG: I took an order, but then the man left, and I couldn't take any other orders. Seriously?

Ha. I literally thought of that today while at work. I randomly realized that I had forgotten to check for that.

-Item Combination system to make your Lemonade
-Large system of variables to generate: spawns, unit types, Lemonade order, gold earned, Customer Happiness, and Business Popularity. And Bugs.

That's a feature.

In all honesty, I knew bugs would be my downfall. Figured stuff like that would happen when I put 80% of the map into the coding and didn't have the time to test it all. Oh well :)

Good people have a week to vote, so far it seems there might be more participants in this contest than voters.

I'd say more voters will show up once the poll gets added to the notice board, it's kinda hidden atm
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
I would Like to State All Pros and Cons and Strong and Weak points of each map, Including mine too.


+: Terrain, Idea, Polish
-: Short Gameplay, Requires 12+ years due to some Science stuff

True Love:

Let's skip this one.

Let's Rock:

+: Idea, Gameplay
/: Polish
-: FATAL BUG, Terrain


+:Loading Screen, Gameplay, Music, Idea
-: TERRIBLE bug, Terrain

Guild of Traders:

+: Polish, Gameplay, Selection and Related (Seed, map size, Length) Systems
/: Terrain (Can't complain much since it's a randomized one)
-: Very Weird bugs (This ultimately Reduces your Points :( sorry)

World of Efcathar:

+: New Dialog System, New FP camera, Stats system (Energy and Hunger), Terrain, Idea
/: Moderate shop system, Buggy static Cameras
-: Polish, Restricted Gameplay

When Making this Review(s), I was totally honest when giving Criticism, no matter which map.

Now I invite you ALL Who have an Entry (Except Shar, all know why OK? Plz) to Give fully honest Reviews on all Maps. (Except Shar's)
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Let's Rock:
FATAL BUG: the Game crashed when I tried to buy Sth (don't remember, most likely that
Magic Helmet

Programmer problems: fix one bug and create a worse one on something completely irrelevant. I don't even know what I changed to break it; it worked fine in one of the final versions!
And spending more than 3 hours on this kind of terrain would be a good idea next time :hohum:

- (polishing) The shadow image of the miner is too big
- (polishing) 'Ccanel contract' typo
- (polishing) You used active icons for passive skills
- (bug) buying boots of speed crashed the game

I like your map the best thus far, you've really added in a lot in such a short time. Contracts (which is a pretty cool idea + the regulations), minecart, so many different pickaxes, pretty easy to grasp gameplay. Plus that terrain's pretty on point, considering how that tileset is one of the hardest for me to work with, right after outland.

Shar Dundred

Hosted Project: LoA
Level 75
May 6, 2009
True Love:

Let's skip this one.Now I invite you ALL Who have an Entry (Except Shar, all know why OK? Plz) to Give fully honest Reviews on all Maps. (Except Shar's)

Yeah, sure, exclude me and all because I kinda made fun of this contest. I mean, my entry is still peaceful, isn't it? (At least as peaceful as it could be, considering that a certain someone is standing around) :alol:

Seriously though, did you think I ever intended to play any of these peaceful maps? Please, I'd rather create another massacre.

Actually, I wanted to do a real and serious entry first, but then I was like "Nope, gonna use that for something else." and decided to create this short amusement instead. At least the terrain isn't as bad as others I've created before.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Yeah, sure, exclude me and all because I kinda made fun of this contest. I mean, my entry is still peaceful, isn't it? (At least as peaceful as it could be, considering that a certain someone is standing around) :alol:

Seriously though, did you think I ever intended to play any of these peaceful maps? Please, I'd rather create another massacre.

Actually, I wanted to do a real and serious entry first, but then I was like "Nope, gonna use that for something else." and decided to create this short amusement instead. At least the terrain isn't as bad as others I've created before.

Yeah, I kinda Guessed that you would do such a thing when I found ya in the Chat!!

PS: I was Totally Trolled at the Ending.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Another thing: The Boss "Garr" (Hearthstone) Welcome was "Let's Rock". Dunno if this is a Reference or an Idea.
I had no idea. I was like "cheesy name for mining game, go!"

I think me loading the game 100% normally broke it. Not only did the "Mix Batch" ability not work, but when it came bedtime Timmy wasn't tired nor did he believe it was actually bedtime. Man, power really went to his head fast considering how far he's come (progress: night 1, no customers, 25 gold, wide awake Timmy)

True Love:
11/10, left me in more tears than Twilight. I really connected with the part where the Princess tried to seduce most of the men - and some creatures - in the valley. That ending, though, made all those failed attempts worth watching.

Interesting gameplay, though the lack of instructions threw me off. "What do you mean I can't mate with a male crab? Wait, I'm a male crab?!" I do understand that games like this aren't meant for me considering I made a very hostile ecosystem: I was aiming for something like hot-springs in a cold environment, but high sun exposure and high pH value may have done it in. Still, the persistent environment and the feeling of complete control over everything made this game very interesting.

Lemoncraft pt2:
So, I waited 5 minutes for Timmy's energy to plummet causing him to fall asleep on the front lawn. Day 2 a customer came! Finally, time to take their order! And so I took it, didn't realize I had to use the newly added lemonade item on them, and they walked away. But Timmy refused to take more orders because missing his first sale crushed his hopes and dreams utterly.
Later that day, an old man insisted on standing in front of Timmy's lemonade stand in silence. I had Timmy offer him some sweet lemonade (compared to that watered down crap accidentally made while trying to fix the mixing ability). He said he hadn't ordered yet and gave the kid back some *very* sweet lemonade. I don't like sounds of this.

The World of Efcathar:
"You don't recognize me? I'm Ricky, however where I came back from call me Worldedit..." Ricky decided life as a world creator wasn't fun anymore.
Once I got used to the camera the place looked really good; but with no real goal, Ricky - the man who turned down god-like status - ended up aimlessly wandering his town. I did visit the jungle where I searched for items and broke the camera: it continuously spun in circles (it took a minute to fix, but it left me quite dizzy). It did something, though, because I fixed it on the way to the Dragon Tamer's Guild; Ricky took the beach route and ran his face into the wooden wall of the guild with no options on what to do. I couldn't continue after that.

Guild of Traders:
It has come to my attention that I should not judge this map on it's single player gameplay. So, unfortunately, Gold Digger's Guild is not a reliable source of judgment.
I will say that not knowing how much something (a commodity or structure) costs to buy becomes a nuisance (though I know that may not be the easiest feature to create in Warcraft 3).

Lemoncraft pt3:
Timmy is starting his rebellious stage early. He wouldn't sleep come bedtime once again. I don't know what to do anymore: Timmy is not only letting one missed customer ruin his career, but that emotional baggage is steering his rebellious attitude.

Let's rock:
The Mighty Mandrew could not stand not being able to buy his favoruite pair of speed-increasing boots. He crashed onto the armourer's table in the most horrible of ways.
PS: Making this map taught me that diamonds were not nearly as valuable in medieval days as they are now (rubies and emeralds were highly sought after by royalty); that's why they are middle tier gems.

I feel like I got the buggiest runs in most of the games. And I swear I wasn't trying.




Eh, I am sitting here thinking about whether I should read all this stuff and being heavily influenced in my judging or just completely ignore this thread...
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
I had no idea. I was like "cheesy name for mining game, go!"

I think me loading the game 100% normally broke it. Not only did the "Mix Batch" ability not work, but when it came bedtime Timmy wasn't tired nor did he believe it was actually bedtime. Man, power really went to his head fast considering how far he's come (progress: night 1, no customers, 25 gold, wide awake Timmy)

Lemoncraft pt2:
So, I waited 5 minutes for Timmy's energy to plummet causing him to fall asleep on the front lawn. Day 2 a customer came! Finally, time to take their order! And so I took it, didn't realize I had to use the newly added lemonade item on them, and they walked away. But Timmy refused to take more orders because missing his first sale crushed his hopes and dreams utterly.
Later that day, an old man insisted on standing in front of Timmy's lemonade stand in silence. I had Timmy offer him some sweet lemonade (compared to that watered down crap accidentally made while trying to fix the mixing ability). He said he hadn't ordered yet and gave the kid back some *very* sweet lemonade. I don't like sounds of this.

Lemoncraft pt3:
Timmy is starting his rebellious stage early. He wouldn't sleep come bedtime once again. I don't know what to do anymore: Timmy is not only letting one missed customer ruin his career, but that emotional baggage is steering his rebellious attitude.

I feel like I got the buggiest runs in most of the games. And I swear I wasn't trying.

Timmy has dreams and goals man... and you let him down...
I laughed so hard at all of this commentary... Were you launching this from editor or straight from warcraft 3?
Boy good thing Triggers are only worth 10 points.... (We can't get negative points can we?? If So then my trigger points are probably like -99999\10)

On another note, I played all the maps - as far as content, complexity, and gameplay goes while fitting the theme - my favorite was Let's Rock, so that's what I voted for.

I liked Genesis and it's concept, but it didn't have a lot of player freedom - at least from my perspective -, to ultimately really effect a whole lot of outcomes.

I also liked the procedural generation and concept behind Guild of Traders, just I didn't feel like I had a real goal behind it.

The Dialog thing for World Of Efcathar was cool but to say it's Role playing is a little meh. The concept, theme, etc was good - and when the camera worked it was good - but ultimately I didn't feel like there was a lot to do.

And LemonCraft? Who made this shit?
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Timmy has dreams and goals man... and you let him down...

I laughed so hard at all of this commentary... Were you launching this from editor or straight from warcraft 3?

Straight from Warcraft 3. The only bug I don't get is the mixing ability not working. The sleeping thing might be because I got the ability that gives you more energy, and I think you had a couple triggering oversights with the other 2 bugs (not that I'm blaming you).
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
It never says we can't vote, Just states we cant vote for ourselves. I assumed the logic behind that was everyone generally votes for themselves (which I did not do) and Doesn't vote for their competition.

However, I actually played all of the maps (which can't be said for all the people who voted - mainly because the math doesn't support it) and made an honest vote accordingly.

In fact I feel like the competitors would have a more thorough and fair judgment anyways since they had to perform under the same conditions.

However, I'm just ready for the poll to end regardless of results so I can move to the development forum :)
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
"You don't recognize me? I'm Ricky, however where I came back from call me Worldedit..." Ricky decided life as a world creator wasn't fun anymore.
Once I got used to the camera the place looked really good; but with no real goal, Ricky - the man who turned down god-like status - ended up aimlessly wandering his town. I did visit the jungle where I searched for items and broke the camera: it continuously spun in circles (it took a minute to fix, but it left me quite dizzy). It did something, though, because I fixed it on the way to the Dragon Tamer's Guild; Ricky took the beach route and ran his face into the wooden wall of the guild with no options on what to do. I couldn't continue after that.

1. It Gets a Random name between 17 names (here, Ricky) and then Detects your Name. (WorldEdit) Not much a Problem.

2. Yeah, The Camera sometimes Broke. You are Dancing and Having fun at the Time...!

3. Use ESC to Stop and Re-do Anything.

4. Overall, I see nobody knows how to Work with my map, thereby I update the Main Post with Information.
Try launching and playing from Editor, I never tested it straight from Warcraft (which seems weird that it would play any different but who knows with this sorcery)...
I launched it through Warcraft, didn't have any problems on my end.
I thought we, as participants, don't vote - not that he wouldn't deserve it or something but I thought we shouldn't.
A contestant is allowed to vote in the poll, just not for themself.

Also @Ardenian, I'd suggest you just ignore the thread.
Try launching and playing from Editor, I never tested it straight from Warcraft (which seems weird that it would play any different but who knows with this sorcery)...

Random numbers is always the same number when launched from the editor, had that self same problem with my map. You can disable it in files -> preferences -> Test Map - [x] Used Fixed Random Seed.

That might be the issue.




'I am not done yet' does not mean I started recently. I simply have to write one last judgement.


I am done with judging.
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