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[Aeon of Strife] Weapon Names, Icons BRAINSTORM

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Hi all.

I had an idea for an AoS with weapons (really unique) that would allow any player to play with whatever weapon they want and thus pick spells and the weapons. It would also feature something like recipes, enchanting, durability... concepts are endless.

But the thing is, besides using default names like: axe, blade, sword, bow etc... I'm getting stuck on names for weapons. Like some cool ones like idk Demon Cleaver, Bloody Chainsaw... something along those lines. But I get stuck after about 4-5 weapons and I plan to have around 20-30 or more.

Some of the map mechanics, gameplay features etc..

The game will be an AoS (Aeon of Strife). It will feature knocking down
towers, barracks and the main team structures (nexus or whatever).

You will not pick a unique hero with unique abilities. Each player will have
the same hero with the same set of skills. Here is the game's specific
mechanic. You will buy items that will show on your model (like in most RPG maps)
and by getting the armor/weapon you will get an attack skill (melee or ranged).

You will then be able to spend gold buying spells (most of which will have a requirement)
for you wielding specific weapon classes or types. So in other words, if for
example you pick dual daggers, you will be able to pick the spells Backstab and Eviscerate
and you will be able to use those as long as you fit the requirement.

Spells learned can be unlearned or leveled up. Leveling up will be the same as
buying the spell, only you will increase its level. Your hero will still feature
up to 4 spells, and atm I think that there won't be any ultimate spells.

Weapons bought will have their own cooldown on the attack they give you.
Some of them will require ammo for them to be used. For the most part,
weapons and other items will have their own durability, and using them
will reduce that durability. Once an item reaches 0 durability, it is considered
broken and needs to be repaired. Until repaired, you cannot use it nor can
you use any of the spells that require that weapon class or type.

Recipes and enchanting will be bonus features in the map. Recipes will work
the same way as in any map, by combining multiple items + a recipe to create
another powerful item for you to use. Enchanting will be a leveling up for
weapons, and you will be able to buy specific items that will increase
the weapon's stats and effects permanently or temporarily.

Gold will most likely be the only currency in the game and it will be used
for everything. This means that in most games, you will never get a surplus
of gold, because you will need it for everything and better yet because
items you use will have a durability, you will always need to repair them
thus creating a closed economy where player's gold cannot reach certain
extreme values.

Most of the weapon attacks and spells will be skillshots and won't be
autocast-able. This means that gameplay will be rather difficult but
will grant great power because of their difficulty and skillful execution.
Melee weapons will most likely be no target skills that will hit one - more
enemies infront of your hero, thus they will have limited range and a cone
of execution. They will be the most powerful weapons, able to take down
enemy heroes who aren't decently armored with 1 - 2 swings.

Because the combat will be brutal and unforgiving, so will the gameplay.
Heroes will deal ton of damage that will be to some degree difficult to land.
The harder it is to land a hit with a weapon, the more damage it will deal
and the better effects it will have. Take that into account when designing
weapons for the map.

None of this is permanent and can be changed. Just so that you have a
basic idea of the statistics and attributes in-game I'll write down a couple
of stats that you can base your weapons and armors against.

Level 1 Hero Health/Mana: 200 HP / 50 MP
Level 1 Hero Movespeed: 300
Level 1 Hero Armor: 0
Level 1 Hero Damage (unarmed): 5 - 10 (Melee)
Level 1 Hero Attack Speed: 1 attack per second

Starting Gold: 100 - 250
Gold Earned by Killing a Lane Creep: 25 - 50
Gold Earned by Killing a Hero: 100 - 250
Gold Earned by Killing a Tower: All Allies get 250 - 500
Gold Lost by Dying: 5% Total Gold (10 - 20% if on a killing spree)
Passive Gold Income: 1 - 3 Gold every 5 Seconds

Lane Creeps Health: 120 - 150
Lane Creeps Damage: 24 - 35 (Physical, Melee or Ranged)
Lane Creeps Attack Speed: 1.2 - 1.5 attacks per second

Tower Health: 1000 (+250 per level of tower)
Tower Damage: 55 to lane creeps OR 13% - 18% Max HP to heroes
Tower Attack Speed: 2.5 - 3.2 attacks per second

Weapon Idea Table

Weapon Icon (Link to icon)
Weapon Name (Ex. Cactus Sword)
Weapon Type (Ranged/Melee/Magic)
Weapon Class (Bow/Crossbow/Wand/Axe..)
Weapon Tier (Normal/Unique/Epic/Legendary)
Weapon Size (1Handed, 2Handed, Off-Hand)

Ingame Model (Link to model)
Cost (Buy/Repair) (Ex. 20 Gold / 12 Gold)
Damage (Ex. Deals 5 - 12 physical damage)
Use Speed (Ex. 1 Sec Cooldown)
Durability (X swings/uses or infinite)
Special Effect (Ex. 25% chance to slow)
Ammo Use (Ex. arrows/bullets/magic dust/skulls)



Name: Mercenary Blade
Type: Melee
Class: Axe
Tier: Normal
Size: 1H

Cost/Repair: 125 / 100 Gold
Damage: 20 - 45 (Physical)
Use Speed: 1.8 Sec Cooldown
Durability: 65 Swings/Uses
Special Effect: Hero Kills award +15% Bounty
Ammo Use: None


Name: Rod of Redemption
Type: Melee
Class: Staff
Tier: Normal
Size: 2H

Cost/Repair: 175 / 150 Gold
Damage: 10 - 20 (Physical)
Use Speed: 2.2 Sec Cooldown
Durability: 75 Swings/Uses
Special Effect: Hitting an enemy heals you and a nearby ally for
10 + 5% Max Health. Effect has a 6 second cooldown
Ammo Use: None


Name: Aegis of the Mind
Type: Melee
Class: Shield
Tier: Legendary
Size: OH

Cost/Repair: 3250 Gold
Damage: None
Use Speed: None
Durability: Infinite
Special Effect: Reduces Physical and Magic damage dealt to you
by 35% of the original damage. Every 4th time you take damage from
a physical or magic source, you ignore that damage.
Ammo Use: None
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Level 21
Aug 13, 2011

Name: Frigid Grasp
Weapon Type: Melee
Class: Axe
Tier: Epic

Cost/Repair: */*
Damage: 56-71? (*)
Cooldown: 2 Seconds? (*)
Durability: 200 Swings (if it can be repaired?)
Special Effect: 15% chance to temporarily freeze an enemy which pauses their actions and causes them to take additional physical damage until they thaw.
Ammo Use: None

Name: Midnight Seeker
Weapon Type: Ranged
Class: Bow
Tier: Epic

Cost/Repair: */*
Damage: 47-65? (*)
Cooldown: 1.7? (*)
Durability: Infinite (if that's the trade-off for using ammo)
Special Effect: Each shot curses the target with a 20% chance to miss attacks.
Ammo Use: Arrows (or specialized dark arrows which deal additional magic damage)

Name: Bone Blade
Weapon Type: Melee
Class: Sword
Tier: Unique

Cost/Repair: */*
Damage: 35-47? (*)
Cooldown: 1.4 Seconds
Durability: 90 Swings
Special Effect: Each attack has a 30% chance to drain 10% HP from the target of total damage dealt.
Ammo Use: None

*Difficult to determine without more information about gameplay mechanics, basic templates of each weapon class, or how tiers should affect them.




Name: Frigid Grasp
Weapon Type: Melee
Class: Axe
Tier: Epic

Cost/Repair: */*
Damage: 56-71? (*)
Cooldown: 2 Seconds? (*)
Durability: 200 Swings (if it can be repaired?)
Special Effect: 15% chance to temporarily freeze an enemy which pauses their actions and causes them to take additional physical damage until they thaw.
Ammo Use: None

Name: Midnight Seeker
Weapon Type: Ranged
Class: Bow
Tier: Epic

Cost/Repair: */*
Damage: 47-65? (*)
Cooldown: 1.7? (*)
Durability: Infinite (if that's the trade-off for using ammo)
Special Effect: Each shot curses the target with a 20% chance to miss attacks.
Ammo Use: Arrows (or specialized dark arrows which deal additional magic damage)

Name: Bone Blade
Weapon Type: Melee
Class: Sword
Tier: Unique

Cost/Repair: */*
Damage: 35-47? (*)
Cooldown: 1.4 Seconds
Durability: 90 Swings
Special Effect: Each attack has a 30% chance to drain 10% HP from the target of total damage dealt.
Ammo Use: None

*Difficult to determine without more information about gameplay mechanics, basic templates of each weapon class, or how tiers should affect them.

Fair enough. I've forgotten to add a couple of things.

You can revise your weapon ideas after I do the changes.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Weapon Name: Hymir's Finger
Weapon Icon: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnancientheroblade-259519/
Weapon Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/ancient-hero-blade-259511/
Weapon Type: Melee
Weapon Class: Sword
Weapon Tier: Unique
Weapon Size: Two-Handed

Cooldown: 3 seconds.
* Passive: Gives Cleave, always deals area knockback on hit.
* Active: Charge the target, dealing knockback, damage and stun to all units around the target. Long cooldown.
Durability: 200

Weapon Name: Bjorn's Fell Hand
Weapon Icon: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnrockhammerbolt-159059/
Weapon Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/hammertime-251932/
Weapon Type: Melee
Weapon Class: Hammer
Weapon Tier: Unique
Weapon Size: Two-Handed

Cooldown: 3 seconds.
* Passive: Every subsequent attack lowers the target's armor by 1.
* Active: Can be thrown at the enemy once for a high-powered Storm Bolt. The item is removed from the inventory and reappears next to the target. Instant cooldown.
Durability: Can be thrown three times before needing repair, infinite if only used to increase damage.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Just go to the model section of the hive and type in "sword", "axe", "bow", etc.
Then you come with many swords, swords, swords and more swords

If you cant get a resource that fits with the model, you can search the icon section for a fitting one.

Just take the first one for example, you can name it like "Wing of the Goddess" or something catchy and give it some nice effects.
The effect however depend on the playstyle of your AOS

Here are some examples:
- Regenerates ...% of your health/mana every second.
- Basic attacks deal increases your attack speed by ...% for 6 seconds. Stack ... times.
- Increases Strength by ...% of your maximum health.
- Increases Intelligence by 30%

- Inflict a dealdy poison on the targeted enemy, dealing ... damage per second for ... seconds. While this effect is active, physical damage is increased by ...%.
- Swing your sword around you, dealing ... damage to surrounding units.
- Empowers your next shot with ice, freezing the next enemy you hit.
- Create a shield around you, destroying all projectiles that pass through it.

There should be a lot of forums where new item suggestions are made.
You should take a look at those.
Remember that you still have to code it so only pick the simple ones... or just aim for the more uniques if you dont care about programming a lot :)
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