Let's talk about what your ideas would be for WC4 campaigns, but you must exclude any influence or connection to WoW use what was in the previous games to get ideas... or just make new ones that would fit in WC. Let's just say there would be four campaigns again with the possibility of an RPG campaign again as well. What would you call these campaigns, what would they be about?
I'd probably do some simple stuff like:
The Last Stand?
Human:Stromgarde With the already substantial losses the nation of Stromgarde took during the Second War, and with the ensuing holding action against the Scourge during the Third War was absolutely devastating. Now the warrior kingdom is on its last legs, hundreds of thousands have died in the past few decades and now old and new enemies look to your borders again. The troll tribes see their oppertunity to finally have their revenge millenia later. The ogres will see the sacking of the kingdom as most enjoyable -savages-. Of course there is the mistake as well, the king's decision to raze the mountain kingdom and leave its peoples' fate uncertain. The defunct kingdom of Alterac has set its sights on Stromgarde and a grand slaughter will soon commence.
Will our people have a future? Well Commander the future now rides on the backs of competent officers like you and your men, don't let us down. -General Alexis (Deceased, assassinated shortly after conversation with an officer.)
We can curse the mistakes of our fathers all we want but we must live and deal with them.
Tidal Supremacy
Human: Kul Tiras After several hours of no communication between the mages of Kul Tiras and the Kalimdor Expeditionary Fleet all concluded that the Admiral and his forces were destroyed. The last major communication informed the Mages that Theramoore was under siege and then silence. This was not good, of course the death of one of if not the greatest admiral in the past century was a great blow to the island nation. There was also the fact that the Admiral had taken most of the rebuilt fleet of Kul Tiras and a majority of the second war veterans with him on his doomed expedition. The situation at home isn't good at all, Naga attacks have been on the rise in the last year and they aren't simple raids anymore. Commerce is suffering, most the ports that Kul Tiras once enjoyed on the mainland have been mostly destroyed and Stormwind is still rebuilding not to mention all the recent losses military wise. Insurrection, many of the islands are breaking away or becoming pirate havens their stupidity is boundless.
The mages share a few looks and seem to have a silent conversation until the oldest in the room sighs. They've wasted enough time here, the Grand Hydromancer exits the sanctum and plans to interrupt a very important meeting. The senior admirals must be informed.
You won't fire on the city Admiral we have civilians here! -Heh heh-
....Begin bombardment.
Test of Faith
RPG:Human: Lordaeron It was just a normal day like any other... maybe not the morning, the sergeant came into the barracks and yelled at all of us to get the hell up. We weren't up yet because of the party last night, which you barely remember. After donning your armor and getting some food to stay down you set out on your patrol with Jake, a friend you made after you joined the Garrison. Only half listening to your friend you again wonder how a town that people must pass through, if they travel by road, to reach the capital is so small... eh above your paygrade. Hours pass by and then suddenly in the direction of the capital, thousands?... tens of thousands of people come running. You suddenly hear the sergeants yelling and.. is that the captain? You look again to the seemingly endless mass and something out of a nightmare is behind it. What look like all sorts of corpses are pouncing and maiming... and... and eating the fleeing people. Jake hits you to finally get your attention.
"We're forming up to deal with these horrors and from what we can see we have minutes before that crowd and those things get to us. So let's find the sarge."
You both run to the defensive line and your sergeant calls out to you and you take your place. Some hundred odd men against something that attacked the capital? 'Yeah we're dead.' Looking again into the crowd you see some soldiers of all types fleeing as well, maybe you'll have reinforcements.
The minutes slowly tick by and the mass of people become larger and larger, and then finally they reach the line. Most of them retain some sort of sense and try to run around the men, but a few try to run right through the line and get hit with shields and pommels in compensation.
It's all confused now the dead are moving with the living, are they using the crowd as cover? They finally make it and you're concentration is shattered as you hear and then see a fellow soldier being eaten alive. Someone yells and one of the things is in your face swiping its claws at you----
With a slight grunt you come back from the nightmare that is now sleep, you look around but that is slightly hard because you're on the dead blighted ground. You slowly stand up and look around. You realize you must've slid off the tree you were sleeping against, damn nightma... memories. The clink of metal comes to your ears as one of your soldiers walks up to you.
"Major, we've received word we are to rendezvous with a....-reads letter- Grand Marshal Garithos."
"Ha, another warlord who will die in a few weeks... or months if he's lucky or unlucky as the case may be."
'Old man Garithos? No, no he died this must be his spoiled little son. Oh, this'll be good.' You laugh a cruel laugh as your corporal waits.
"On second thought corporal, lets head to the meeting place the letter describes oh and inform the men."
With the typical, yes sir he saunters off and the last of the memory comes back to you. Yes, the brief defense of Silae before the garrison was literally being eaten alive. But, enough of that the present must be dealt with. You walk off into the camp proper to speak with your men and prepare for a long trip.
I have a few more ideas but I'll need to think on them more, I also took a few liberties because blizzard doesn't like doing anything to scale so it's hard to judge how big the nations of Azeroth actually are.
Orc: Surviving non chaos corrupted orcs - 'To use a human expression, it's all gone to hell. It was bad enough when we were corrupted by the Demon's blood, and the world exploded because of Ner'zhul, no now we have to deal with our insane power mad brothers who only live to serve the demons who have made our world their vacation spot.' The gray haired orc laughs, 'I'm way too old for this and the demonic energies now infused into this broken shell of a world probably isn't doing anything good for my health.' He looks out at the marching/wandering column there are orcs from every clan that stayed behind on Draenor. His gaze comes to a rest on the young, the children are too small and frail there is barely any food to go around. The youths are to be blunt stupid and berserkers, many of them are the result of the warlocks' magical aging... 'How did that work out by the way?' We don't have much of a chance in this hellhole, the surviving greenlands are being guarded heavily by anything that's not a demon. The portal though... it's too heavily guarded and for all we know the exit is even more heavily defended by humans. He notices the column is coming to a stop at a river, more like a stream, that is barely running. With a grim look on his face the old orc heads to the supposed leaders of the band with determination in his stride. 'We will survive this hell.'
Campaign Type: Fixed Force, No controllable hero units, late game RTS/Base building
I'd probably do some simple stuff like:
The Last Stand?
Human:Stromgarde With the already substantial losses the nation of Stromgarde took during the Second War, and with the ensuing holding action against the Scourge during the Third War was absolutely devastating. Now the warrior kingdom is on its last legs, hundreds of thousands have died in the past few decades and now old and new enemies look to your borders again. The troll tribes see their oppertunity to finally have their revenge millenia later. The ogres will see the sacking of the kingdom as most enjoyable -savages-. Of course there is the mistake as well, the king's decision to raze the mountain kingdom and leave its peoples' fate uncertain. The defunct kingdom of Alterac has set its sights on Stromgarde and a grand slaughter will soon commence.
Will our people have a future? Well Commander the future now rides on the backs of competent officers like you and your men, don't let us down. -General Alexis (Deceased, assassinated shortly after conversation with an officer.)
We can curse the mistakes of our fathers all we want but we must live and deal with them.
Tidal Supremacy
Human: Kul Tiras After several hours of no communication between the mages of Kul Tiras and the Kalimdor Expeditionary Fleet all concluded that the Admiral and his forces were destroyed. The last major communication informed the Mages that Theramoore was under siege and then silence. This was not good, of course the death of one of if not the greatest admiral in the past century was a great blow to the island nation. There was also the fact that the Admiral had taken most of the rebuilt fleet of Kul Tiras and a majority of the second war veterans with him on his doomed expedition. The situation at home isn't good at all, Naga attacks have been on the rise in the last year and they aren't simple raids anymore. Commerce is suffering, most the ports that Kul Tiras once enjoyed on the mainland have been mostly destroyed and Stormwind is still rebuilding not to mention all the recent losses military wise. Insurrection, many of the islands are breaking away or becoming pirate havens their stupidity is boundless.
The mages share a few looks and seem to have a silent conversation until the oldest in the room sighs. They've wasted enough time here, the Grand Hydromancer exits the sanctum and plans to interrupt a very important meeting. The senior admirals must be informed.
You won't fire on the city Admiral we have civilians here! -Heh heh-
....Begin bombardment.
Test of Faith
RPG:Human: Lordaeron It was just a normal day like any other... maybe not the morning, the sergeant came into the barracks and yelled at all of us to get the hell up. We weren't up yet because of the party last night, which you barely remember. After donning your armor and getting some food to stay down you set out on your patrol with Jake, a friend you made after you joined the Garrison. Only half listening to your friend you again wonder how a town that people must pass through, if they travel by road, to reach the capital is so small... eh above your paygrade. Hours pass by and then suddenly in the direction of the capital, thousands?... tens of thousands of people come running. You suddenly hear the sergeants yelling and.. is that the captain? You look again to the seemingly endless mass and something out of a nightmare is behind it. What look like all sorts of corpses are pouncing and maiming... and... and eating the fleeing people. Jake hits you to finally get your attention.
"We're forming up to deal with these horrors and from what we can see we have minutes before that crowd and those things get to us. So let's find the sarge."
You both run to the defensive line and your sergeant calls out to you and you take your place. Some hundred odd men against something that attacked the capital? 'Yeah we're dead.' Looking again into the crowd you see some soldiers of all types fleeing as well, maybe you'll have reinforcements.
The minutes slowly tick by and the mass of people become larger and larger, and then finally they reach the line. Most of them retain some sort of sense and try to run around the men, but a few try to run right through the line and get hit with shields and pommels in compensation.
It's all confused now the dead are moving with the living, are they using the crowd as cover? They finally make it and you're concentration is shattered as you hear and then see a fellow soldier being eaten alive. Someone yells and one of the things is in your face swiping its claws at you----
With a slight grunt you come back from the nightmare that is now sleep, you look around but that is slightly hard because you're on the dead blighted ground. You slowly stand up and look around. You realize you must've slid off the tree you were sleeping against, damn nightma... memories. The clink of metal comes to your ears as one of your soldiers walks up to you.
"Major, we've received word we are to rendezvous with a....-reads letter- Grand Marshal Garithos."
"Ha, another warlord who will die in a few weeks... or months if he's lucky or unlucky as the case may be."
'Old man Garithos? No, no he died this must be his spoiled little son. Oh, this'll be good.' You laugh a cruel laugh as your corporal waits.
"On second thought corporal, lets head to the meeting place the letter describes oh and inform the men."
With the typical, yes sir he saunters off and the last of the memory comes back to you. Yes, the brief defense of Silae before the garrison was literally being eaten alive. But, enough of that the present must be dealt with. You walk off into the camp proper to speak with your men and prepare for a long trip.
I have a few more ideas but I'll need to think on them more, I also took a few liberties because blizzard doesn't like doing anything to scale so it's hard to judge how big the nations of Azeroth actually are.
Orc: Surviving non chaos corrupted orcs - 'To use a human expression, it's all gone to hell. It was bad enough when we were corrupted by the Demon's blood, and the world exploded because of Ner'zhul, no now we have to deal with our insane power mad brothers who only live to serve the demons who have made our world their vacation spot.' The gray haired orc laughs, 'I'm way too old for this and the demonic energies now infused into this broken shell of a world probably isn't doing anything good for my health.' He looks out at the marching/wandering column there are orcs from every clan that stayed behind on Draenor. His gaze comes to a rest on the young, the children are too small and frail there is barely any food to go around. The youths are to be blunt stupid and berserkers, many of them are the result of the warlocks' magical aging... 'How did that work out by the way?' We don't have much of a chance in this hellhole, the surviving greenlands are being guarded heavily by anything that's not a demon. The portal though... it's too heavily guarded and for all we know the exit is even more heavily defended by humans. He notices the column is coming to a stop at a river, more like a stream, that is barely running. With a grim look on his face the old orc heads to the supposed leaders of the band with determination in his stride. 'We will survive this hell.'
Campaign Type: Fixed Force, No controllable hero units, late game RTS/Base building
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