WC4 Story Ideas

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Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Let's talk about what your ideas would be for WC4 campaigns, but you must exclude any influence or connection to WoW use what was in the previous games to get ideas... or just make new ones that would fit in WC. Let's just say there would be four campaigns again with the possibility of an RPG campaign again as well. What would you call these campaigns, what would they be about?

I'd probably do some simple stuff like:

The Last Stand?
Human:Stromgarde With the already substantial losses the nation of Stromgarde took during the Second War, and with the ensuing holding action against the Scourge during the Third War was absolutely devastating. Now the warrior kingdom is on its last legs, hundreds of thousands have died in the past few decades and now old and new enemies look to your borders again. The troll tribes see their oppertunity to finally have their revenge millenia later. The ogres will see the sacking of the kingdom as most enjoyable -savages-. Of course there is the mistake as well, the king's decision to raze the mountain kingdom and leave its peoples' fate uncertain. The defunct kingdom of Alterac has set its sights on Stromgarde and a grand slaughter will soon commence.

Will our people have a future? Well Commander the future now rides on the backs of competent officers like you and your men, don't let us down. -General Alexis (Deceased, assassinated shortly after conversation with an officer.)

We can curse the mistakes of our fathers all we want but we must live and deal with them.

Tidal Supremacy
Human: Kul Tiras After several hours of no communication between the mages of Kul Tiras and the Kalimdor Expeditionary Fleet all concluded that the Admiral and his forces were destroyed. The last major communication informed the Mages that Theramoore was under siege and then silence. This was not good, of course the death of one of if not the greatest admiral in the past century was a great blow to the island nation. There was also the fact that the Admiral had taken most of the rebuilt fleet of Kul Tiras and a majority of the second war veterans with him on his doomed expedition. The situation at home isn't good at all, Naga attacks have been on the rise in the last year and they aren't simple raids anymore. Commerce is suffering, most the ports that Kul Tiras once enjoyed on the mainland have been mostly destroyed and Stormwind is still rebuilding not to mention all the recent losses military wise. Insurrection, many of the islands are breaking away or becoming pirate havens their stupidity is boundless.

The mages share a few looks and seem to have a silent conversation until the oldest in the room sighs. They've wasted enough time here, the Grand Hydromancer exits the sanctum and plans to interrupt a very important meeting. The senior admirals must be informed.

You won't fire on the city Admiral we have civilians here! -Heh heh-
....Begin bombardment.

Test of Faith
RPG:Human: Lordaeron It was just a normal day like any other... maybe not the morning, the sergeant came into the barracks and yelled at all of us to get the hell up. We weren't up yet because of the party last night, which you barely remember. After donning your armor and getting some food to stay down you set out on your patrol with Jake, a friend you made after you joined the Garrison. Only half listening to your friend you again wonder how a town that people must pass through, if they travel by road, to reach the capital is so small... eh above your paygrade. Hours pass by and then suddenly in the direction of the capital, thousands?... tens of thousands of people come running. You suddenly hear the sergeants yelling and.. is that the captain? You look again to the seemingly endless mass and something out of a nightmare is behind it. What look like all sorts of corpses are pouncing and maiming... and... and eating the fleeing people. Jake hits you to finally get your attention.

"We're forming up to deal with these horrors and from what we can see we have minutes before that crowd and those things get to us. So let's find the sarge."

You both run to the defensive line and your sergeant calls out to you and you take your place. Some hundred odd men against something that attacked the capital? 'Yeah we're dead.' Looking again into the crowd you see some soldiers of all types fleeing as well, maybe you'll have reinforcements.

The minutes slowly tick by and the mass of people become larger and larger, and then finally they reach the line. Most of them retain some sort of sense and try to run around the men, but a few try to run right through the line and get hit with shields and pommels in compensation.

It's all confused now the dead are moving with the living, are they using the crowd as cover? They finally make it and you're concentration is shattered as you hear and then see a fellow soldier being eaten alive. Someone yells and one of the things is in your face swiping its claws at you----

With a slight grunt you come back from the nightmare that is now sleep, you look around but that is slightly hard because you're on the dead blighted ground. You slowly stand up and look around. You realize you must've slid off the tree you were sleeping against, damn nightma... memories. The clink of metal comes to your ears as one of your soldiers walks up to you.

"Major, we've received word we are to rendezvous with a....-reads letter- Grand Marshal Garithos."
"Ha, another warlord who will die in a few weeks... or months if he's lucky or unlucky as the case may be."

'Old man Garithos? No, no he died this must be his spoiled little son. Oh, this'll be good.' You laugh a cruel laugh as your corporal waits.

"On second thought corporal, lets head to the meeting place the letter describes oh and inform the men."

With the typical, yes sir he saunters off and the last of the memory comes back to you. Yes, the brief defense of Silae before the garrison was literally being eaten alive. But, enough of that the present must be dealt with. You walk off into the camp proper to speak with your men and prepare for a long trip.

I have a few more ideas but I'll need to think on them more, I also took a few liberties because blizzard doesn't like doing anything to scale so it's hard to judge how big the nations of Azeroth actually are.


Orc: Surviving non chaos corrupted orcs - 'To use a human expression, it's all gone to hell. It was bad enough when we were corrupted by the Demon's blood, and the world exploded because of Ner'zhul, no now we have to deal with our insane power mad brothers who only live to serve the demons who have made our world their vacation spot.' The gray haired orc laughs, 'I'm way too old for this and the demonic energies now infused into this broken shell of a world probably isn't doing anything good for my health.' He looks out at the marching/wandering column there are orcs from every clan that stayed behind on Draenor. His gaze comes to a rest on the young, the children are too small and frail there is barely any food to go around. The youths are to be blunt stupid and berserkers, many of them are the result of the warlocks' magical aging... 'How did that work out by the way?' We don't have much of a chance in this hellhole, the surviving greenlands are being guarded heavily by anything that's not a demon. The portal though... it's too heavily guarded and for all we know the exit is even more heavily defended by humans. He notices the column is coming to a stop at a river, more like a stream, that is barely running. With a grim look on his face the old orc heads to the supposed leaders of the band with determination in his stride. 'We will survive this hell.'

Campaign Type: Fixed Force, No controllable hero units, late game RTS/Base building
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Shar Dundred

Hosted Project: LoA
Level 75
May 6, 2009
But of course, Chief, since you asked so nicely. :)

First off: If I was to create a WC4, I'd first tell WoW lore to go fuck itself. I'd do it the way *I* liked it most. People that want WoW lore can still play Forsaken's or tomoraider's campaigns.
And no, this isn't meant to be an insult to these two mappers, I'm just saying it's not MY form of style.
That I have to write that to prevent people from getting upset... Shouldn't that be obvious, I mean, seriously?
A true Dundredian campaign ignores that WoW lore stuff and creates its own lore - even if characters and other things are being used as well for obvious reasons.

But enough of that, allow me to begin.

After Arthas and Ner'zhul merged and became one, the Lichking prepares for another invasion of the Alliance. He plans to take full control by defeating the weak remnants of Lordaeron and the other members of the Alliance by using both his own forces and the Forsaken. Meanwhile, he also leaves servants behind to secure Northrend and to create a strong fortress while also eliminating the remaining living creatures of Northrend. However, neither the Alliance nor the Blood Elves and Naga have any intention of just being defeated like that.

With the Dreadlords defeated, Sylvanas fighting the Scourge, two high-ranking generals of the Alliance gather their forces and create a new, united army that's not connected to Garithos and his forces. They send messages to all other countries to call them all to arms. They don't ask the ones in charge for permission, instead they let their emissaries send word to the very people of the kingdoms themselves - excluding Gilneas because of their wall. They manage to create an army that is able to become a real danger for the different undead factions, even gaining reinforcements from Khaz Modan and even being promised Theramore soldiers. Only Stormwind didn't send its forces, officially because they don't think that this army would be able to defeat the Scourge, inofficially because a dark force is manipulating events from the shadows in this one kingdom, which will also cause problems to the two generals later.
This new founded army is being supported with many new equipment and technologies that have been developed under the pressure of the invasion of the Undead. They manage to reconquer parts of their lost territory and cities, increasing morale and giving the people hope that they indeed ARE able to win a war they considered as being lost long ago. However, the Undead won't be fighting amongst themselves forever. They will realize and face this new threat sooner or later and then the Humans will have to make a stand against very powerful forces. Not to mention that also other, dark events are in motion...

The Orcs of this campaign would be a few custom Orc clans that had seperated themselves from the rest of the Horde after Doomhammer's death, not accepting the young and, in their eyes, naive and weak Thrall as warchief. They managed to fight their way through to the ruined kingdom of Alterac and set up camps in that kingdom, unnoticed by the other human kingdoms.
After years of fighting against the Syndicate, they have been weakened, but still plan to leave this ruined kingdom to go on conquests again. First, they had no chance against the powerful Scourge forces now, more or less, ruling Lordaeron. Later, when the Scourge started fighting against each other, the Warchief of this so called "Steel Horde" (named after the ruling clan, the Steelwrath Clan) decides to attack the ruins of Dalaran to create a new power base for future operations in these lands. However, with both Humans and Undead fighting in Lordaeron as well, the Horde will have a hard stand surviving in the ruins that also presents dangers itself...

Night Elves
With both Illidan and Maiev gone, neither Tyrande nor Furion have any further interests in the eastern continent. They rather wish to restore the parts of Ashenvale that still suffer from the Legion's invasion. Many younger night elves, however, have a great interest in this land so far, far away. Some want to continue fighting the Scourge before it can invade Ashenvale again, others wish to free the mortals there from their terrible fate and a few have other, secret motives.
With or without the permission of their elders, these Night Elves set sail over the great sea to reach the eastern continent to bring the fight to the Undead. However, both their different motives and the other forces don't make their mission easier, since even those races they have allied with on the other side of the sea, see their arrival as the beginning of an invasion to conquer the lands that belong rightfully to them...
Hmmm this sounds interesting, I'll give it a shot.

UNDEAD SCOURGE - A King Returned

Scourge campaign with the new Lich King defeating the Forsaken and bringing them back into the fold. Would start where Warcraft 3:TFT left off, with Arthas now the Lich King launching his re-invasion of Lordaeron fighting through the Forsaken and the campaign ends with Arthas at the Capital City where a servant tells him that the Night Elves have landed on Northrend and are planning to do/summon/destroy/kill something that will defeat the Scourge. Uh-oh Arthas thinks better head back.

ORCISH HORDE - Scars of Conflict

The Old Horde based in Blackrock Mountain start off with a small raiding party in Dun Morogh before heading back to Rend or whoever who then reveals their plan to invade and conquer Stormwind. Said plan goes ahead, Kingdom of Stormwind becomes the Horde of Azeroth. Would be quite fun and detached from the events of the other campaigns until the sequel of course.

HUMAN ALLIANCE - The Purge of Lordaeron

With news of the Lich King's departure and the Forsaken being fractured (Sylvanas still lives but on the run). The remnants of the Silverhand along with the Dwarves of Khaz Modan, Stromgarde and a force from Stormwind head out to retake Lordaeron first few missions involve killing Forsaken and Scourge before a plot-twist where Gilneas and the Blood Elves of a newly re-built Quel'thalas invade from both sides would end with things looking dire and to be resolved in the next game.

NIGHT ELVES - Winter and Spring

The Night Elves have invaded Northrend seeking to end the Lich King, they fight through Azjol-Nerub before the Lich King retaliates by slaughtering most of them, but some who were away at a separate base survive unbeknownst to the Lich King. Now with not enough troops to press on they seek out the aid of the Polar Furbolgs and their Frost Magic as well the Naga who seek vengeance. Climactic battle to defeat Arthas where the Night Elves and Naga succeed but things are left a little dubious with the Naga and Night Elves now left where they were before with their common enemy defeated: will they put aside their differences? Or will darkness conquer?

That would probably what I'd do, it's a bit funky I know but sticking within the boundaries of certain events and characters and what we'd expect to happen wouldn't be that interesting; this would spice it up a little. It also sets up some decent stories for the sequel where somethings are resolved and new plots can begin.
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
I guess the first chapter would be humans. The main character could be Jaina, and it would be about human kingdoms defending itself from the invasions of other native creatures like trolls and ogres, or maybe a big army like forsaken.

Second one would be orcs. Rexxar should be the main character, that guy was awesome. I dont know what it would be about though, maybe some dungeons and stuff?

Third chapter could be the undead with Kel'Thuzad being the main character. I dont want Arthas to wake up very fast. It could be about removing what is left from the Burning Legion.

Fourth one is the only race left, and I'm out of ideas.
Level 10
Feb 27, 2007
I never really felt like WoW really picked up where Wc3 left off, when they got to the Illidan and Arthas stories they felt completely different.

I mention a few WoW concepts in my idea for Wc4 but you can easily ignore them if you want.

It would pick up right where TFT left off with The Lich King driving the remnants of the Illidari off of Northrend. A fun few missions where you play as a powerful hero unit. I'd switch it to Kel'Thuzad and the rest of the campaign would be the Scourge running roughshod over the Eastern Kingdoms, conquering Gilneas, Stromgarde, Khaz Modan, Blackrock Mountain, and finally Stormwind. There would be a lot of moments where Kel'Thuzad gets to show off and manipulate factions like the Alterac Humans, Blackrock Orcs, Arugal, Dark Iron Dwarves, etc.

Here you would mostly play as the Illidan and his forces trying to recruit the various factions of Azeroth to fight against the Scourge. It would start with the Illidari landing on the shores of Lordaeron, they have suffered some huge losses and Illidan is badly injured. Kael'Thas is able to find allies in the Forsaken due to not only Sylvanas being the former Ranger General of Silvermoon but also in the faction's mutual hatred for Arthas and the Scourge. They manage to take back more of Lordaeron and when Illidan recovers he opens a portal to Kalimdor and takes a portion of their forces to recruit the forces there. Illidan is able to convince the Horde and Theramore to assist him by defeating several demons left behind after the Third War who were attempting to manipulate both factions. Lady Vashj's loyalty to Illidan is tested when they come across some of Azshara's forces attempting to ravage the Night Elven coastlines, ultimately Vashj makes her choice and sides with Illidan in defeating these Naga. Illidan moves north and finally is able to reconcile with his brother and Tyrande by defeating a Scourge invasion force.

It would start with Jaina setting sail to Kul Tiras in hopes of convincing her brother, Tandred to fight the Scourge alongside the Horde. Jaina however finds herself forced to manipulate Kul Tiras by staging a non lethal attack on their harbor with her new naga allies and pinning it on Azshara's unrelated naga allowing the Horde to assist and show their goodwill towards Kul Tiras. Tandred hesitantly agrees and with a strong fleet the good guys set sail to southern Eastern Kingdoms and begin to take back all the land that the Scourge conquered. At the end Kel'Thuzad is defeated and there is a confrontation between Jaina and The Lich King where it becomes apparent that Arthas is no more.

Thrall receives visions from the great spirits and learns more about the Lich King and his true orcish past in missions that show his backstory, making him more sympathetic but also showing why and how he became The Lich King. With greater knowledge of their enemy, Thrall sets sail with the Horde to Northrend and together with the other factions defeat the Lich King and the Scourge. Cairne and Anub'Arak would have a massive duel with Cairne coming out on top. There would be a big battle between the heroes and the Lich King at the end with Sylvanas getting the final blow.

This campaign is a bit more straightforward as far as events go but it would really highlight the shaman connection Thrall and Ner'Zhul have. Ner'Zhul in many ways would be the last vestige of the Old Horde, he was the one who was originally targeted by the Legion, he destroyed the homeworld of the orcs as well. There would be some redemption for him and Arthas although as while both of them wanted power, they started off trying to help their people. Ideally I'd have Jaina and Thrall get together at the end too :grin:.
Level 4
Dec 3, 2010
Price of Power
Two years passed since Illidan Stormrage's downfall at Icecrown, failing to stop Arthas Menethil becoming the ultimate leader of the Undead Scourge: The Lich King. The Scourge, now inactive, but still dangerous, is set up at Icecrown, constructing a citadel and stronghold for their liege. Most of the frozen continent was ruled by the undead blight and although the Scourge lost its powerbase in Lordaeron, the Undead are stronger than ever.

In all this chaos, loyal minions of Illidan Stormrage, the Illidari, led by Kael'thas Sunstrider and Lady Vashj, set up a small camp in Icecrown and plans to break into incomplete citadel of the Undeath and set free their weakened master...

HEROES: Kael, Lady Vashj, Lady Liadrin, Illidan Stormrage, Lor'themar Theron, Akama

The Third War and the Scourge missed the kingdom of Stormwind. One of the last human kingdoms in Azeroth, Stormwind flourished last years in every aspect, allowing the descendants of Arathi to expand. Deeprun Tram connected Stormwind and dwarven ancient kingdom of Ironforge, allowing these two old allies to trade between each other and warn about any major threat. But every prosperous time bring a great danger...

King Varian Wrynn, very wise ruler to his young age, has to fight with aggresive Blackrock Clan in Lakeshire, while dangerous talks behind the curtain threat to throw Stormwind into a storm of war once again...

HEROES: King Varian Wrynn, Bolvar Fordragon, Magni Bronzebeard, Anduin Wrynn, Khadgar, Brann Bronzebeard

Revenge of the Undead King
The escape of Illidan Stormrage from Icecrown Citadel and failing to ahniliate the Illidari trapped in citadel's dungeons awakened the Lich King's wrath. Arthas, seeking to revenge the loss of Lordaeron and betrayal of Lady Sylvanas, The Lich King unleashed the Scourge once again upon Lordaeron, now to fight undead with undead. The Forsaken, although they prospered in Tirisfal, their campaign into the Plaguelands and Silverpine failed, leaving Sylvanas and Varimathras to fight with weakened and tired army...

A young Death Knight, a former paladin, Thassarian, is appointed to lead an assault on the last vestige of Lordaeron survivors, protected by his former comrades: Darrowshire. Although he is loyal to the Lich King, there is an uneasy conflict in his soul...

HEROES: Thassarian, Kel'thuzad, Koltira Deathweaver, Araj the Summoner, Anub'Rekhan, Noth the Plaguebringer, The Lich King, Baron Rivendare, Anub'Arak

A Price of Immortality
The Battle of Hyjal Summit changed the life of all Night Elves. Despite the defeat of demon lord Archimonde, the world tree Nordrassil was wounded during the battle and druids stated the wound cannot be healed, only stabilized. This caused great changes to the forests: Trees are slowly dying, Greenshore is turned into Darkshore (grass turned into sand, it rains all the time) and power of the Night Elves slowly faded. To resolve this, the druids raised Teldrassil, a new world Tree, at Darnassus, the capital city of Night Elves, cut from the rest of Kalimdor. But is only a half solution...

Fandral Staghelm, an elder druid of Night Elves, joins Malfurion Stormrage in his journey into unexplored Kalimdor to find a solution to Nordrassil's worsening wound...

HEROES: Fandral Staghelm, Malfurion, Remulos - Son of Cenarius, Cenarius, Tyrande, Demon Hunter, Maiev

Vengeance of Blackhands
The Orcs of Blackrock were pushed back into the mountain by the united Human and Dwarven Army and had to fight against new enemies: Dwarves of Dark Iron, controlling lower levels of Blackrock Spire. Blackrock was now in dire situation and if they wanted to survive, they had to ally with black dragons residing in upper levels of the Mountain and accept their endless rule. And what is worse, a part of the clan started worshipping the Old Gods and aiding the Twilight's Hammer Cultists residing in the Spire...

Brothers Dal'rend and Maim, sons of Blackhand, first Warchief of the Orcish Horde, sought to retake the Blackrock Mountain back and overthrow their dragon rulers. Their first step is to defeat Dark Iron Dwarves once and for all and claim the all of Blackrock Spire back for their "Dark Horde"...

HEROES: Maim Blackhand, Dal'rend Blackhand, Nefarian, Dagran Thaurassian, Kargath Bladefist, Zuluhed the Whacked, Nek'rosh Skullcrusher, Mor'ghor, Cho'gall

Long time has passed since the events of the Grim Batol. Lord Daval Prestor, known better as "Deathwing" orchestrated the Dragonmaw Clan to imprison Alexstraza, head of the Red Dragonflight, and use her eggs to enslave tens and hundreds of her children. But heroes of the Alliance led by archmage Khadgar managed to defeat Deathwing by using the Demon Soul, and Alexstraza had her revenge: Nekros, chieftain of Dragonmaws, served as her meal. Now, with the destruction of New Stormwind, fall of Lordaeron and restoration of Kalimdor, The Earth-Warden, corrupted by the Old Gods N'zoth and C'thun seeks revenge and total victory over Azeroth. Despite the loss of Cho'gall, he still commands the Twilight's Hammer and with the found of mystical Uldum, Deathwing sees an opportunity he must not miss...

HERO: Deathwing
ABILITIES: Breath of Fire (AoE Damage), Earth Slam (Stun + AoE damage), Fire Bolt (Single Target), Lava Lungs (+ Fire Damage), Resurrection, Firestorm (Ultimate)
ALLIES: Twilight's Hammer, Blackrock Dragons, Burning Blade Clan
LOCATIONS: Uldum, Deepholm, Ahn'Qiraj, Temple of N'zoth, Dalaran, Sunwell
LEVEL CAP: 30-35

Shadows of the Past
Smell of the bitter defeat is still. The Burning Legion, hit by the loss of lord Archimonde, is stunned by defeat of their ace, the Dreadlords of Lordaeron. Kil'jaeden, furious over constant defeats of his minions in Azeroth and Outland, sends out his best to prepare a passage for his armies. Last living Pit Lord Brutillus is appointed to lead the elite force of Demons into Azeroth and turn the Dark Portal into the entrance for the Legion to come back. With the crucial defeat of Stormwind Kingdom, Brutillus hopes for the Dark Horde to turn north than south. But one of his soldiers, Dreadlord Dalvengyr hopes in some action before the main army arrives.

HERO: Dreadlord Dalvengyr (Elemental Dreadlord) :goblin_wtf:
ALLIES: Burning Legion
LEVEL CAP: 30-35
ABILITIES: Basic Dreadlord abilities + Lightning Bolt, Fire Bolt, Summon Corrupt Water Elemental
LOCATIONS: Blasted Lands, Hellfire, Black Temple, Ruined Stormwind, Blackrock, Frozen Throne, Lordaeron, Orgrimmar, Darnassus, World Tree
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014



With the recent invasion of the Burning Legion, which left the northern kingdom of Lordaeron in ruins, Stormwind now stands as the last bastion of human civilization. Following the heroic examples of the legendary Sir Lothar and King Llane, the knights and warriors of Stormwind are considered to be among the fiercest warriors in the land. They stand resolute in their charge to maintain the honor and might of humanity.


Immediately after the events of the Third War, Azerothian humanity was on the ropes, and the race's future was somewhat in question. Historians argue that humans have perhaps suffered the most out of all the races of Azeroth, having endured a bloody, genocidal invasion by the demon-corrupted orcs and losing almost all their Northern population to the Plague. Out of the millions that once populated the Eastern Kingdoms in sprawling, sturdy cities, only hundreds of thousands still live. Despite this, in recent years the humans have devoted themselves to struggling back from the brink of racial extinction. Human lands are gradually being repopulated, and the humans have been able to consistently maintain strong garrisons for their cities as well.

Forsaken Threat:

The humans' primary threat now other than the Scourge is the Forsaken, who are continuing their attempts to expand South from Tirisfal into Arathi. However, the human presence in the region remains strong with the remnants of Lordaeron and Stromgarde, causing the Hillsbrad area to be one of Azeroth's major battlefields. Despite all of this, humans continue to be vigilant, and have banded closer together and with the Alliance as a whole.

Now, You must Help The Humans Survive the Relentless Undead of Sylvanas.

Heroes: Varian Wrynn The King (not Player Controlled), Warnath the Stormwind Champion (Player Controlled)

Type: RTS

Units: Humans only, Mostly Arms and Archers



The Order of Rend Blackhand, is now Bringing siege to Orgrimmar!
Heroes must rise, to defend The Lands of Durotar.


Heroes: Kourath the Hunter, Thinai the Assassin (Female), Yawgh the Berserker, Gorum'ar the Warrior

Undead (Scourge)

The New King:

After the merging of Arthas and Ner'zhul, the Lich King entered a period of dormancy as he slept and dreamed atop the Frozen Throne. In the meantime, his minions rebuilt Icecrown Citadel as he made his plans for conquest of all of Azeroth. Finally, after several years, the Lich King awoke and unleashed his attack on the unsuspecting world.


The forces of both the Alliance and Horde then arrived in Northrend to confront the Scourge on its home soil, until at last they were prepared for a final assault on Icecrown.


At the Same time, Naxxramas is Attacked by Forces of Azeroth. You Must defend it as Naxxramas is an Important matter as Kel'thuzad spreads the Plague from there.

Type: RTS+RPG+Aggro+Defence!

What the hell is this? This means you have to Defend Naxxramas from Interlopers. At the same time, Control the Undead to Defeat different Cities of Azeroth. At the Same time, Fight The Forsaken with Your Death knight.

Anub'Rekhan: A Nerubian Crypt Lord.
Grand Widow Faerlina: High ranking Cult-mistress of the Cult of the Damned.
Maexxna: A colossal highly poisonous Spider.

Noth the Plaguebringer: A Necromancer specialized in curses and summoning.
Heigan the Unclean: A Necromancer specialized in diseases and dancing.
Loatheb: A giant Fungal Monster.

Instructor Razuvious: The Death Knight trainer of Naxxramas.
Gothik the Harvester: Grand Necromancer of the Lich King and the legions he commands.
The Four Horsemen: Four mounted, high ranking Death Knight bosses at once.

Patchwerk: A titanic standard Abomination.
Grobbulus: A slime based Abomination.
Gluth: An Abomination-Dog created from animal parts.
Thaddius: A massive abomination with electricity based powers.

Sapphiron: Kel'Thuzad's gigantic frost wyrm guardian.
Kel'Thuzad: Master of Naxxramas.

Arthas the Lich King: Lord of the Scourge.

Duke Trausthar the Death Knight: A Highly Skilled Death knight.

Night Elves:

You must Enter the Emerald Dream and save Malfurion from The Emerald Nightmare and His Fallen Brother.


Heroes: Wiajy The Moon Hunter, Thurr the Druid, Qisnal the Rogue, Thrius The Warlock, Zwath the Warrior

Shar Dundred

Hosted Project: LoA
Level 75
May 6, 2009
I got a message yesterday that might be interesting for y'all, guys.

User whom I will let remain annonymous said:
Hey Shar,
I wanted to ask if you'd like to help me out. I want to make a WCIV campaign and would like you to help me with AI and storyline. :)))

Had to decline, of course, but I find this interesting since I really see a good series coming up. I have a feeling for that.
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Level 12
May 11, 2014
My ideas :
The Horde campaign : Rise of a new Warchief
An orc general Draxus thinks that The Horde is no longer the great force it was in the past so he wants to ressurect the fearless and brutal horde . He and his brother Dynamir banish Thrall from the horde and Draxus become the warchief . The Horde left Kalimdor and they flew in Lordaeron. Under his comand the horde conquer and destroy most of the Lordaeron , and in the final Draxus become the king of Lordaeron .
Human campaign: Red Dawn : The Redemption
The humans organise a resistance again the Horde , the resistance is lead by Kabal , the greatest warrior and general of the ex-king Terenas. The humans fight the orcs with bravery and finaly Kabal kill Draxus and end the reign of the horde in Lordaeron .
Undead campaign : The Return
After 10 years since Draxus died , the humans prospered , and their cruciade against the undead become as powerfull as ever . The Lich King ressurected Draxus his army of fallen orcs , he became the Warlord of Hell , he and his horde of undead slaughtered and murdered the humans. In the final Kabal sacrificed himself to stop Draxus , he sealed Draxus in the underworld in exchange of his life.
Thats my ideas , not very impresive but still.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
A new Legion:Legion Campaign
Now Sargeras's grip over the legion is growing weaker day by day, several Eredars used this chance to strike and make a new legion

A new race: Demons
New heroes; Jarxxuix, Arxhim


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Ice and Shadows
Human: Alterac The people of Alterac have suffered much because of the king's decision during the second war, and with the ensuing chaos the third war brought you and your people were forgotten. The occupying Stromgarde troops were pulled out of eastern Alterac and shipments of supplies stopped coming in. It goes without question chaos soon spread and faction lines were drawn. One of the new contenders for control is the Syndicate, led by the surviving nobles, word is they're already causing trouble for the besieged alliance. It is also rumored one of the most powerful military factions is led by the traitor, General Hath. Then there is of course, you and your friends the regular citizens of Alterac. You are losing many to the syndicate, their promises of food and shelter overriding any sense of loyalty. You know you will have to fight and kill them soon enough.

Ogre attacks are on the rise, undead forces are moving in from ruined Lordaeron, and your nation is even more divided than before.

Alterac has been in decline for centuries, your peoples' old glories and achievements long forgotten by the world and will remain so just because your kingdom was the traitorous one.

It's time for change, you don't have much hope in this little war your people are forced into but you'll try your hardest.

The units you would train would be the weakest in the campaign for a long time, you are not soldiers. You are only peasants, merchants, carpenters, alchemists, etc. You must use a superior degree of planning and tactics to win these battles. The first battles shall be very hard as mostly everyone has chosen a major side or a minor one, so barely anyone is still left with you.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Cold, distant, not so pleasant to touch, and mainly because I'd think Alterac's specialized mages would be frost mages.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Time to take another crack at this.

The wall seems like it has been up forever now, giant and unavoidable whenever someone looks to the east. The man briefly wonders at the fate of his fellows trapped on the other side of the wall, a third of the kingdom was cut off in order to seal off most of Gilneas. Most of them when given the warning did not retreat into the peninsula but decided to stay in their homes and towns, the only city outside of the kingdom proper is probably gone with them. It's kind of hilarious in a way, the king wants the nation to be more isolationist and he builds the wall... and the wall ends up saving them from the rest of the north's fate or at least as far as they know.

With the coming of the Undead, extra precautions were taken a seemingly permanent magical barrier is around the kingdom. The mages say they cannot contact anyone even through repeated attempts and much more daring spells which killed a few. One of them said we were being jammed, now I don't know what the hell that means but I think it has to do with all outside communication stopping. We've been on permanent guard duty it seems, only getting breaks it seems when we are fatigued beyond the breaking point. Apparently the undead have an air force and they have been making incursions into the kingdom. They have been repelled mostly but a few of the attacks have taken a lot of time and manpower to stop.

You are patrolling near the northern coast of the peninsula, the wall is only 20 or so miles to the east. The port town of Insmouth seems to be more military base than town these days. Walking with your old friends, those that survived the second war, it crosses the mind briefly wondering how you managed to get the same patrol with old friends. Ah well, it doesn't matter you're all happily chatting of better days and making the mind numbing patrols go by easier.

You start to take a drink from your canteen--

"ALEX!" You sputter and choke as the sudden exclamtion comes forth.

"What?!" You retort angrily but then stop as you look towards the skyline of the coast.

Hundreds of their bone dragons, thousands of those gargoyles, and the seemingly endless amount of sky barges?

Suddenly you hear warning bells but you shouldn't be able to... the mages must be magicly amplifying the sound how the hell that works you'll probably never know but the present must be dealt with!

"We need to get back to Insmouth, now." Gregory says with conviction, Jake, Richard, and yourself all nod and your group runs towards the port. The undead will be at the coast in ten minutes and who knows if we'll be ready.

May the light have mercy on us.

I'm not sure if building the wall was a good idea, either a slow death with it or a quick one without.
-King Greymane, lamenting about the kingdom's current situation.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
And I am just sitting here ditching every (did not read them all, but most) single idea since they don't compile with WoW at the moment.

Sure focus on the a local human war instead of defeating Deathwing who can sunder the world with a single spell.

WoW will become invalid since it's based on the other Warcraft games in the series, which I think is the last thing they want.

I can imagine them doing something like "Warcraft: Some Sub Title" which is set many years later which doesn't continue on wc3 lore, but more like a stand alone game in the same universe. Kind of like what they are doing with Legacy of the Void for Starcraft. But since we're talking about Warcraft IV, I don't have faith in any of your ideas :p
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