Complete New Vamps Idea

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Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
I’m sure a lot of you have played vamps before (or vampirism or archangel, there’s a lot of names for the vamps games) however I was never a really big fan of them. I thought that they were to dole because they had no story line and got somewhat repetitive after a while. So this thinking brought up a new idea for me. To completely change the vampirism games yet give them a classic vamps feel as well. So here are my ideas for the game so far (no pics yet) as I would like to know what you guys think before I proceed in making the game:

Vampirism - Judgment
This is the general storyline:

In a time of great peril, the land was revenged by a mysterious virus that caused its host to thirst for blood and developed in-human strength and abilities. A brave group of men stood against damnation and formed the TTS otherwise known as the Transylvanian Task Force. With men stationed all across the globe their mission was simple: to protect the innocents from the ravenous virus and to eliminate all of the subjects condemned to
it..."Vampires" as they had been known to become by the locals. However the difficult part of these men's mission is to survive... can you survive while defending the innocents of man kind or will you hide and let them fall?

This is Vampirism, this is Judgment........

After the game loads I plan to create cinematic to start the game off with an even more story and a realistic feel.

Opening scene
2nd Lt. Kinder is standing on a hill
overlooking the major city with some
troops behind him
Kinder: For over 40 years this company has
stared into the face of extinction....
and for 40 years we have spat in that face
Kinder: Now once again we are about to take
up the mantle for all of humanity and thrust
it into these Vampiristic entities with all
we’ve got!
Kinder: This is where we will find out which
of you are men and which of you are cowardly
Kinder: We must make this stand gentleman...
we cannot let these inhuman dogs murder our
kind for no cause... do you all have what
it takes to survive this night?
TTS Operatives: Sir yes, Sir!
Kinder: You must understand that once that
sun goes down... these "vampires"
damn creatures from our nightmare's. Will come
out... since their radiated skin is so
sensitive to the U.V rays from our sun.
Kinder: You must understand that even though
these creatures were once human before the
virus they will show you no kindness or mercy
only a cruel and disgusting death.
Kinder: But even if you stare death right in
the eyes do not leave these people... these
innocent people to destruction! Lay down your
life before theirs, there will be no quarter
and there will be no retreat.
TTS Operatives: Sir yes, Sir!
Kinder: Then get out there and survive till
dawn gentlemen... when back-up arrives. Don't
fail me or your comrades, don't fail these
people, and don’t fail humanity!
TTS Operatives: Hurrah! Hurrah!
Night falls......
You have x mins to survive....
End Scene

Start Game........
Now after all the story set-up is done here are the plans I have to change the vamps game... yet still give it the original defense feel.

New Objectives for Vampirism Games:
(Note that not all have to be completed to win or fail)
Current Missions:
-Defend all possible cities
-Defend your Command Posts
-Kill all entities infected by the
Vampiristic Virus

Victories Achieved by:
-Protecting the City and yourself for a
certain period of time
-Kill all Vampiric Entities
-Possibly have some sort of back-up mainframe
link if all command posts are kept intact for
a certain period of time?

Failures Achieved by:
-All TTS Operatives deceased
-All cities are COMPLETELY destroyed
-Possibly if all Command Posts are destroyed?
(depending on host specification?)

Ideas So Far:
Map Layout:
-1 major city in north-left corner
-2 minor cities in opposite corners
-bottom-right corner vampire spawn
-all area around cities forest
-all areas will have hill types similar to original vamps games that they can build baracades adn towers from

TTS Survivalists (Characters):
-all TTS Operatives will start in armored
Vehicles… thus carrying their hero and
will place their command post (faster speed but destroyed upon position chosen)
-given combat abilities that can be achieved
later in the game
-different types on heroes to choose:
Ranger(speed) - is much quicker than the others and his spells are based on stealth and agility.
Combatant(strength) - has more hp/damage and has a better chance at "head on" combat with the infected due to the fact that his spells are based upon endurance and damage.
Tactician(magic) - has more "mana" to use abilities and more tactical spells such as traps
-all abilities based on there faction
-all heroes will be given attacks that can slowly build up to being useful
-command posts are very important to keep
intact they provide additional resources
and units to back up your operations
-more ideas to come...

Infected (Vampires):
-models based on vampires attributes
-different types of vampires with different
abilities and attributes
-Killing civilians awards special points that only
certain skills can be used with
(gives a reason to destroy cities)
-More ideas to come.....

Note that Balancing will be a big part of this game so you wont have to worry about no-win scenarios both sides will have a chance at winning depending on the choices they make and how they play!

Anyways, I just feel that this idea could change vamps games into a lot better ones with the new risk factor(where you have to come out of your hole sometime)... because in old vamps it’s the same strategy every time: find a good spot, build lots of workers and towers...

In this game you can still have that idea in mind but you’ll also want to defend many new objectives from the vampires (cities, command posts, ect…) to stay alive and keep getting benefits.

So please leave feedback so I can know if this idea is going in the right direction and if the idea is good in general.

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Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
You have a wall of text. People don't usually like reading walls of text :gg: If you sort it out with organized hidden tags, I'm sure a lot more people will comment on it. By the way, it's cinematic, not cimatic or cenimatic.

How about the armored vehicles run out of fuel (replaced with a vehicle that can't move anymore) instead of blowing up when you choose your command post? And you can get some resources in your car (basic unit inventory) to set up a tent or some type of building with.
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
You have a wall of text. People don't usually like reading walls of text :gg: If you sort it out with organized hidden tags, I'm sure a lot more people will comment on it. By the way, it's cinematic, not cimatic or cenimatic.

How about the armored vehicles run out of fuel (replaced with a vehicle that can't move anymore) instead of blowing up when you choose your command post? And you can get some resources in your car (basic unit inventory) to set up a tent or some type of building with.

Yea I know ive been thinking about organizing it more I'm new to the whole posting and what not ill get to that... yea and i know i spelled cinematic wrong lol just mixed up the e and the i...

And as for the armoured car its not a permenet vehicle it is used for you to choose the location of your main base (command post) like in command and conquer three where you can build suveyer cars that unfold into an outpost... its going to be something like that. As for the resource idea i do like that but im going to make it where the command post generates resources overtime... that way players will have some incentive to keep their command post well defended.

Thanks for the post and recommendations though i'll work on them.
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
Sorry for the double post but wanted to let you/others know that i have changed the original post from a "wall of text" lol to a cleaner look and alot shorter (depending on how much of the hidden texts you would like to read) so please comment and sorry for the original giant post :p
Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
It does look much more appealing to read now.

So is the cinematic going to be skippable if a majority vote or player one decides to skip it? It seems like a pain to watch every single multiplayer game, and I think that's why the other vampire games don't include much of a storyline if any.

Combatition should be Combatant.
Tacticion should be Tactician.

You have a lot of other spelling mistakes too. Just check most of the words underlined in red when you go to edit your post, right click them, and choose the proper spelling if you don't know how to spell it correctly yourself.

So does a tactician use actual magic, like fireballs and spells like that? Or they're just more intelligent and can make better use of tactical field advantages, like traps? I only ask because you put (magic) in after tactician.
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
magic is there to show that he will have more intellegence than other heros for more realistic spells such as traps like you stated (not fireballs or unrealistic things in the original versions) and yes the cinematic will be skip-able I'm thinking majority vote in case player 1 has seen the cinematic but no one else has he cant just simply skip it. This way everyone can see the cinematic once and understand more of the storyline... but also making it where they dont have to keep watching the same thing over and over.
Forgive my spelling as I didn't have much time to write this post and work makes it hard to constantly go back and check things.

Thanks for clearing things up and finding mistakes +rep for your help thus far
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
Finally ran a spelling check on my post so all spelling mistakes should be fixed (i must admit some of them were rather embarrassing!)

So now I hope the post is even more appealing so please comment.
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
Yea I was planning on that, adds more difficulty with multiple things to defend and more strategy.

Glad you like it though! Thanks for the reply.
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
sounds like another map someone created [and i tested] Medieval Zombie Rampage [if memory serves].

Originally, about 5-7 months ago, I was gonna make a Vampirism meet Island defense kind of thing with several types of builders or "fighters" which gives the players a squad tactics element that Vamps doesn't have. Also the Vampires would could summon/create units that also had to defend a point, which the players had to destroy the point within X minutes or they lose.

Then again I try to go for originality, even if it means copying other maps to do so :wink:
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
Ive honestly never played Medieval Zombie Rampage... doesn't really sound to have many similarities to my ideas besides maybe the defending cities layout (which many maps have unfortunately) and sorry if you had a similar idea (even though both of ours would have very different aspects) but i just felt that the vamps games really needed a change to make them more competetive, difficult, have more time value, story, and staregy. And trust me when I say that I am not copying anything these ideas came from me and me alone =).

But I would like to know if your comment is posotive or negative... it is very hard to tell :/

Anyways thanks for the comment
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