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Wc3: WoW Trailer

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Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
A trailer for one of our hosted projects, Wc3: WoW has been released. You can check out the trailer Here, which has been uploaded to YouTube.

"Venture in the mysterious continent of Kalimdor. Choose your class and learn the ways of eight different races. Fight for power, protect your people, or just live to explore the lands of Warcraft."

This is the Trailer for Wc3: WoW, a Warcraft 3 mod, recreating World Of Warcraft in Warcraft 3.
The Trailer was created by Bob27.

Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
We want maps, not trailers.

edit: And why the hell are you making these 'entertainments'?? Condemned(lol) Entertainment, Snowflake Entertainment, wtf?
You never know where these Entertainments go. I know a few "entertainments" which began working on mods for games and now create independent games. Red Orchestra and counter-strike are good examples.
Level 8
Jul 23, 2005
We want maps, not trailers.

edit: And why the hell are you making these 'entertainments'?? Condemned(lol) Entertainment, Snowflake Entertainment, wtf?

Snowflake Entertainment was a good name though, you've gotta admit.
"Every Blizzard begins with a single snowflake."
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Hopefully by the 6th month, I'll release something better than a trailer publicly then.

Condemned Entertainment is the modding team that me and Raging started. I believe l0w_kwaliti is in it, but he doesn't know. Lol.

Anyway, the next trailer which we shall release will feature footage of combat and interface stuff. If we manage to get around to fixing the A.I. of Computer Players to be smarter, perhaps we may squeeze them into the trailer killing other players and mobs. Right now, their PvP skills suck.


How come I'm not informed about any memberships? What is my job? When did I join? Was I drunk?
Level 2
Mar 3, 2007
edit: And why the hell are you making these 'entertainments'?? Condemned(lol) Entertainment, Snowflake Entertainment, wtf?

Because if it was called Condemned Corp, that doesnt sound like it would be fun, now would it?
How about Condemned Boredom?
Level 4
Feb 22, 2005
I seriously waited for
"This is.. WoW in Warcraft"
"This is.."
"WC3 WoW!"
"This is.."

But it didn't come. Your vid is missing the humorpower of doom.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
im not sure if it actually impressed anyone, or their just sucking up. My honost opinion is that it sounds pretty lame. You can easily just play the actual WoW, which would be 10 times better. I just exited quarter way through it. All it is is showing terrain, i have no idea why everyone is going "WOW OMFG". But i should be constructive i guess, i know its WIP, but the tileset is boring. Pretty cool how everything is custom, but add variation to the tileset, because its very plain and dull, fields of green with some brown as roads. Not that eye catchy.

And all the custom models take away from the creativity, "who needs creativity when you can use other peoples imagination!". Having custom models is cool, it spices up the terrain, but you over stuffed it, so much it looks ridicioulous.

My suggestion; take away a few of the custom models, and try doing elevate/stretch/squish etc. doodads and see what you can come up with. its time consuming but its creative and actually looks better in the end.

But so far im not impressed. sorry for the comment, i just got sick of seeing "OMFG AWESOME" because really i dont see whats so good about it
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Pretty good

I'm not sure how you did it, but you did a great job

Seeing projects like that kinda make me sad though, the rest of the WC playing community has moved onto WoW, and we are still playing this ><

Oh well, I love WcIII, it's so easy to customize, you can do pretty much anything :wcool:

I wanna see this when you guys finish it, although I'm installing WoW right now :xxd:

Btw: @Steel_Stallion

Yeah I noticed the tileset too, could definitely use some variation
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The filesize of the campaign in total so far is about 32 mb. But when this project is 100% complete, it could probably be around 150mb. Maybe a bit more. But this project won't be 100% completed for a long, long time. So no worries!
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