Wc3:WoW Discussion Thread 2

Level 25
Mar 25, 2004

A campaign modification for WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne

Due to the messiness and over 1,000 posts in the old Wc3:WoW discussion thread, this new discussion thread is being started to keep things a bit more organized, fresh, and clean.

To those of you who aren't sure of this thread's purpose, it is simply to talk about the mod with the community. Ask questions, give suggestions and ideas, whatever. Just keep the subject related to this mod. Off-topic posts will either be moved or deleted, if necessary.

Please try to read all that you can on the other threads. Especially the stickied threads. It will save me a lot of time in the end! Thank you!

PS: Should the old discussion thread be locked or left open?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I think you should start making wow cursors first it's not as hard as outher things and you can make it completly wow like even in GUI.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
If I were you, I'd keep the original thread stickied, and just lock it. So others can look through the old conversations if they want to, it can be referenced to as well, there is a lot of useful information left in the thread, as well as nostalgic purposes as well.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Alright, I'll do that.

We have no WoW cursors for WarCraft III and I couldn't find any around a few sites, unfortunately. We'll just have to settle with default WarCraft III cursors for now until someone creates a working WoW cursor for WarCraft III.
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Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
How is the project going so far for you guys?
Hope it all goes well, from what I've heard so far it's gonna kick-ass! :)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Very little is done or even worth looking forward to. The version compatible with 1.24 isn't even playable yet, but it's only a matter of time and patience until the triggers are successfully transferred and converted to work with 1.24e+.

One of the reasons people may think the mod is destined to succeed is because in the past, we had hoped the mod would be playable online. However, due to the 1.24 patch and the discontinuation of Reinventing the Craft shortly after, that idea died. Wc3:WoW will be single-player, but despite the fact that you are the only player in the game, there will be many bots (we call them Player-Bots) that will act like real players - to an extent. It's our way of trying to help increase the feeling that you're playing an MMORPG that you're familiar with than a single player RPG. In my opinion, even the simple bots help give that feel a lot.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Ah well fair enough, I just always have a positive outlook on things :p
Even if it isn't multi-player, doesn't matter! It's gonna be successful with hard work and determination! :)

Will the version you are working on right now involve the expansions, or just the stand-alone game?
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Wc3:WoW has always set it's goal to recreate "vanilla WoW" as best and accurately as possible. Obviously, we'll accept many changes made in the expansions, but we have no desire to include expansion content as far as zones, dungeons, races, classes, or whatever. So no, there will not be an Outlands or Northrend ever. This is because it'd require way more work and time. Something we unfortunately cannot devote to. Plus, vanilla WoW was arguably the best moment of World of Warcraft's history. And speaking of which, none of the upcoming content in Cataclysm will be included in Wc3:WoW either.

I used to revert to retail servers of World of Warcraft when trying to recreate World of Warcraft accurately, but I find that private servers are just... way more convenient. They're free, easier to level so I can get around easier, and are still like the real game - depending on the private server you're on.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Ah okay awesome :) I'll have to agree with that, Outland and Northrend aren't exactly as challenging as I thought they would ever be, kinda of a let down.. wouldn't wanna waste much time on that. The original is better anyhow :)

I never was able to get on a private server, haha didn't know they existed on World of Warcraft! Now I feel like I've been robbed of my money lol :p
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yeah, I felt the same way when I first discovered private servers. There are only two really good servers I play on now: Molten-WoW.com's "Frostwolf" server (it's the closest thing to retail WoW and is really active) and CrusadeGaming.com's "Nefarian" Instant 80 PvP server. A lot of people underestimate the "instant 80 pvp" thing, but for CrusadeGaming, it's pretty organized, balanced (for the most part), and competitive. I play almost always because... Alliance is just flat out full of retarded Night Elves and Gnomes. :smile:

On the Frostwolf server, I mainly play my level 19 troll twinked Rogue. He's missing 2 or 3 items that will complete him and only has his gloves enchanted, but I'm definitely one of the Alliance's biggest pains to deal with, since they just love to stop what they're doing to attack me. And still die. lol
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Ah okay, I should check them out and get back into WoW! I have the Burning Crusade but never bothered to buy the rest.. should give the private servers a go sometime. Probably takes registration and the like.
Haha twinks! I had a twinked lvl 29 Undead Mage.. was pretty vicious with the blink, frost nova and then just spamming spells. And yes, alliance were absolutely shit (excuse my language) until Worgen came along.. silly humans.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Another crazy thing about private servers is you don't even need to buy any of the World of Warcrafts or game-time cards! You just download the WotLK client and download all the patches except passed 3.3.5a and you're done! Pretty crazy how it's legal. The servers are just not allowed to earn money off the game or it's popularity. Though I do notice almost all servers sneak in incentives to "donate" cash. The servers I play on are pretty good against hackers and don't force you to pay to win, so I like them most for those reasons too.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Ah okay cool! I'm gonna go download the WotLK stuff now. Thanks for this :)
If there is any kind of help you need, feel free to ask. Although I am not a vJasser, the offer is there.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
We do not have an artist on the team who knows how to create any custom UI. And even though it would possible be easy enough to just copy the cursor from WoW's UI file and paste it in the WarCraft III one in Photoshop or something, we just aren't sure how to do it. If anyone else knows how to create custom cursors for WarCraft III, let me know! I'd love a cursor that resembles the World of Warcraft one!

None of the areas are finished being terrained, but right now I am working on reterraining the Valley of Trials in Durotar for the orcs/trolls and I am also working on the Red Cloud Mesa in Mulgore for the tauren. Unfortunately, the undead race and the alliance races are still unplayable due to the incompleteness of their areas. The tauren starting place is the closest to being finished.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
You literally just make a .blp cursor with the appropriate dimensions (extract a default one from the MPQ to find out).

I'm sure an artist is capable of replicating the cursor ^^

And import it, override with one (or all) of the following paths in the import manager:


EDIT: ah, just occured to me you probably meant with all the different states/animations? Yeah.. Sorry, I could see about finding out for you though =)
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Level 9
Feb 10, 2010
i have played the demo and i whant to tell you that its great very very good.Moust of the areas i love the orgrimmar and mulgore.Buth in some of the portals to another areas it says that the area is in construction.Whay that?and are there more old demos of war3wow?

just question.:smile:
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yes. A few years ago we released a completely revised version of the campaign with brand new terrain and everything, but Nasrudin wanted me to take it down. The first demo release is the only permanently released version of Wc3:WoW people can get their hands on.
Level 3
Dec 6, 2010
I'm having trouble understanding what you're saying or asking.

You hit the nail on the head right there my man.
What I think he means however is that he found the 2005(or something) demo version and doesn't realize it isnt related to the current project in any way and now thinks he is playing the beta version of wc3 wow. On top of that I believe he asked why the map isnt finished.

PS: With the current advancement made I came to wonder, is ardent heroes still your priority to finish or have you decided to pay more attention to this project than previously?
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Oh I see what he means now, thanks raaawrr.

1. There used to be the old beta versions on FilePlanet or FileFront, but I contacted them a couple years ago - around the time Nasrudin wanted them down - and had the files removed. Over time, I did find the leaked beta on other sites. But I politely asked the administrators of the site(s) to remove it and I haven't seen any leaks since. Therefore, I really doubt anyone can get the newest version or pre-1.24 patch version of Wc3:WoW. To dumb my answer down, there is no way it could have been obtained without proper access (I already tried a couple times myself just to be sure).

2. The campaign (not just a single map file) is not finished yet because the triggers that allow the maps within the campaign to function properly aren't implemented yet. There's also quite a bit of terrain work to be done as well on the starter areas like Mulgore and Durotar.

3. Unfortunately for Wc3:WoW, Ardent Heroes is still a main priority. I was trying to fix the Wc3:WoW triggers myself to see if I could make it playable again, but I don't know anything at all about getting variables to work in pre-made triggers and all that. Wc3:WoW isn't dead. It's just on hold for now until my other RPG, Ardent Heroes, is more solid.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
Lolz, your on Frostwolf? So am I :D! I haven't been on THW since my computer broke down (gettin a new one next week, blah blah). Molten WoW is a really good private server community, and they continue to make the game as retail-ish as possible with their trinity core/molten core merge. Only thing that drives me nuts are the crazy queues.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

To fix the variables theirs an option in the WE to auto-create them when CnPing triggers. I believe you just go into File->Preferences then just check in the box that says "Automatically create unknown variables while pasting trigger data"

As far as I know that should work.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Well, like I said a few times already: Ardent Heroes ORPG is my current focus. Been having fun working on that a lot more lately. Also, I just bought Cataclysm - major improvement of the game overall. So while I am leveling my characters to 85, I'm throwing in work-time towards Ardent Heroes as well.

Haven't posted any public announcements regarding progress on AH, but there will be one soon on the Ardent Heroes website.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
You should try questing in Twilight Highlands many epic events there like when Dragonmaw Clan joins the Horde or when Deathwing defeat Alexstrasza because he is ''blessed'' whith C'Thun, Yogg-Saron and N'Zath powers. I like Deathwing he knows he's no match for Alexstrasza so instead he takes help from the 3 old gods and then fight her, it's a litle like getting into a even fight with an alliance it's fun you want to but they are all chickens so they dont dare face you alone in combat.
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Just wondering if there is going to be a newer beta version out at some point in the first half of this year?
Just looking to be able to play around with more than the Night Elves
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
You shouldnt expect it to come this year and even if it came orcs & taurens (edit: maybe trolls) would be the only playeble race
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Project is officially dead.

It is impossible to find reliable and dedicated modders for this game, especially to work on such a large project. Therefore I have decided to cancel Wc3:WoW as a project. I might work on it more in the future, but just for fun.

The mod as of right now will not be released. However, the decision is not final. Sorry folks! WarCraft III and Wc3:WoW are just too old to get any new attention or support anymore.

Ardent Heroes is still being actively worked on though, so there's the good news. :smile:
Level 2
May 7, 2010
Project is officially dead.

It is impossible to find reliable and dedicated modders for this game, especially to work on such a large project. Therefore I have decided to cancel Wc3:WoW as a project. I might work on it more in the future, but just for fun.

The mod as of right now will not be released. However, the decision is not final. Sorry folks! WarCraft III and Wc3:WoW are just too old to get any new attention or support anymore.

Ardent Heroes is still being actively worked on though, so there's the good news. :smile:
I signed in just to say this one thing, just one thing

'BOUT DAMN TIME. One less project I always knew deep down that it would never get finished but I eagerly awaited anyways. No seriously, I'm relieved you finally admit this will never ever be released.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
I signed in just to say this one thing, just one thing

'BOUT DAMN TIME. One less project I always knew deep down that it would never get finished but I eagerly awaited anyways. No seriously, I'm relieved you finally admit this will never ever be released.

Well, it must have been tough to admit it. This project has been going on for years, and has gone through so much, it's hard to just put it down after all of that.