I used DarkLord's Terrain tool to set up the basis for a map, but as most of you are probably aware it doesn't do anything with cliffs, it just raises and lowers the terrain like with a brush.
So, what I need to know is if there is a way to make it so that the lower sections of the map are covered with water, while the raised areas remain as land? I know that I can use cliffs, but doing that will be a pain. So is there a way, using the normal WE or some addon or Zepir's WE, to change the water levels without using cliffs?
So, what I need to know is if there is a way to make it so that the lower sections of the map are covered with water, while the raised areas remain as land? I know that I can use cliffs, but doing that will be a pain. So is there a way, using the normal WE or some addon or Zepir's WE, to change the water levels without using cliffs?