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Water Bolt Fury is just a simple charge spell to get in and out of combat situations.
it moves unit 40 x (40 + level of ability for unit ) distance. (this means if the spell is level 3 it will be 40 + 3 which will be 43 and it will move 43 distance 40 times )
nothing more really to say...
(fixed tooltip)
(More Documentation)
(Fixed special effect variable.. no longer in trigger)
water bolt fury, bolt fury, water bolt, MUI, bolt fury, water,aaron79
12:49, 7th Jun 2009
hvo-busterkomo: A decent spell (although not an idea of your own), looks leak free and MUI. The only thing I'd like you to do is turn collision off when a unit is casting the spell.
12:49, 7th Jun 2009
hvo-busterkomo: A decent spell (although not an idea of your own), looks leak free and MUI. The only thing I'd like you to do is turn collision off when a unit is casting the spell.
Looks like common DotA's waveform, but doesn't deal damage and moves not to the targeted point, but until the time is up.
Heh, for me, just unuseful. Why is it called "Bolt Fury" by the way? Didn't get the idea.
Also the spell cast range should be the same as the length of the wave or I just can't understand, where I'll finish, the unit also casts the spell only from 600 points from the targeted location, but moves about 1200 above it, pff... ><
But, well, to be fair, it's MUI and perfomce well, whereas I didn't see any documentation etc... Triggers doesn't have any configuration also. Poor rate, 3/5 =[
Although the effects are good the other parts aren't.
The spell cannot be used by anybody, you have to calculate where you will land.
Also what is the point of doing this:
Create a special effect
Set it into a variable
Just to instantly destroy it?
Although the effects are good the other parts aren't.
The spell cannot be used by anybody, you have to calculate where you will land.
Also what is the point of doing this:
Create a special effect
Set it into a variable
Just to instantly destroy it?
hmm it looks too much as waveform. its (in my opinion) waveform with small dmg that is showed. i dunno why but there is a bug while i want to use the skill to get past the enemu heros, it just makes me stay at same place and deal aoe dmg over time in 1 place.
Final ratings: i like it ......but: not big eyecandy....and floating makes me crazy!....and too 4/5
It reserves 3/5 but there is one +point in WATER? which makes it better...and one last thing...if you cast it in front of some enemy unit it will be stuck to it..
Ok lots of things I mentionend already at your Energy Grab and Throw
(again you have the if/then/else where you check if the integer is 0 and then set it to 0, it's still intEger not intIger, the duration again is not in seconds {no big point but not very user-friendly}, again you dont turn off/on collision, and that's why it gets stuck (it moves further towards, but then is set back, due to landing in a unit, the moveloc is set new and you have it always before the unit (I hope you understnad it, if not ask me), and you still use inefficient variable names)
New things:
-The floating text is kind of unneccesary, and why you use the color code instead of simply using:
Floating Text - Create Floating Text.........,using font size 10, color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%).....
-When the spell ends, you could add
Selection - Select c_unit[intiger[2]] for (Owner of c_unit[intiger[2]])
-Now you always move the unit a certain distance, but you can always target a point up to 1000 range away. Now here I come up again with a little math. Here are the ranges you move at every level (assuming no unit is blocking you)
So you will always move to this distance, whether you have clicked 1000 range or 50 range. What is also very good visible, is that the level has nearly no influence on how far you move..... I suggest you either use a spell which has no target, or move the unit always to the target point (I can help you on this, if you don't know, how to do this), or at least set the cast range = max range.
-Now let's have another look at the run trigger: After every run you use
If (All conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
Duration[intiger[2]] <= 0
If (All conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
intiger[0] = 0
Set intiger[1] = 0
Set intiger[0] = 0 (unnessecary)
Special Effect - Create a special Effect at Point_B[intiger[2]](....)
Let's have a look at the special effect:
Special Effect - Create a special Effect at Point_B[intiger[2]](....)
First you have already removed that variable above and second you have already reset the array values, so this won't do anything except cause laggs maybe...
-And finishingly I want to mention the confusing comments like: "This will change the damage to what ever level it is while casting." (Since this spell doesn't deal any damage, what the hell is this supposed to do there?), or "This creates the special effects on caster and target unit of ability." (Since when do we have a target unit, not a target point). You should at least have thrown out the old comments when using the same trigger everytime.
-And here comes one suggestion: Take channel as base ability, it has lots of possibilities (you can for example, that it targets points only, or targets nothing), and you don't have the problems of the blizzard spells
Again this is a nice spell, but the idea isn't very original. However I like it, and keep it up with the triggering, fix the points mentionend above and this won't only be 2/5 (what I'd currently give) but at least 4/5
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