• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Little is told about the nightwatchmen of the cities of Stormwind. While the city has elite soldiers and veterans who march in triumph during the day, at night, the city becomes guarded by young recruits and lowly sentinels who barely have money for decent armor, as nobody else would want to patrol when the sun has set.
Apart from their recurring trips to the Goldshire inn, or the occasional gnoll that wanders too close to the city gates, the life of the nightwatchmen is rather dull and predictable. And, when it stops being predictable and dull, it's often when they are way too unprepared for their job.

The standard model comes with several (cinematic) animations, uses no custom textures, has innate light emmision (it used to be animated at the tip of the torch, but the results were rather awful. I prefered to have it ). You may change the model as you please (to change the names of animations and even remove some if you want to reduce its total filesize).

Defend animations were made for alerted guards.

It suffers from the HD blood spout bug. Many models that have had their .mdl edited have it, I'm still unsure on how to fix it (it is by no means gamecrashing).

Updates: Changed the size of the torch

BTNwatchmen.blp (Texture)

DISBTNwatchmen.blp (Texture)

Watchmen (Model)

Watchmen (torch further from his face) (Model)

by the author's request, I have set this to SIMPLE/USEFUL.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2020
I know tweaking animations is tough, but his right hand (the one with the torch) should be moved further away from the body, so it isn't in front of his face.
I know tweaking animations is tough, but his right hand (the one with the torch) should be moved further away from the body, so it isn't in front of his face.

All of his animations had been tweaked, to be fair (the shield bones did random stuff, as they don't have the hand as their parent). I've added another model that has the torch a bit further away, but I haven't changed the cinematics on that one.


  • guard3.jpg
    65.7 KB · Views: 169
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Would be nice to have other Guards well defending the town etc, and the Footman can help, and Captain can be the elite...
Level 12
Feb 23, 2020
Know it's an old model, but it would look better if instead of a torch he was holding a hanging lantern. Then it the fire wouldn't be in front of his face as he moves. Just an idea. :wink:
Know it's an old model, but it would look better if instead of a torch he was holding a hanging lantern. Then it the fire wouldn't be in front of his face as he moves. Just an idea. :wink:
Yeah, this model is quite awful tbh. I may redo it someday in the future so it's not just a footman with a weird torch.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Thanks for providing a V2 to this character which has a lot of personnality and can serve many role in a very "roleplay" fashion.