Warcraft Tides of Darkness

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Level 8
Jan 8, 2008

By Levdragon & with help from xXAgeOfPubesXx
The basic terrain from Avrion and Priwin.


This project has taken up a lot of my time and for once this might be one of my ones that will be completed. You may of heard of my other two disastrous ending projects yet I am pleased to announce that this project WILL be completed. So without further ado let the reading, BEGIN !


Azeroth, the mightiest and most grand of all the human nations, lies desolate and destroyed, not one single human dares stand up to the mighty orcish horde as they pillage and burn stormwind. With Llane Wyrnn, King of Azeroth dead, the people are broken and flee north with the valiant regent, Anduin Lothar.


Warcraft Tides of Darkness (ToD) is strongly based on the Second War and Second War Aftermath events, including many historically accurate events and of course alternate lore events, in case things don't go as planned. The game will begin just a few days (minutes in game) before Lothar's arrival with the survivors of Azeroth to the Northlands. The game will go on to depict many famous events, such as 'Alterac's Betrayal', 'Ner'Zhul's Coup' and many more. Almost every single event will have options attached to it and allow for customisation, so a nation will be able to steer it's own path if it wants to.



Income is gained in a few different ways, the most prominent one being taxes. Taxes are gained from controlling villages, towns and cities each giving different levels of income. Income is additionally gained from lumbermills, which produce goods therefore giving the player gold.


A special feature of ToD is manpower. Manpower is the amount of reserves currently available to be trained into soldiers. Manpower is gained from villages, towns and cities but can also be gained via events or mobilizing the nation. Mobilization will give an increased manpower level but bring the nation's taxes down by 30% due it going to military funding. Manpower is crucial because every single unit and ship needs a certain allocation of manpower for it to be trained or constructed.


One of the greatest or 'best' features about ToD is the event system. Most events that are part of ToD have a choice system, which directly or indirectly influences the game. For example one of the first events is the landing of Lothar and his arrival in the Northlands, which caused such a massive stir that it let to the formation of the alliance and the eventual defeat of the Old Horde. When the event occurs a small notification and description of the historical aspect of the event is displayed to all players. Then the player or players that are needed for the event are given a dialog choice which includes three different dialog options. These three dialog options allow the player, Lordaeron to allocate different plots of land to the refugees from Azeroth. Even though it may seem a trivial thing that Lordaeron gets to chose if Azeroth has another village or not, to Azeroth an extra village is crucial to build more men. Now some players may say, "Oh it's unfair or 'bad' that Lordaeron gets to pick if I get more bases or NOT!" Now it may be 'unfair' but this is to show how weak and how bad the situation Azeroth was in at that historical time was. It shows how Azeroth must rely of other nation's for it's own survival. The greatest thing is there are many more events just like this one! The choice is all your's... :mwahaha:


A major difference of ToD is the way buildings work. The most basic of buildings is of course, the tower. It is a defensive structure and fires out arrows, magic or what not. Now in ToD there are no peasants or building units so the ways towers work is like this... When a tower dies it turns into a ruined version of the tower and changes ownership to the attacker. The attacker may then place 'temporary' defences on the tower, but only a race similar to the owner of the original non-destroyed tower may rebuild it. For example, if one of the elves towers gets destroyed by the trolls then the trolls may erect a unit there which shoots out 'arrows' however the original tower will still be ruined. If a human player takes the tower over the human player will also not be able to rebuild it, however may allow the elven player to attack the tower and then the elven player will capture the tower and be able to rebuild it. The only exception are elite towers, which once dead are dead forever.

The next type of building is the general unit-training building. This building trains units but is not specially named. Some example of this building is a Human Village, Orc village, Dwarven village or an Elven village. There are many more buildings such as those but villages are the most common form. These building react just like towers in every way, except that captors cannot form temporary unit building structures, but only keep the ruined village in hope that the enemy player will not capture and re-erect it.

The next type of building is the special unit-training building. These buildings are named (such as Lordaeron City, Hearthglen etc.) and usually have an income bonus or even some extra units that can be trained. All these buildings also have more health and armour then general buildings. Again the same capture rule applies although some of these buildings, perhaps only 10-30% may not be rebuilt.

The last type of building are unique buildings. These buildings are here to serve for events or defensive barriers, such as Inner/Outer elf gates. Most of these buildings are not rebuildable however, a ruined version of the building will appear anyway, for extra eye candy.


Because of the lack of peasants, units are able to be built from general, special and unique buildings. Each unit costs gold and one or more manpower (Depending if the unit is tank, ballista mortar team or just a single unit - NOTE mounted units count as 2 manpower as someone is needed to maintain the mount). Units automatically gain upgrades every eight or ten minutes. Some nations such as Lordaeron, due to it's much higher technological advanced then Alterac will gain upgrades automatically faster and Alterac will gain their upgrades automatically slower. (NOTE this system may change later on or if people seem to dislike this system)

That concludes edition 1 of the description of ToD, enjoy the screen shots below and please remember to comment and give feedback on this map.










Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Huge and major changes are going to occur. This is done for a few reasons, one an extended timeline to allow for more events, secondly an entirely new original terrain and thirdly to allow for a bit more gameplay changes. Keep in touch and thanks for feedback !
Level 8
Oct 1, 2010
Hey man this looks very interesting. I've always wanted to experience the story of WCII, I'll be keeping an eye on this.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Faction list:

2.Azeroth & Dalaran
6.Kul'Tiras & Gilneas
7.Dwarves & Gnomes
8.Blackrock Clan
9.Dragonmaw Clan
10.Bleeding Hollow & Black Tooth Grin Clan
11.Stormreaver & Twilight's Hammer Clan
12.Amani Trolls
Level 5
Feb 27, 2009
It would be interesting if the Silver Hand was a separate faction. Sure, there's the difficulty of setting up bases for them, but it would be more fun if the Silver Hand was filled with heroes or something.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Yeah actually we decided to drop Bleeding Hollow as a seperate faction and instead seperate lordaeron into 2. East/West Lordaeron, both get paladins but it's easier for such a huge nation to be split, once has to focus on seas/trolls the other on stopping horde coming from the south.



Level 4
Aug 20, 2008
I've gotta say... The terrain looks familiar... But then again, I play wow, so that means that it looks realistic :)

A few things;
Where does Storm Peaks lie in this? Is it a base which will be given to the dwarves if they die, or do dwarves start with it, or is it controlled by Stromgarde?

But when you say splitting Lordaeron into west/east, do you then mean Tirisfal Glades/what-ever-plaguelands-was-called-before including Tyr's Hand and Stratholme?

When you say "Ner'Zhuls Coup", is this then a custom plot, or is this something which would be going on in Outland, from Beyond the Dark Portal?

What'll happen to Death Knights? I liek Death Knights :p

Will there be sudden-mass-unit-spawn events, such as when the Horde attacks Stromgarde ect? Or when Gul'Dan reaches Caer Darrow, will some Ogre Magi then spawn?

Anyways, I love the idea of a flexible event system, are that done, or could you use some help with that? :p
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Okay wow first of all the release date is undefined but expect early-mid next year.

@PWH now to answer your questions,

1. Storm peaks is a region in northrend far away from the eastern kingdoms, it is not present in the game.
2.The base that is a backup for dwarves could be Wildhammer Keep if it doesn't fall before Ironforge does, keep in mind Ironforge will be very defensive and unlikely to fall until late game.
3.East Lordaeron comprises of Eastern Lordaeron region (Eastern Plaguelands) while Western Lordaeron comprises of Tirisfal Glades, Central Lordaeron, (Western Plaguelands) Northern Silverpine Forest, and Eastern Hillsbrad.
4.Ner'Zhuls coup is my name for the event in which Ner'Zhul centralized the horde and took full power for himself. It is basicly Shadowmmon & Allies fighting controlled creeps in Draenor, it is a backup base should the Dark Portal fall.
5.Death Knights are in control of the Stormreaver & Twilight Clans, they will be given to Shadowmoon should the Dark Portal fall.
6.There are some unit spawn events, such as the mobilization of the horde, the fall of every capital gives a few units spawned at Lordaeron Capital City (Should it still stand), the rise of the blood elves, and some periodic spawns from the Dark Portal.
7.The event system isn't trigger wise done but if you some events you would like to give us that would be appreciated.



Level 4
Aug 20, 2008
Hmm... I meant Aerie peaks, my bad!

And won't western Lordaeron get a lot? Or will this be made up for due to bases like Tyr's Hand and Stratholme?

And I'm sorry, but when did Ner'Zhul ever took full power of the horde? The last seconds of his mortal life? <.<

And since you mention dark portal fall again, will the horde be given a "second chance" should the dark portal fall, and would this be deserved?

Rise of the Blood Elves? Alternative story-line? Would probably be pretty cool to see that in-game.

And events... Hmm, I'll try to come with some.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Yes Eastern Lordaeron basically gets 2 capitals which are both very powerful and a lot of heroes. Ner'Zhul took power after the horde failed and got captured, it was maybe for a year? The horde will get a second chance and this is deserved since there's only 4 horde players and 8 alliance players.
Level 8
Oct 1, 2010
It all sounds very interesting Levdragon, and like I said before I look forward to this, too bad it's not coming out sooner!

The most interesting part to me is that the teams will be 4v8, which I've never seen in an event game like this one, so I'd really like to see how that works out, sounds fun.

I'll try to post some event ideas when I get a chance, only problem with events I think is that it's just more work! And then you have to balance those events on top of that. However, alternative story-lines sounds really interesting.

Keep up the good work!



Level 4
Aug 20, 2008
Ner'Zhul had control for... a month or so I'd guess, can't remember, some time since I read Beyond the Dark Portal.

But are you saying that the Horde will be weaker than the alliance, since they deserve a second chance?
Level 1
Dec 4, 2009
wasn't Gilneas relatively uninvolved in the war and what if Alterac betrays the alliance for the horde what will its second chance be?
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
@Nickel - Thanks :)

@PWH - Actually the Horde will be stronger 1 on 1 but if the alliance musters it's full forces and especially if LB (Gul'dan) decides to go after the eye the horde will be pushed back and crushed. They deserve another chance and it goes well with real lore :)

@Rockhard - Gilneas was relatively uninvolved in the war but it still sent supplies and few soldiers to aid the alliance. I thought instead of making it it's own player or leaving it neutral it would make more sense to merge it with its neighbour, Kul'Tiras.

If Alterac betrays the alliance for the horde that is not it's second chance, that is their choice to betray the alliance is they think the horde will win. We're still formulating the nations for Beyond the Dark Portal but Alterac might possibly gain the Sydnicate / Interment orcs or warsong clan in Draenor.
Level 5
Feb 27, 2009
Internment orcs, huh? So will there be massive prisonbreak involving thrall? (probably a few years too early though ^^)
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
The Internment Act was an act enforced in all alliance nations to apprehend and enforce all orcs in manual labour. It was used as a more humane way to deal with the orcs, as Gilneas, Kul'Tiras and Stromgarde all wanted the orcs to be executed or banished or something else that was rather terrible :O. Thrall will not be involved in the game but other orcs such as Kill'rogg Deadeye and Orgrim Doomhammer will attempt to escape should Alterac fall to the alliance nations and the dark portal closed.

Update - New screenshots will be coming soon, most likely tomorrow.
Level 8
Oct 1, 2010
Nice. Sounds like a good lore-spin off.

Excited to see that screenshot :)

Hopefully it's a terrain one? The terrain you're using now is the one in Azeroth Wars right?

I'd like to see your original terrain, it's always more fun, which I know you're working on but I'd still like to see how it differs from the current terrain as I've seen that one so much it's almost sickening. WoW Risk uses the same terrain.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
I have some bad news to announce, the map has been corrupted for an unknown reason, the map cannot be hosted as when a player finishes DL'ing he is automatically kicked, the team is looking into it but any help or suggestions from you would be great.
Level 8
Oct 1, 2010
Oh man! That is sooo sucky. Sorry to hear it man. I'd be so mad if I were you.
I really hope it gets fixed! (also a bump so maybe someone who knows about this will see it)

GL on getting it fixed! I really hope you do.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Yes I think I'll be shutting this project down. A pity we didn't locate the corruption earlier but we've lost months of work. I'll still be mapping I'm currently working on a new project revealed as 'Cataclysm of Lordaeron' [CoL]. This map will be similar to Tides of Darkness, but based in Lordaeron during world of warcraft cataclysm.
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