Warcraft Heroes 2.1

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
After almost 2 years, and nothing more to do, I'm back with my map :p

This time the map is much different and much better, polished and with new features.
But the idea still the same, there's no custom abilities, icons or models, the idea is keep the heroes like the original warcraft 3 units, creeps and heroes are.

Map Description
This is a Hero Arena map, a battle between Humans, orcs, Night Elves and Undeads.

On the default game mode, the game is an epic battle, where you have to upgrade your towers and troops, and not only care about your hero.
But there's a "fast mode", without troops and towers upgrades, and few towers.

There's 96 different Heroes, all based on Warcraft 3 original units, creeps and heroes.
Each hero has 5 abilities, and each ability has 20 levels.
Some of the abilities are different, to fit with the map style, but keeping the warcraft 3 aspects.

Map History
There's a lot of "humans and elves vs orcs and undeads" maps, but all these maps I ever seen are crap, badly made and unbalanced.

But I like the game style, because I'm a Warcraft 3 fan, I love the original heroes and units, and if I want to play a decent map like this, I have to make it myself.

Thats why I decided to make my own version.

Equipment System
There's 5 equipment classes, and 11 equipments for each class.
All the 11 equipments for each class are equivalent, there's no "good" or "bad" one, you only have to choose which one is better for each situation.

You can equip only one equipment of each class at same time.

I made it to prevent heroes to use 6x the better item, and become overpowered.

Tower Upgrade System
You can upgrade your team towers, to increase it attack, defence and hp. There's some towers on each side, that are disabled until you upgrade it.

And there are Phoenixes protecting each base, the phoenixes are heroes, they can level up, recieve equipments from players and can't die. Every time you defeat a phoenix, it will be on the Egg form and invulnerable for 4 minutes, them it will rise again.
(every time a phoenix is defeated, the enemy team will spawn a massive wave of creeps.

Army Upgrade System
Allied troops start with only four units, players can improve the original units and/or add different units to the army.

The aditional units gives a insignificant ammount of experience when killed and no gold.
Stat Ticket System
Every time a hero level up, the player recieve 1 stat ticket, with these stat tickets you can buy stat points for your hero.
On the jungle you can find mobs that provides you gold and experience, and some of them will also give you temporary buffs (damage, mp recovery, move speed and defence).
And there's 2 bosses, one of them gives you and your team extra gold, and the other gives you an item, that resurrects your hero after killed.


Warcraft Heroes 2.1 (Map)

01:17, 8th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected You know custom models/skins/icons wouldn't hurt ;P Heroes have no custom abilities, they also level up too fast. Also add a quest menu with credits, tips, etc. When random mode is selected...




01:17, 8th Sep 2011
Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected

You know custom models/skins/icons wouldn't hurt ;P
Heroes have no custom abilities, they also level up too fast.
Also add a quest menu with credits, tips, etc.
When random mode is selected, just give every player a random hero, don't force them to press the 'Choose random hero' button.
Do mention in the description that the map is protected and also shorten the map's file name a little.

Private message me once you've done the things mentioned
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
around your pictures :D

Yes, please do this. Also, your description has multiple grammatical errors (e.g itens (should be items), abilityes (should be abilities), you did not put spaces after your commas, some sentences are not capitalized, some sentences are missing words/do not make sense, etc.)

Also, try using more BB Codes like [color], [box],
tags, etc.
Level 3
May 5, 2009
global experience is realy disturbing and you should improve the ingame descriptions. I use this tool for them: Link

yeah ill improve all descriptions, but after have a good balance, i'm changing things everytime, then ill w8 a bit before make a good description with colour texts ^^

the global xp allowed is half xp,i maded it thinking about dying heroes,and heroes that need to go fountain to heal,i think it helps the players to combat "hero killers" like blademaster,maiev,demon hunter, they can easily make the opponent run,and without a half global xp the level difference will be too high

but ill think about it, and thanks for the program link, it will help me a lot wen i start my descriptions ^^
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