Features:Auto Login to BattleNet (stores password encrypted locally)
Choose launch option (windowed fullscreen(default) native fullscreen, and windowed) *Currently windowed fullscreen is the only option that features all functionality. Windowed mode is broken and native fullscreen is super temperamental.*
Automatically refreshing Games list with player lobby count
Join games by hotkeys
Auto start Warcraft on close
Add option to auto restart Warcraft on game end (Currently only trainable for those with defeat/victory menu)
Operating System: Designed and tested on Windows 10, but theoretically should be able to run on any computer with Java, windows 2000-10, OS X 10.5-10.12, and as long as it's not a super off brand linux distro.
You can see a demo of a semi recent version here: *Note it CURRENTLY HAS ENT AND MAKEMEHOST but only had makemehsot at the time*
You can find the source on
GitHub as well as possibly a more up to date compiled version. Currently Using JSoup and jnative-hook for parsing game data from makemehost, and for hot keys respectively.
Possible future features: Change realm, multiple account support, ability to leave and rejoin new lobby without restarting and re-logging into Battle net, more support for auto closing on game end, hotkey to save replay before restart,windowed mode and native fullscreen support, more support for games lists, including a filter, as well as pulling non-bot games. Also might add joining non custom games.
Also CanFight is creating a version that will allow you to join games via voice commands.