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warcraft 3 mod: tavern

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Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
A map by noob
The goal is simple:kill the ennemies players to gain frags.
When you have 10 frags you win and the others loose.

Your basic ability is launch beer but you loose beers when you cast abilities and you can not use abilities without beers so you need to take them in the tavern where you fight.
You can drink beers to regain life but you are slowed down some time.
The launched beers move in a line until they collide with an obstacle or reach their range limit. A beer who is in contact of a unit make damage to it.
There is a merchant who sells alcool with waried effects but drinking them make you also the same malus than the beers.
An A.I exist.
In the tavern some drinkers are non hostile but they drink so kill them. At the door guards come to kill the heroes.
Periodically an item or an ennemy mortar spawn in the tavern.
You can make Crushing stikes by casting this spell when Beer attack is reloading.
You choose your hero by choosing your race

chaosfury for his table*6 3D model,chilla_killa for his beer 3D model,YellowAfterlife for his CityWall-Table
3D model

There is a multikill system that I made and an massacre system who counts number of kills you make without dying

I can not put screens shots beacause they are invalid.
Help me with the balance and the ortographics errors any suggestion,aggesive critic or help will be usefull
Version 0.04 have changed terrain.
Version 0.05 change the scourge hero remplacing his crushing blow by beer nova and change the night elf hero remplacing her crushing blow by beer multi launch.
Version 0.06 added multiboard changed terrain.
Version 0.07 corrected some tools tips.
Version 0.08 corrected yet others some tools tips.
Version 0.09 reduced the number of non trigger meroy leak due to shock wave,updated elve beer multishot.
You have the right to make what you want with this map.


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Level 6
Jul 22, 2009
I've an English version of Warcraft

EDIT: I've attach some screen of French part


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