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War3 Map-Making Team Needed

Do you want to Join

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Level 3
Aug 28, 2017
Well,I am great at triggers.I am also pretty good at terraining,Testing,etc.
Can't do modelling,though. (Green Box comes everytime I put a model in map)
Aaaannndddd, I can be great for also Scenes and Cinamatics,etc.

What skills you got??
Level 3
Aug 28, 2017
btw how we will send maps to each other and how we will communicate because its not the most fastest to do it through email or hiveworkshop
Yeah,About that,We can upload maps and talk on Gmail.com
There is an option to download the attachment (map) through which you can send and recieve maps.

We need at least 3-4 people to begin with.You and me are only 2 so we should wait until we get more teammates.

btw,We need a name for our clan (team)
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Level 3
Aug 28, 2017
Hi, may I know what type of map you planning to make?
Well,I haven't decided yet,But once the team is created,We will start making those maps and campaigns.

If we find enough teammates then lets start with small projects first so we will know if we can work like a team
Yes,That's a great Idea.

btw,you got a name in mind?For our clan i.e; team.??
Get something cool and warcraft-type
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Level 3
Aug 28, 2017
Please don't double posting, it is against site rule, use edit instead.

So you mean the maps are going to based on the entire team instead of you leading?

Well,Consider me as a senior member of the team.Not exactly Leader.I will also help in creating the projects,But a senior is all I will be in the team.

What about... Lich Kings? I am out of ideas :D

There were only 3 Lich Kings,Arthas,Nerzhul and Bolvar.
How about something like?
The Alliance Expedition?
The Horde?
DeathBreeze clan?
Sea Serpents?

These might be perfect for the team.

Ok,Thanks for telling me.No more double posting.
Level 6
Jan 16, 2017
Well,Consider me as a senior member of the team.Not exactly Leader.I will also help in creating the projects,But a senior is all I will be in the team.

There were only 3 Lich Kings,Arthas,Nerzhul and Bolvar.
How about something like?
The Alliance Expedition?
The Horde?
DeathBreeze clan?
Sea Serpents?

These might be perfect for the team.

Ok,Thanks for telling me.No more double posting.
I like the orcs and the horde but DeathBreeze Clan sounds better.
Level 3
Aug 28, 2017
im intersted in joining i have some expirience in map making, models , teraining , decent skills with triggers
Hi vesperius,Thanks for considering to join.You have experience in modelling.Are you familiar with the modelling issue,that green box that appears instead of the real thing??
If so,You will be a great asset to this team.
So,3 people now,I think this is enough.So,If all of you are ready,Just email me at [email protected] .. Coz we exchange maps through email.
So,Just email me and we will soon get started.

I like the orcs and the horde but DeathBreeze Clan sounds better.
Perhaps we can use the FireBlades or Sea Serpents name,I like those a lot.
Fintrik,Email me and we will soon get started.


EDIT: More Ever,We can't depend on models created by other people at all times,There will be times when we can't find what we are looking for.So,We also need a man who can create models for us.He must have moderate experience with creating models.That's all we would need.
Level 5
Aug 25, 2015
hi, i'm a noob and i'm looking for people like you to learn, share and help creating campaigns.

i'm really good creating storylines if you want.
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