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Wacraft III: Winds of the North Project Thread

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Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
Warcraft III: Winds of the North

Hey! :D
So what the heck is this? Let me explain.

This is a campaign, which will somewhat be a contiuation of the events of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. I will not ignore the events of WoW, but use them in a creative way. I don't want to tell you to much, but you will be playing for example in battlegrounds, rading dungeons and such. Ofcoarse this will not be a RPG like WC3:WoW, but an "expansion" to Warcraft 3.

-Enhanced melee game - WotN will enhance the melee game and its races. There will be new functions, epic maps, new units, upgrades, heroes and mercenaires, items and much, much more!
-Complete new campaign - WotNs primary; the campaign. There will be two different campaigns, one for the Alliance, and one for the Horde. The campaign will be similiar to the theme of Blizzards, but the campaigns feature even more puzzles and epic battles.
-Lore - WotN will focus very much on original Warcraft Lore. Every single event featured will be based on lore-correct events, with many events based on those of WoW.
-Epic Characters - Get to play as the mightiest heroes of Azeroth, all with their own triggered-spells and gameplay, and battle evil villains in bossmodes (As the battle against the Old Gods in the original Warcraft 3 campaign), such as Kel'Thuzad himself!

The world faced its most deadly moment and its most peaceful moment during
the events of Arthas and the Frozen Throne.
Few knew what the Scourge was up to. Many thought that the merging between
Arthas and Ner'Zhul had made the being mad, uncontrolable of his minions.
But the Scourge prepared... Yes, in the harsch north, the icy cold
Northrend, the Scourge broke down all resistance and claimed most of
Northrend as theirs...
With their new allies, and thousands of mindless undead, the Scourge in
Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, lead by the Archlich Kel'Thuzad, wait for
their reinforcements to strike the mortals of Azeroth once again...

The tenses between the Alliance and the Horde strengthens every day.

The Alliance, with their new allies the Night Elfs, and the Gnomes, which
has finally accepted help to the trogg threat in Gnomeregan.

The Humans, currently lead by the boy-king Anduin Wrynn and hes
overwatchers Highlord Bolvar Fordragon and Lady Katrana Prestor,
have rebuilt the proud captital of Stormwind. Within these
Elwynn Forests and Goldshire, the Humans train new warriors to join them.
Also, Jaina Proudmoore and her navy army has settled down on the island
east of Dustwallow Marsch, Theramore Isle, and rebuilt the once-proud

The Bronzebeard dwarfs of Ironforge, lead by King Magni Bronzebeard,
offered a sanctuary to the gnomes. The gnomes had to accept it, and
together the halfling races trains themself in Dun Morogh.
The Wildhammer dwarfs of Aerie Peak also joined. Their gryphons and
elite riders will prove useful some day.

But more important than the rest, the mysterious Night Elfs. After the
destruction of Mount Hyjal and the world tree Nordrassil, the night elfs
lost the imortality. Despite Tyrandes warnings, the Archdruid, in absence
of Malfurion Stormrage, Fandral Staghelm led his fellow druids of the
Cenarion Circle and planted a new world tree, Teldrassil, off the coast
of Kalimdor.
Under their care, the tree sprouted up above the clouds.
Among the twilight boughs of the colossal tree, the wondrous city of
Darnassus took root. However, the tree was not consecrated with
nature's blessing and soon fell prey to the corruption of the
Burning Legion. Now the wildlife, and even the limbs of Teldrassil
itself are tainted by a growing darkness.

The Horde, led by Thrall, established the strategic city of Orgrimmar
in their newfound land Durotar. With the joining of the Forsaken, led by
Sylvanad Windrunner, the Hordes territory have grown big.

After the invasion by Admiral Proudmore and his humans, the Darkspear
Trolls lost their home on the Echo Isles. Thrall offered them sanctuary
in Orgrimmar, and the trolls offered their eternal allegiance in return.

The mighty Taurens finally found a homeland, the grassy plains of Mulgore.
On top of one of the mountains, the mighty city of Thunderbluff has been
established. Cairne Bloodhoof does his best to keep the tribes and clans
united, but a few of them disaggre with his lead, planning to one day
overthrow hes lead.

Sylvanas and her Forsaken has made the Undercity, the catacombs and sewers
below the ruins of City of Lordaeron. They fight continously in
Tirisfal Glades against the Scourge and the Argent Crusade.
Luckily, Sylvanas claimed the dreadlord Varithmaras soul, and shes gladly using
him as a puppy. But dreadlords should never be trusted...

Battles between the two factions have erupted in strategic locations, such as
Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin.

The remainers of Quel'Thalas have begun to rebuild the city. The Blood Elfs,
the survivors of the High Elfs lead by Kael'Thas Sunstrider.
Kael travelled to Outland with his new master Illidan Stormrage, the Betrayer,
in promise to return with powerful magic to end the Bloof Elfs thirst.
But The Betrayer goes more mad and more demonic for each day that passes, and so
does the Prince...

Threats lies behind each corner. The Old Gods awakens, and
the Scourge are not to be trusted...

What the first demo will be about:
You play as the Primalist Tanavar Wildclaw, waking up on Teldrassil, unknowing what happend. You realise that the corrupted Furbolgs did this, and you must do everything in your power to cure them. You get informed that there is a Moonwell in the north that might be able to cure them, but you fear that is is not the Burning Legions corruption, but the Scourges...
I wont tell more, it gotta be a surprise:grin:

The Primalist is however the new Hero of the Night Elfs. Its a very physical hero with heavy beastial attacks, but few spells except to enhance his attacks. Read more about what a Primalist is and what it's inspired from here: Primal - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

This project has merely started. I have almost done a trailer and the first map, which will also be used as a demo. But i cant do this alone, so i will need some help to make this perfect.:grin:

Spots open:
-Models I need someone to do a couple of models. I am not looking for high quality models or high res models, but something similiar to that of Wacraft 3.

-Cinematics Someone that can make good cinematics. Its never from scratch, I will create all the terrain and units and a couple of cameras, so you get the concept.


Current Team:
-Revolve (me) - Project Lead, Basic Triggers, Object Editor, Terrains, Map and Story Writer.
-Grishnakah - Grammar/Dialogues/Tooltips and Arts/Images.
-Rowboat - Triggers/spells Director and Assisting Story/Map writer.
If you are interested in joining, please show some work and we can talk. If you got questions, ask here in thread or send me a PM.

I will post some screenies later on. Cheers! :grin:


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Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
Yeah yeah sorry for double post, but I think you wouldn't notice the news otherwise...

Welcome Scribe as our Grammar/Dialogues/Tooltips writer. This means the spot is closed, and i know we won't need more writers as i trust Scribe :D

Also uploaded new Screenshots in first post. Not much, but hey, its something.
Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
I am sorry to say that Scribe had to leave.

Scribe had some IRL business, school that is, and school is much more important than a game. Scribe will also leave the Hive for a while so i wish him the best and hope we'll meet again.

This also means I am looking for a new Grammar/Dialogues/Tooltips writer, aswell as the positions mentioned above.

I have been working on the first demo map and i am making progress. It's about 40% done, and with some help this demo should be ready in no time. :grin:
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
I can do it. I sometimes get spare time in my school work. I live in Australia, so we use Proper English, and not the modified version that those damn Americans made up. I may help with other things too if you need, like loading screens and other stuff to do with imagery.
Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
I can do it. I sometimes get spare time in my school work. I live in Australia, so we use Proper English, and not the modified version that those damn Americans made up. I may help with other things too if you need, like loading screens and other stuff to do with imagery.
Hahah yeah those damn americans.... :grin:

Hi. Thanks for joining then, awesome :thumbs_up:
Could use some help with imaging aswell, such as loading screens. We'll speak more on PM and assign duties.

But then Welcome to Grishnakah, Grammar/Dialogues/Tooltips writer, and Art Director (Art Director(?) mehh you know what i mean :wink:)
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Sounds very interesting =P
I allways wanted to make maps as a contiuation of WC3 =)

I think i can help as Spell Maker and Triggerer, i am using GUI and a little JASS, i am also very creative and got a load of ideas of events and more, that fits the WC3/WoW story since i tried this before =)

If i can help, PM me and lets chat about this =D


Thanks for the welcome =)
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Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
k. when done, give me map to do spell check, and anything else that may need doing.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
is there any other jobs that need filling? we got Spells, Triggers, Story/map assistant covered by Rowboat, and Grammar/spellcheck and some other details covered by me, and everything else by you. Is there anything else needed at the time???
Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
There is nothing more I can do on trailer till we've filled the spot "Cinematics". I want a high quality trailer and I am not qualifed for that :D
And really what we need help on right now is mostly cinematics and modelling, and the text I sent to you Grishnakah.

Right now, all i can ask for except the jobs i give you, is to come up with some awesome ideas for the campaign. Whilst I got pretty much the complete campaign ready in my mind, I will need some help to make it unique and fun to play :D
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Right now, all i can ask for except the jobs i give you, is to come up with some awesome ideas for the campaign. Whilst I got pretty much the complete campaign ready in my mind, I will need some help to make it unique and fun to play :D

The 3 words red is what people want =)
Thats why i will from now on mass ideas into your head! =D
Be ready man, its going to hurt.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
I can do cinematic (I'm trying to learn it, plus I have a cool terraining-specialised map so that I can make (almost) anything).
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Its just that we havent done anything yet o_O Ideas are unlimited but the use of them are, you work on mission 2 right?

Can you come with some spells i can make? xD
Or a thing you want suggestions of (Like a place in map you cannot decide what should be).

Level 11
May 2, 2009
I can do it. I sometimes get spare time in my school work. I live in Australia, so we use Proper English, and not the modified version that those damn Americans made up. I may help with other things too if you need, like loading screens and other stuff to do with imagery.

Waz you be dissin me out homes? Im a put a cap in your ass if you start dissin me again. I take out my 45, my green mota and i shoot you in your face homes. Oh yea.....
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
Sorry, but I don't toletate your kind.... I prefer hunting rifles *pulls out .44 cal Winchester*. Dare to take this on?
Level 11
May 2, 2009
*takes out swine flu virus* Hey brah, i live in ny. I got the swine flu. Ill infect your ass faster then you flabbergast.
Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
Rofl, is this going off-topic (who cares go on kind of funny:D)

Anyway yes Grish think you misunderstood, we still need a cinematic-er and a modeller.
Since the first map almost is done, and we still got no modeller, i am going to ask someone to do this as a freelance job.

It's for the Primalist hero, and is basiclly not a model from scratch, but a combination of more models, with some custom things on and some new animations.
If anyone is interested in doing this one model for us, please get in touch with me on PM. ^^
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Rofl, is this going off-topic (who cares go on kind of funny:D)
Time to go Off-topic then! =D

I think you realy need to get the first map done A.S.A.P. so i can come with ideas related to your work... i cannot give so many ideas when i dont know how they are going to be used :D:D:D

Lets make this short: Give pictures! XD
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
I do . . . :D But i think a Perfection is a EXTREMELY BAD thing to START with man ...

Like my Project (If you want to know what it is: Check the link on signature xD) I do the easy work first, and then will perfect it by fixing all grammars, find cooler models, add last events and so on . . .

I think the entire campaign should first be on "Work" stage. Then when about 5 missions is done, a modeller can make some awesome models and yet that chapter to "Perfected" and the next are ready to work on...

I cannot believe i had to power to write more than 4 words....
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
he cant continue till we get cine, models and, ofcourse, my slack ass to send in the corrected text.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
First off all, i smell bad today...

next i need to say that Revolve does the Terrain himself.

third i need to tell you tomorow but saying it anyways now: he (or "we" if Revolve gives credits xD) needs only a Cinamatic-er and a Modeller and one who can make pizza (that is me).

If you can do something related to modeling/cinamaticing please PM Revolve and chat about it =)
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
we dont need a constant bump. some of us have lives away from computers (except me. my other life is school work... which is done on computers).
Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
I can inform that the project is dead. Reasons? well...
First of all, I blaim my friends. They have made me start playing WoW and CS again, and cause of this I won't have time to manage a team and a huge project.
Also, the feedback and interest has been small, thus making the team un-complete.
Thanks Grish, Scribe and Rowboat for joining and helping =D
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
wait, dont kill it. I play WoW and CS (source, not 1.6), yet I still find time to do my work. set up a day plan or something. Not being OCD here, but I seriously think you should do it.
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