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vJass Highlight Extension for Gedit Gnome Linux

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Reactions: deepstrasz
This tool originates from here

What is Gedit?
Gedit is a simple text tool with many highlights for Linux with Gnome. It is free and open source software and is not available for Windows, so yes, if you are a Windows user, this is not for you.

Hi guys, a few days ago I was working on Linux... when suddenly I wanted to code warcraft (lol). However, I don't have it installed on Linux due a few problems and so JNGP can not help me. So, the next logical solution would be to make something light that could aid me making my codes, which is why I decided to create this plugin for Gedit, a plugin that allows people to have syntax highlight checker in Gnome for vJass.
This plugin allows the user to have highlights to all non-BJ functions and to automatically view ".j" files. This plugin is the most possible user friend there can be with the limitations of Gedit .lang files, I can't add anything else or it won't run because it will be to big (damn stupid compilers xD ). It gave me lots of work and hell to make this thing work, please I hope Linux people enjoy it xD


Version 1.0:
- Initial public release

Version 1.1:
- Added "local" and "elseif" to keywords
- Improved the documentation in many points

Version 1.2:
- Added Credits to the comments of the header of the file
- Completed the game variable type highlight

Version 1.3:
- Completed the list of keywords
- Added more people to credits

How to install?

There are two files: vJass.lang and vJass.xml and they go to separate folders.

1 - This is an optional step. By making it you will be able to automatically have the vJass highlights mode when you open a ".j" file. It is not necessary to make the highlights work, but it is nice because this way you don't need to go to "View -> Highlight -> Others -> vJass".
2 - Go to "~/.local/share/mime/packages" (create it if it doesn't exist yet)
2.1 - Remember .local is a hidden folder, you have to enable the view of hidden folders
3 - paste this file there
4 - Go to "~/.local/share" and run: "update-mime-database mime" (if you can't run the command it is ok as well, but I advice to do so)

1 - This is the necessary step for you to have highlights working.
2 - copy this file to the following path: "/usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs"

Note: All the process must be done with Gedit closed.

After this simple steps, Gedit will now syntax Highlight vJass from ".j" files =P
Have fun!

Gedit, Hightlight, Linux, Gnome, syntax, colors, light, simple, vJass, .j

vJass Highlight Extension for Gedit Gnome Linux (Binary)

23:40, 11th May 2009
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
Nice one. Although I do not use Linux a lot (bad me :p) , it certainly is very useful for people who do.
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
I was thinking about this yesterday... Very nice that u made it long before! +rep
Now we need to get that WE or NewGen WE to work under Wine with no video glitches -.-

Thanks a lot!
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Main distribution? I'm pretty sure they're all "main distribution". Ubuntu is one of the more popular, I think you mean.

Anyways, I was inferring that question towards keston1010, of whom can't use it. I was then trying to see if he even was able to in the first place by inquiring whether or not he even uses a distribution of Linux, like Ubuntu, that harnesses GNOME.
Main distribution? I'm pretty sure they're all "main distribution"
You are pretty wrong than. Most distributions are based on Ubuntu and then changed. Kubuntu, Linux Mint, XUbuntu and many others are examples. Notice that I am not referring to read hat based distributions (such as Linux OS, per exmaple) which use KDE as a main interface manager, or other distros such as Suse.

There are other version of Linux that use Gnome, Linux Mint (my favourite) also uses it. GNOME environments are not really a problem in the Unix world :p

Anyway, I appreciate you trying to help Hero_Lief. It's always good. rep++
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Oh, no, I know GNOME enviroments aren't a problem. I was just asking if he even uses a distribution that has a GNOME environment available. Many don't.