This is the vJASS Highlighter XML for Notepad++
You can download Notepad++ from here :
How to implement?
1) Download JASS.xml from here
2) Open Notepad++
3) Go to View then click User-Defined Dialogue
4) A new window will open,click it then click Import.
5) Import JASS.xml
6) To use it, go to Language then click JASS.Enjoy
1) Indention included
2) Folding blocks(for functions,libraries,etc)
3) Highlights function names,common constants,types, strings,values, symbols.
4) Has comments blocks of vJASS
1) Highlighting functions,but it uses keywords(due to that i can't list them all because i have no time CnPing it) so it can also highlight other names,library names,structs,etc.
2) Grimext can't be highlighted
3) BJs have the same color with natives
4) "*" symbol is not highlighted due to that it ruins the /**/ blocks
5) creates block folders everywhere that has "function,library,struct,method, module,globals,interface,library_once,if,loop" words in them(E.G. TriggerAddCondition which takes code,hence,it uses the word function,the result it creates a folding block)
6) Indention is buggy(Notepad++ did it). Why buggy? Indention are not made of spaces,hence if you do this " Hello Hi" it will become this "HelloHi". Be careful CnPing.
The maker of Notepad++
Moyackx for the older Syntax Highlighter :