Hey , i played a few games of this yesterday have have some comments
1st thing: I played an slightly older version and as bob's immune defense , i didnt get to pick the hero , as i was choosing , but then i guess i was too slow and so i didnt get a hero lol. So in that case , u should check it out...maybe add a random pick hero trigger if the menu gets overided by other stuff like a scoreboard being created (maybe its the reason i dunno). Check it out for the viruses too....im not sure about them thou
2nd thing: Yesterday , i played a game and once , the computer bacteria/worms outside the body were "lost". They were hanging around the head and didnt go into the portal .
Unless you've impletmented a Head trauma system , where the skull "cracks" somehow , there was no reason for them being around there LOL....
About the polio race.... i used to think they werent really as good as my fully upgraded bacteria , but then maybe then it was the player being lousy....Maybe you should make them weak to something??? A feedback from a player : Workers have high damage he said 40+ damage... yeah around there.
Also if u can find out , maybe u can have a virus type that "rots" the skin and creates random units in the cell like bacteria and maybe even a worm. And if u gonna make a AIDS virus , add a cell at the mini penis(enlarge it ) lol... then give it a trigger if a AIDs type infected cell is built there , it is enhanced somehow.. ( i dunno ... bonus cash??)
Lungs:Maybe allow the body to create flem in the throat and lungs to make bob cough( flem drags units with it and damages them)
Heart: Let body buy artifical heart , so harder for bob to die.
Amoeba race:I Know its expert , but it is abit weak , ( i know stronger in late-game) maybe when u split , u lose 25 str but shares the rest of the str with the new hero ( unless total is less than 30 str , cause starting str is 15)
Can the body buy pills??? cause i think you should allow the body to buy them late game , but then every 10 pills bought = 5%-10% more pain ( in real life u cant take too much pain killers i think)
thats all i can think of now