Villagerino's Work in Progress

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like all your case fans are exhaust fans (maybe with the exception of the top fans, but I can't see them)? Ideally speaking, the rear fan, side fans, and bottom fan should all be intake, and the top should be exhaust. Positive pressure in a computer case is always better than negative pressure. The rear fan would blow fresh and cool air on your CPU cooler, which is set up in a push-pull fan config. The bottom fan blowing fresh air onto the GPU fans, and the side fans blows even more fresh air into the case, creating the positive pressure. The top fans will then exhaust the naturally rising hot air, gaining optimal cooling capabilities.

I may be wrong about your fans, but if those fans are like normal other fans then they are most definitely all set to exhaust.
At first I thought you were talking about my followers as WC3 fans and I thought why should they be exhausted lol.

Well, I'm not sure what to answer, I only know that everything works fine and I have more then enough fans xD The build was tested by some trusted peeps who said that the air flow was alright and the CPU fans worked correctly 🫠
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At first I thought you were talking about my followers as WC3 fans and I thought why should they be exhausted lol.

Well, I'm not sure what to answer, I only know that everything works fine and I have more then enough fans xD The build was tested by some trusted peeps who said that the air flow was alright and the CPU fans worked correctly 🫠
Haha alright, well, congrats on the new computer.
A few buildings I've been working on lately. These are Night Elven income storages for Tree Tag.

They must have 7 tiers and a 'Stand Upgrade' animation 🫠 so I was looking for a shape that can let this happen and the pagoda shape seemed to work.

To add to this, tiers should be easily readable and the first 4 of them should preferably have one texture (High Elf), as well as the final 3 tiers (Night Elf).

These are rough sketches and experiments but might be inspiring for some 😉
I only hope to find the perfect visual balance and nail it soon.

Speed Crystal


Among many other buildings Ents in Tree Tag will need this one - the Speed Crystal.

Initially there was only a Doodads\Icecrown\Rocks\Icecrown and bla-bla-bla crystal with no animation, base and team color, just a mere doodad.

Here I quickly combined a platform that Ancients use for their 'Morph' animation with the crystal. I also repositioned the roots, added a few curly smaller roots and left them with one-sided material so that when you look through the crystal you don't see the roots' inner parts 🤌

Time for TC but we'll make some "fake" TC.

When the model lacks detailed geosets just copy some parts of them you may find suitable, separate them and make the TC layer a bit above.

So here I copies the root parts, made them a TC layer, picked the bottom vertices (the top were left attached to the model, see the gif) and moved them up. Then I adjusted the size and shape so these TC parts look like they are in-built.

And here is the result:

Make sure to check this in-game or in the Sanity because sometimes when you put parts too close to each other they can glitch!

I decided to use the Ancient of Lore texture for the TC from its staff. It looks like a cloth wrapped around the root. Seems quite fitting 👌

Here I put this building (just by simply copy-pasting it) into another building that has a 'Stand Work' sequence, stuff like Night Elven birth attachment point, rally point, collision and so on. Before deleting the previous building's geosets I set the visibility (because you can copy geoset's visibility, ez) and also left the 'Stand Work' particle emitter (that already has proper animation timings) for the latter 👍

The building must have a square base and should be not much wider than a standard Moon Well. Here I can also adjust the height and see how deep the base of the building should stay under the ground (when you put buildings on cliffs their underground base details show up).

And of course I couldn't resist adding some bushes:

Definitely looks fresher now! ☺️

Let's go for our 'Stand Work' sequence.

There could be A LOT OF variations with various particle effects, glowing, texture animation and so on. But it's very important to keep the balance. I think I like this simple "wisp" glow effect thing and will remove the particles that go up.

And some in-game tests:

From this perspective, I realized that some details needed to be done differently or removed altogether. So I got rid of the fourth root with bushes which was behind the crystal.

Then I the revealed the crystal more to the eye by making it higher and by stertching the whole building: in the end, this building is more about the crystal than its roots and foliage.

And here we finally go:

A nice Night Elven pylon, isn't it?

Wait a second. I got some great advice from @Vinz and added a drop of his talent here:

That's what I call team work 🤝 Thank you, @Vinzerino!
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Ent Ranger


You've already seen Ent Mystic, Ent Scout and even Ent Engineer, what could be crazier, you ask? How about Ent... Ranger?

Mission. We need to create a model that is easily recognizable as an Ent Ranger, has a design that fits perfectly with the visuals of Warcraft, and also has a clean/edgy look to serve as a great base for future skins.

There are 9 general Ent classes in Tree Tag.


Pic 1. Class selector in the Fountain of Destiny.

See this bottom right icon? It's his!

The task of this Ent is to constantly distract the mighty Infernals from searching for other Ents, to constantly remain in the center of the map to save other Ents, because he is the only non-melee Ent! This sapling also has a range of useful spells that can win some time for him to escape the danger.

Here we took our Ent Template and made his branches grow wider:
See the difference?

Next we made some clothes for our sapling:
This hat, a bycocket, with a feather on it will resemble one of the most popular archer images of all time - Robin Hood! 🏹


Here we re-texture the clothes, added a feather and a bow:
Yes, green is the color we need to further develop Robin's Hood charisma.
We also decided to use the popular shape of a bow among the Night Elves but we replaces those round spheres with the Priest's texture.

Next we put on a quiver and re-texture (AncientOfTheWind.blp) the bow:
Now he looks almost like a real old-school archer, doesn't he?

On the left gif you can see regular attacks and on the right we are preapring a shooting one:
You might have also noticed that we added a small sharp Robin-styled beard to the chin.

To make this attack beautiful, we constantly spied on how the Elven Archer was shooting:
We also need to show this impulse of retraction in the hips and branches of our Ent.

Looks like he's ready, you say? No, guys, we need 3 more 'Spell' animations. Yes, THREE, to shoot more arrows.
Снимок экрана 2024-02-17 155526.png
About the same.

Let's copy our 'Attack' sequence and make the pose have more pathos:
See how our Robin Wood is trying to pull the string tighter? We need to make it look like he's charging up a magical bolt.
But what are those magical bolts? They are Poison Arrow, Frost Arrow and Stun Arrow.

To keep things warcrafty let's use Blizzard's Frost and Poison arrow effects. This way we can make a smooth transition after the shot (since a missile will appear at some point):
Ah, hard we tried and here we go! Now the Ent is 100% ready to shoot his first Frost Arrow.
The visual effect decreases and becomes less and less transparent the closer the shot is, like the Ent is gathering some magical force on the tip of his arrow.

Let's add some particle effects (taken from the missiles) and make an 'Attack Spell' for our Poison Arrow:
Nice! The posture is cool and the animation also looks fine.

It's time to check out how the shots look in-game and work with real in-game missiles:
Seems like it's working well. Good!

We had to set all the 'Spell First, Second, Third' parameters exactly as it was in the the 'Attack' sequence. Thus, the sapling can have the same 'Animation - Cast Point' parameter and his spells will appear as special shots.

The final 'Spell' sequence is left and it's the Stun Shot! So let's make a Stun Arrow:
We took Blizzard's Storm Bolt, changed this and that and got this arrow.

But how do we show that this is a stun shot? And here's the answer:
1. Change colors. 2. Add a stun effect. 3. Make it billboarded (seen from different camera angles).

A short in-game check, please:
All three 'Spell' sequences work fine. Great!

We also need some other animations like 'Spell Throw' for the Sentinel spell, 'Stand Ready', ect.:
Remember that the 'Death' sequence should inherit its opening keyframes from 'Stand Ready'!

To further support the image of our forest bandit we added a smirk:
We also made a thin face and slightly narrowed cunning eyes.

The Ent Ranger has his class building and also a few cool skins. So stay tuned if you don't want to miss them!

Thank you all for your attention and I sincerely hope you enjoyed our little journey!

I look forward to seeing you again!

Best regards,
your Robin Wood
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Skins for Ent Ranger

A few skins for Tree tag for this guy.
This is an Uncommon skin called Golden Eagle Bow:

This bow's texture is taken from Warcraft 1 and I stole it from this user 👉 @Rhapsodie because he was using it too often!

And this is an Epic skin called Golden Eagle, featuring a cool set of armor, some particles and an omnilight:

"This Ent is so proficient with weapons that he was entrusted with an epic and elegant bow of the Golden Eagle, and now he has clearly become much more confident in himself."

And this is an Epic Black Lion skin, featuring the same cool stuff as above:

"This masterful Ent Ranger was entrusted with a powerful and elegant bow to conjure infallible enchanted arrows."

Some Paladin and Lord Garrison armor textures here. For the string shine I used Flare.blp which can be found in the standard MPQ in the
Снимок экрана 2024-02-28 230516.png
folder. How did I made these particles along the string? I looked up for it in @Vinz's amazing frost bow attachment! 🏹

By the way, I made these skins for winners and participants of the Tree Tag fall tournament. If you'd like to watch some competitive custom map games here's a list of games with commentary and a nice streamer's UI: 2023 Fall tournament playlist!
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Skins for Ent Ranger

A few skins for Tree tag for this guy.
This is an Uncommon skin called Golden Eagle Bow:
View attachment 463861View attachment 463862
This bow's texture is taken from Warcraft 2 and I stole it from this user 👉 @Rhapsodie because he was using it too often!

And this is an Epic skin called Golden Eagle, featuring a cool set of armor, some particles and an omnilight:
View attachment 463863View attachment 463865
"This Ent is so proficient with weapons that he was entrusted with an epic and elegant bow of the Golden Eagle, and now he has clearly become much more confident in himself."

And this is an Epic Black Lion skin, featuring the same cool stuff as above:
View attachment 463864View attachment 463866
"This masterful Ent Ranger was entrusted with a powerful and elegant bow to conjure infallible enchanted arrows."

Some Paladin and Lord Garrison armor textures here. For the string shine I used Flare.blp which can be found in the standard MPQ in the View attachment 463867 folder. How did I made these particles along the string? I looked up for it in @Vinz's amazing frost bow attachment! 🏹

By the way, I made these skins for winners and participants of the Tree Tag fall tournament. If you'd like to watch some competitive custom map games he's a list of games with commentary and a nice streamer's UI: 2023 Fall tournament playlist!

I love your golden eagle bow the most.
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Rune Ent


Mission. We need to create a model that has a very unique appearance because this is a secret class Ent!

There are 9 general Ent classes in Tree Tag. But Shrune Ent is very special and has a number of abilities that can make a huge difference in the game in the right hands: for example, Rune Obelisk, which summons and saves an Ent that is being pursued by the evil Infernal.

Sometimes it's best to start by creating a concept model so you can visualize your idea:
Снимок экрана 2024-04-01 215244.png

Why is he a shroom? This is a bright model that does not have foliage or branches, which stands out from the ranks of ordinary Ents, but is ideologically connected with nature (and mushrooms that play an important part in Tree Tag gameplay).

Fine! It's time to find some fitting runes for our dude:

These are cool but not TC, let's see what else we can find.

These are colored.

And uncolored TC runes are only a few so that our dude won't have a good variety of them but he must because he's a RUNE Ent!

What to do, what to do...

We also spent plenty time with @Deolrin in order to find something fitting. (He is a very wise troll that knows a lot of textures, so you can you can poke and disturb him, hehe.) By the way, he has models of fly-agarics, whose caps he made from the texture of a ladybug:
Снимок экрана 2024-04-01 222253.png

Brilliant and simple! Tree Tag still uses those.

Oh, how about this one? Let's take some runes directly from his obelisk ability:
Снимок экрана 2024-04-01 215223.png

Yeeesh, this is Icecrown_Obelisk.blp! See this line of runes on the right? We're going to use it right now!

Okay. Now he has a huge noticable hat that can carry rune texture, very handy!

So here we continued to develop our concept art, and we added TC runes: we needed that team color that doesn't get covered by a hat.

This looks... kind of good, but the connections between the textures are quite rough. We can clearly see this Icecrown Obelisk stone cracks.

Let's create a few layers for the hat and try to use some wrapping techniques to make things look cool:

Here we added and then cut things into several separate geosets so it's easier now to manipulate the textures.

Now let's connect our geosets to see what we get:
Снимок экрана 2024-04-01 220615.png

Hmm, this looks fine. Kung Lao must be proud of him now!

We can further simplify the hat so that the edges of geosets blend and become one whole thing:

We carefully matched the dark edges of the textures and dark spots to each other to make a smooth transition between textures. Nice!

Oh, do you remember the initial shroom model by Blizzard? It has a cool shine made via texture animations. Let's make our Ent shine as well:

We just used Magos to make the same thing work for us, easy.

You can also see the portrait and how glowing the eys are now:

That's because we didn't touch the eyes and let them stay in their own geoset. We also wrapped the face the way as if our Ent has a semblance of a nose and eyebrows, and then our brain itself will draw the rest 👍

Personally, I like the look of this Ent, it is one of my favorites, for me it is very laconic and bright. I love its simplicity and uniqueness.

Time to let this Ent have a walk with his fellow brothers and meet new friends:

From now on he will never feel alone!

(I can also make some alternate animation when he transforms into a mushroom and can pop up back to become a Shrooment again. But for the map it's redundant. Maybe when I upload the model 🤔)
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Mission. We need to create a model that has a very unique appearance because this is a secret class Ent!

There are 9 general Ent classes in Tree Tag. But Shrune Ent is very special and has a number of abilities that can make a huge difference in the game in the right hands: for example, Rune Obelisk, which summons and saves an Ent that is being pursued by the evil Infernal.

Sometimes it's best to start by creating a concept model so you can visualize your idea:
View attachment 468577View attachment 468583
Why is he a shroom? This is a bright model that does not have foliage or branches, which stands out from the ranks of ordinary Ents, but is ideologically connected with nature (and mushrooms that play an important part in Tree Tag gameplay).

Fine! It's time to find some fitting runes for our dude:
View attachment 468565
These are cool but not TC, let's see what else we can find.

These are colored.
View attachment 468579View attachment 468580
And uncolored TC runes are only a few so that our dude won't have a good variety of them but he must because he's a RUNE Ent!

View attachment 468576 What to do, what to do...

We also spent plenty time with @Deolrin in order to find something fitting. (He is a very wise troll that knows a lot of textures, so you can you can poke and disturb him, hehe.) By the way, he has models of fly-agarics, whose caps he made from the texture of a ladybug:
View attachment 468588
Brilliant and simple! Tree Tag still uses those.

Oh, how about this one? Let's take some runes directly from his obelisk ability:
View attachment 468581
Yeeesh, this is Icecrown_Obelisk.blp! See this line of runes on the right? We're going to use it right now!

Okay. Now he has a huge noticable hat that can carry rune texture, very handy!
View attachment 468567
So here we continued to develop our concept art, and we added TC runes: we needed that team color that doesn't get covered by a hat.

This looks... kind of good, but the connections between the textures are quite rough. We can clearly see this Icecrown Obelisk stone cracks.

Let's create a few layers for the hat and try to use some wrapping techniques to make things look cool:
View attachment 468569
Here we added and then cut things into several separate geosets so it's easier now to manipulate the textures.

Now let's connect our geosets to see what we get:
View attachment 468570View attachment 468582
Hmm, this looks fine. Kung Lao must be proud of him now!

We can further simplify the hat so that the edges of geosets blend and become one whole thing:
View attachment 468574
We carefully matched the dark edges of the textures and dark spots to each other to make a smooth transition between textures. Nice!

Oh, do you remember the initial shroom model by Blizzard? It has a cool shine made via texture animations. Let's make our Ent shine as well:
View attachment 468578
We just used Magos to make the same thing work for us, easy.

You can also see the portrait and how glowing the eys are now:
View attachment 468584
That's because we didn't touch the eyes and let them stay in their own geoset. We also wrapped the face the way as if our Ent has a semblance of a nose and eyebrows, and then our brain itself will draw the rest 👍

Personally, I like the look of this Ent, it is one of my favorites, for me it is very laconic and bright. I love its simplicity and uniqueness.

Time to let this Ent have a walk with his fellow brothers and meet new friends:
View attachment 468572
From now on he will never feel alone!

(I can also make some alternate animation when he transforms into a mushroom and can pop up back to become a Shrooment again. But for the map it's redundant. Maybe when I upload the model 🤔)
This tree man riding a horned eagle is so interesting.
Ent Treasurer


The task of this Ent is to farm, farm and FARM with the help of his unique building - Treasure Chest. This Ent can quickly found a huge base or share his enormous finances with other Ents.


Since this Ent's playstyle revolves around resource extraction, I tried to create a rather charismatic piece of wood that resembles a grumpy and greedy gold digger that carries both - wood and gold.

At first I created a massive pickaxe!
Just look at this tool: it contains textures that are already familiar to the eye and some helpful teamcolor.

Next I made some clothes for the sapling:
This greedy miser will not spend a penny on himself and will walk like a shoe: nothing superfluous - just burlap and ropes!

Then I added a barrel with some rope textures on it so that it looks like it is attached to the Ent:
The mask on his face is just a part of a future skin I will show later.

After few moments, I filled the barrel with gold and glitter from Blizzard's TreasureChest.mdx:
Here I also worked on the face, added some lumber and a shiny golden tooth, just for fun.

This transformation requires some work on the animations: I need to make the Ent carry this pack of lumber in every sequence. In addition, the barrel should also swing and sway when moving:
Good enough!

I also desided to pay some attention to the 'Death' sequence:
Looks quite lively and natural. Nice! From these motions you can also easily guess how I did it.

Here I came back to the portrait and added more foliage around the temples to make it look like he wears senile sideburns:
Now this face with a wide bald forehead, thin cheekbones and a single tooth is more reminiscent of an old greedy scrooge. Just what I wanted.

Now let's take a look at our greedy grumbler in the Sanity from all sides:
Fine! I think there is enough teamcolor and the animations are quite polished. It's time to try this sapling in the game.

Here we go:
Animations work fine, the body is selectable and the HP bar is at place. Good!

Well, in my opinion, it turned out to be a good base for future skins, as well as a model that is quite expressive and different from other Ents, isn't it?

Thank you all for your attention and I sincerely hope you like the model!

I look forward to seeing you again!

Best regards,
your Tree Tag hunks
Thanks, boyz! 🤜🤛

I wonder if your troll priest model will be relesed soon. Perhaps the recent Troll Campaign v2.0 might use it in future updates.
Yeah, I hope so 😌

With the help of @ToldYouSo, who generously supported me on Boosty, and after looking at an epic Troll Campaign by mister @frostwhisper, I got very motivated to continue working on some complex models that were already getting dusty. And, of course, this is my Troll Priest from one contest:


These are some 'Stand' sequences that are being polished right now. Any animation, even a simple one, requires a lot of work to manage the chains of hair and skirt bones. The shoulder pads also have their own anti-clip bones that have to be controlled.

And here are some 'Attack' sequences:


During these sequences, as well as in 'Stand Ready', the Troll holds a pulsating ball of purple energy in his left hand ☄️ and this is how he throws it. Animations involving steps require control of the pelvis bone, where it must not only rotate, but also move along with the chest.

A good example of such a movement is this 'Spell Slam' sequence where the Troll channels the power of his energy ball through the crystal:


In the future I will add a nice glow-blow that will appear at the end of the staff and signal the player about the special shot 💥

In all animations the staff bone is not connected to the Troll's root bone, so before moving the staff I have to be 100% sure that all other movements are done and look good 👌
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Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
Thanks, boyz! 🤜🤛

Yeah, I hope so 😌

With the help of @ToldYouSo, who generously supported me on Boosty, and after looking at an epic Troll Campaign by mister @frostwhisper, I got very motivated to continue working on some complex models that were already getting dusty. And, of course, this is my Troll Priest from one contest:

View attachment 482716View attachment 482718View attachment 482721

These are some 'Stand' sequences that are being polished right now. Any animation, even a simple one, requires a lot of work to manage the chains of hair and skirt bones. The shoulder pads also have their own anti-clip bones that have to be controlled.

And here are some 'Attack' sequences:

View attachment 482719View attachment 482720

During these sequences, as well as in 'Stand Ready', the Troll holds a pulsating ball of purple energy in his left hand ☄️ and this is how he throws it. Animations involving steps require control of the pelvis bone, where it must not only rotate, but also move along with the chest.

A good example of such a movement is this 'Spell Slam' sequence where the Troll channels the power of his energy ball through the crystal:

View attachment 482722View attachment 482723

In the future I will add a nice glow-blow that will appear at the end of the staff and signal the player about the special shot 💥

In all animations the staff bone is not connected to the Troll's root bone, so before moving the staff I have to be 100% sure that all other movements are done and look good 👌
So beautyful, GJ
Level 18
Jun 11, 2022
Thanks, boyz! 🤜🤛

Yeah, I hope so 😌

With the help of @ToldYouSo, who generously supported me on Boosty, and after looking at an epic Troll Campaign by mister @frostwhisper, I got very motivated to continue working on some complex models that were already getting dusty. And, of course, this is my Troll Priest from one contest:

View attachment 482716View attachment 482718View attachment 482721

These are some 'Stand' sequences that are being polished right now. Any animation, even a simple one, requires a lot of work to manage the chains of hair and skirt bones. The shoulder pads also have their own anti-clip bones that have to be controlled.

And here are some 'Attack' sequences:

View attachment 482719View attachment 482720

During these sequences, as well as in 'Stand Ready', the Troll holds a pulsating ball of purple energy in his left hand ☄️ and this is how he throws it. Animations involving steps require control of the pelvis bone, where it must not only rotate, but also move along with the chest.

A good example of such a movement is this 'Spell Slam' sequence where the Troll channels the power of his energy ball through the crystal:

View attachment 482722View attachment 482723

In the future I will add a nice glow-blow that will appear at the end of the staff and signal the player about the special shot 💥

In all animations the staff bone is not connected to the Troll's root bone, so before moving the staff I have to be 100% sure that all other movements are done and look good 👌
Just give him stormreaver warlock anims, duh 🤪. But seriously great work, hoping to see this released someday.


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Still working on my Troll Priest and today I'm finishing up some animations and starting to work on a 'Spell Throw' and 'Spell Slam'.

Hair movement here and there improved (slow motion and regular speed):

These small parts are important to the overall dynamics of the model, so I try to make them move as naturally as possible and rotate on all axes 🔄

An impoved 'Attack-2' sequence:

Leg slip and sliding are reduced to an acceptable level; hips, knees and shins work well together 👌

Here's the start of the 'Spell Throw':

All spell sequences are played around the staff and right body part unlike the attack animations that are played around the left arm and leg ☝️

And here is a fairly logical animation of the 'Spell Slam' sequence:

I'm happy enough with this animation and especially with the hair movement.

I check all the animations in reduced scale to understand how expressive and noticeable the movements are from the game camera angle:

This helps to understand whether you need to add sharpness and dynamics to the movements or, on the contrary, reduce the latter 🤌

I make almost all non-looping animations have the same length and attack/fire momentum:

This is very important for
Снимок экрана 2024-08-13 123640.png
and all this stuff because during any attack or casting spells, the model synchronizes attacks and releases of a hypothetical projectile (I usually keep it in the middle of the animation for conveniece).

Here I also duplicated the 'Spell Slam' sequence and reduced its length to add more dynamic to the movement:

I strongly advise you to first duplicate the animation you want to increase or decrease in time (so that it goes to the end of the list of animations) and only then apply your changes. After you make the changes, then you are free to delete the previous animation (in RMS: Scripts - Edit/delete model components - Animation tab - pick the required animation - untick the 'Import this Sequence' field - Finish). This way, your keyframes between animations will never be layered on top of each other 👍
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A few more animations are almost finished and they are 'Stand-3' and 'Stand-4':

Here I decided to interact with the features of the equipment and play around the hunched back of the old Troll 🧑‍🦳

I will leave the feather animation for later because I can return to rethinking some poses and gestures 👌
Hello fellas and Troll lovers! Today I got time for the 'Spell' animation and a few corrections.

I think this guy is quite good with his staff:

Just look how smoothly he is moving. There is a lot to learn from him! 🕊️

Here I prepared the initial movement with rotation and tilt of the pelvis and chest in different directions:

In theory, the Troll should throw his staff high, which will emit light while casting a spell 🌟

Here's what I have to deal with:
Снимок экрана 2024-08-16 171300.png
Снимок экрана 2024-08-16 171250.png

Unlike ordinary "bipedal" models, here you can see as many as 2 more chains of bones and all this for the sake of animation of the skirt and armor.

When turning and tilting the pelvis, there is a small step back and a sliding return to the starting position:

At the same time, the hem of the skirt rises, and the armor also sways. The hem of the skirt should "retract" at the Troll's butt, as the legs straighten and the butt sticks out less.

From the side you can see how the armor contracts and the skirt straightens:

The legs take a more solid position and stop sliding.

Let's do a little magic on the back of the skirt:

Looks good, like a real wave from the movement of the fabric 🌊

Here I made the front hair move on all nessesary axes:

During this we should remember that the lower part is lighter than the upper and it takes more time for it to lose momentum.

Fasten the staff, debug the shoulder pads and slow down the second part of the animation:

This makes the return to the original pose smoother, and the cast itself seems to hover in the air.

And finally here's our handsome boy:

Me casting, mon.

Keep in mind that with every little turn of the torso the head will start to shake and tremble, the hair will fly to the Moon and the hand without an unattached weapon will try to slap your irritated head. Good luck with the animation! (1).png
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Creating a few new icons for Tower Survivors

Today and yesterday was making a few icons for the Tower Survivors map and tried to make them as much warcrafty as possible.

Here's the process of the Frost Bomb icon:
Снимок экрана 2024-08-21 153705.png

The icon required some WoW icons as you can see.

The result:

The creative process of the Bouncy Cannonball's icon:

Снимок экрана 2024-08-21 123920.png
Снимок экрана 2024-08-21 010632.png
warcraft_216 копия.png
Снимок экрана 2024-08-21 005015.png
Снимок экрана 2024-08-21 133542.png

The result:

Also made this spinning glaive icon for another weapon:

Comparing the icon to catch some WC3 vibes and making sure it looks warcrafty enough:

To make this glaive I used only one icon below:

With such quality of your model, you are no longer Villagerino, now you are upgraded to Citizenino.
Good job man!
Thanks for the promotion man!
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Returning to the Troll Priest and working on his 'Walk' sequence.

His walking should look senile, like Biden's, and here's what I started with:

Then I adjusted the right arm and went for the staff.

Here I worked on the left arm:

Also adjusted the staff and made its contact with ground sharper.

Here I made his steps shorter and this way the walk looks more harmonious with the distance the staff travels:

I also removed some glitches at the bottom and improved the skirt's movement.

Then I animated his braids and back hair:

Remember that they should rotate on several axes 🔄

Here I made the hair stretch and jump a bit and improved their rotation:

I also worked on his shoulder pads and removed their glithing.

This is the final result:

Just a few things left to fix here and there but I'm happy with the current animation 👌
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Ent Mystic - Judge skin
(Part 1)

Preparing some content for Tree Tag for the upcoming tournaments, and here are some WIPs on the new skin for Ent Mystic.


Here I randomly applied Draenei textures on the Ent and suddenly I saw this eyes beautifully covered with this piece of cloth, thus I got an idea to make a Judge Ent skin (and a few more ideas on top of this).

Here I made the model look cleaner by working with the material transparency and textures:

Created Scales of Justice from almost the same texture:
Снимок экрана 2024-08-30 190454.png

Improved some animations and made the team-colored parts look less visible so the scales get paid more attention:


More saturation, contrast and severe eyebrows:
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Ent Mystic - Judge skin
(Part 2)

The Tree Tag map is known for a fight between Infernals and Ents so I decided to put the unspoken symbol of the map on the scales:

Here's a Wisp and a tiny low-poly Infernal's head

Reminds me of this guy a bit:
Снимок экрана 2024-09-02 192507.png

After seeing the model in game I decided to switch to this:

Here I enlarged the Wisp and made the fire denser.

Then, after adjusting the animations, I launched a few in-game tests:

Here I'm checking the omni-lights, special effects and some animations. Need more polishing! 😤

Checking the portrait and going through the Sanity Test:

Comparing the skin with the defaul Ent Mystic model and another skin:
Снимок экрана 2024-09-02 184119.png
Снимок экрана 2024-09-02 182002.png

The final edit:
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Ent Mystic - Sun Bird skin

I took the Sorceress missile and improved it in a few steps:

I adjusted the UV textures, some geometry, and also worked on symmetry.

Then I made the bird more round:

Here I also gave a few animations from an Owl.

Then I made a caged lantern and put the bird inside:
Снимок экрана 2024-09-04 142818.png

Here I also added a few glow effects that don't hide the bird.

Next I checked the particle emitters in-game and omni-light:

Additionally I made sure there was no clipping (because the lantern got bigger than the default one).

The portrait must have a part of signature mesh:

Here I also checked if the omni-light was good enough.

The 'Death' sequence, looks simple but nontheless:

Required me to add a helper with Hermite rotation to create this spiral.

The final edit:
Снимок экрана 2024-09-04 144524.png

This skin was inspired by the Kobolt Candle Priest by @Bleeq🕯️Thanks to him!
Leaving some improved mesh if you would like to have a polished bird and a straighter cage with proper normals 👇


  • LightBird3_cage_opt.mdx
    14.9 KB · Views: 8
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Creating a few new icons for Tower Survivors

Protruding Spikes:

Icons used:

I took a drawing in perspective (Shockwave) for the main spike so that the spike looked more elongated at a distance. Then I added a gold-bronze metal plate that hints at a hidden mechanism that pushes out the spikes (that's why they are called so)👌

Cursed Treasure:


Icons used:

To my mind, "Cursed Treasure" requires a skull, a symbol of something bad, deadly; curse (like voodoo doll, the Curse spell from Banshee (icon+effect), ect.) is usually purple 👈

According to another idea, why not put the treasure in a vessel? It was as if someone had placed it with the fallen warrior in his ancient grave, and then protected it with a deadly spell so that no one would think of digging it up. In addtion, the urn has negative associations, plus fitting colors 🤌

The idea with the skull lying on gold coins belongs to @Nethalythic.

Molten Spikes:


Icons used:

Here I followed the idea by @Nethalythic again and remade the icon because his variation was
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Ent Engineer - Mechanostrider skin
(Part 2)

The insanity contunies and here's a re-animated strider!

Later I will improve some leg movement and animate the neck.

The merging is complete
and two equals one:

At least some of the animations work OK together 👌

And finally I worked on some mesh:

Here I removed his ass roots and added a transparent part of mesh with some leaves to smoothly connect the models 👍
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Level 25
Mar 29, 2020
this thread is the bomb. there are many gifted modelers on the Hive, but it's a rare talent to be able to take us on the creative process journey with you. thoroughly entertaining and educational too.

why not put the treasure in a vessel?
The urn holds your father's ashes, Arthas! What, were you hoping to piss on them one last time before you left his kingdom to rot?