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Villager Top Half (No arm)

Another sadistic villager chunk model from me! This one is missing an arm! Stay tuned to find his arm (when I finish making it)!
This is for all you people who want to have more variety with your slaughtered village scenes, rather than seeing the same corpse over and over again!

You have my permission to edit this model, but do not take credit for your version!

To make a second variation:
Open the model in http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/tools-560/war3-model-editor-62876/ and open up the MPQ browser. Open up the war3.mpq. Go to Units/Critters/VillagerMan. The VillagerMan.blp texture in this folder fits all of my villager piece models. The Units/Critters/VillagerMan1/VillagerMan1.blp texture also fits all of my villager piece models. To change the texture, right click this .bllp file and click Use as Texture.
Then go to the Materials list and find which material uses the VillagerMan texture and change it to use the VillagerMan1 texture (or vise versa). Then remove the other villager texture from the texture list, as it is unused, and it takes up uneeded file size.
You're done!
I've done this myself and it takes quite literally 15 seconds.

Update 9/05/12
--Re-uploaded the model. After seeing many of hiveworkshop's greatest resource developers leave, I decided to re-submit my resources after them being gone for over a year. I shouldn't have let my pride cause me to take my resources down so long ago. Anyway, I hope some people find use in this.

corpse, no, arm, death, dead, villager, piece, half, top, meat, chunk, blood, gore

Villager Top Half (No arm) (Model)

General Frank: Might be useful for some maps, but not that creative or technically advanced. Works in-game. Approved.




Moderation: 21:58, 19th May 2011
General Frank:
Might be useful for some maps, but not that creative or technically advanced. Works in-game.
I know what he's talking about. But what you need to remember: Each model would need extra polygons to make the meat image on each end of it.
That means if you put seperate pieces together to form an entire villager, there would be two groups of polygons together on each joint inside of the full villager that wouldn't even be seen. That is a huge waste of polygons. Not to mention how annoying it would be within world edit to piece together every corpse you place. The file size of these models is very low, and there is no need to condense them into one.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I know what he's talking about. But what you need to remember: Each model would need extra polygons to make the meat image on each end of it.
That means if you put seperate pieces together to form an entire villager, there would be two groups of polygons together on each joint inside of the full villager that wouldn't even be seen. That is a huge waste of polygons. Not to mention how annoying it would be within world edit to piece together every corpse you place. The file size of these models is very low, and there is no need to condense them into one.

People easily get away with 1000s of polygons. Blizzard's Arcane Observatory has ~17000 polygons. I seriously doubt that anyone would complain about 500 polygons or so. It's not a "huge" amount of polygons.
Deolrin, it would be 500 EXTRA polygons per villager if I were to combine them all. These are doodads we're talking about, not units. Nobody wants to waste the performance of their computer on doodads.
What is the point of doing it piece by piece if it causes unecessary memory to be used? Not to mention how annoying it would be to put all of the pieces together for each corpse.
This way, you simply place the type of corpse you want. The file size is low enough that nobody will mind importing the different models, anyway. Better for performance, easier for the mapmaker, and easier for me... I really see no point in doing it piece-by-piece, so stop trying to get me to do it.
If adding extra polygons would improve the resource, sure, but in the case of what you want, it doesn't.
Level 4
Mar 7, 2010
i agree with TLI-Inferno, as a mapmaker i wouldnt want to place the pieces seperately either, thats a level of accuracy a wc3 map doesnt need.
Not to mention the fact that placing the pieces together wouldn't make the model look any better, it would be uneeded polygons inside of the model that nobody would see. And it would be a real hassle to place them together >.<

Anyway, at the moment my models have very low file sizes varying from 3 KB to 8 KB, so importing them each will not eat up file size in your map.
Which is why you can import the seperate models which I'm making for each of those.
But if I uploaded only pieces, rather than wholes missing pieces, then you would have to put pieces together just to get a whole, which would waste polies.
I'm making seperate models for each combination of pieces, not invidividual pieces.
Easier on the mapmaker that way.
If you were a mapmaker, would you want to put together two legs, two arms, a body, and a head, just to get your peasant put together? No. I'm starting with more complete pieces, and cutting parts off one at a time. That way, if you DON'T want tiny pieces, you don't have to use a bunch of tiny pieces put together...
Originally I was just going to make a top half of a villager, I needed that for a map I'm making. I then decided to upload it. And a top half of a villager needs a bottom half, for most people. Then I decided to continue making variations of corpses :D
All of the models I make are actually for myself. That's why they aren't enormous file sizes with epic looks. I don't design them for high ratings, I design them for usability, and that includes low file size.
And ty for the compliments :)