Video Game Arena

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Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
I just now came back to wc mapmaking after a significant amount of time, and am really enthusiastic to creating this cool map called "Video Game Arena". Its gonna be made by basic/advanced gui w/ some JASS cus im a "noob" again, forgot alot about of coding.

I need the following:
-Idea's helper/Tester
-Terrainer and can be object editor helper if possible
-Model maker for some cool models, right now a charizard would be pretty cool

This arena will have creeps, bosses, recipes, boss items and much more.
The spells will definitely be custom as i need to include stats boosts in the spells
for balancing the game, since the max level for heroes is 250 or even more!

Im trying to include a really fast-paced gaming style too so that all heroes can be
really strong really fast, which is what people want nowadays, for ex look at dota's exp. rate.

Trust me this map will be a blast if i get these requests done, this'll be an easy map to make and i hope this will appeal to the people since im not sure many wanted to see an fps in wc :]

Some good game systems to be applied:

-My basic physics system which makes you accelerate or deaccelerate within higher or lower terrain (if terrain has different heights), which means you can actually make a mountain unclimable (for terrainers who want to make this map have even smoother terrain). Its there somewhere lmao, only spell submitted by me, others were deleted cus were not updated for patch.

-Gaining attributes for killing creeps

*Since i don't believe in putting my name only as a creator,
im going to put the requester's names on the loading screen along with mine ofc.
Each person with each of his functions, all presented fairly to the public.
non-requested sources will be acknowledged in the Quests section.

P.S: This game will rock... trust me, its a mix of Dota and angel arena, how better can it get? hell if there are even better ideas i dont mind >_> And im really motivated to work hard on this map just so u know. I think creativity is going to be the main key of success in this map.

Btw RPG maps etc are overrated now adays, besides its gonna be hard for you to beat maps like Diablo 2.. please do take this idea into consideration :s
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