Version 1.20 BETA released!

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Level 9
Apr 28, 2006
Version 1.20BETA changes (So Far!)
Code has been cut down by half, and been re-written in shorthand making it easier to work on in the future.
All memory leaks have been fixed (thousands of them) (Means it will lag a LOT less)-Verified! =D
New intro sequence.
Accelerated XP gain rate from creeps.
More XP from hero/killing titans.
Heroes now level slightly faster.
The titans spawn faster and the Ritual of the Gods runs more frequently and lasts less time.
Added many more "mini creeps" that don't respawn but provide a quick XP boost.
Re-formatted all text colours to look more attractive.
New GUI appearance.
New system messages (GUI)
Heroes now display class (melee, support etc)
Greatly improved help system.
Huge cutdowns on spamming of help text/messages
Improved Stash functionality
Multiboard improved, now displaying hero icons for each player and the proper colors & an updating team score.
Proper player colours are used in all text messages.
Improved player commands.
More efficient programming throughout.
Improved summons bounty system.
Improved level rewards system.
Completely new way of choosing heroes far superior to the old way. (You now see background, skills, stats & class BEFORE you choose!)
Improved random/repick system.
Random mixes of creeps instead of fixed creeps. (each camp randoms different on a respawn taking creep levels into account)
Improved death system.
Improved berserker rage functionality.
Titan/Argonax death is far less crippling.
Improved boss duelling system.
Fixed bugs with boss duelling (door not opening)
New titan cinematics.
Improved titan spawning.
Greatly improved titan reward system.
Smoother lumber game, no leaks!
Improved creep respawn Triggers.
Creeps no longer spawn near a hero or titan.
Smoother, easier to understand upgrading/item system.
You now receive the proper resources when using leaver heroes including bonus's they receive from titans & the Ritual of The Gods.
Improved terrain fixes, (less doodads, a sea bed has been added)
When you select shops for the first time you get a brief message about the item system.
When you approach Argonax's sanctum for the first time you get a warning about him. (moved from -beginner text)

Fixed a crash that could occur with the titan cinematic.
Fixed a glitch with the upgrading text messages.
Fixed some issues that could occur with the Private duelling boundry.
Fixed a bug where players leave.
Fixed a rare bug with the boss door.
Fixed a bug with Argonax's mana regen.

Private duelling is back with a complete makeover!
Challenges are now issued via buttons with players names on instead of confusing text commands.
The only two commands you ever need in PD now are -challenge and -accept. (!)
Big improvements to the multiboard regarding PD, you can now see how long a challenge lasts until it expires and see the status of the challenge/accept process at any time.
You can now see through use of icons who's being challenged by who!
Smoother, better written PD system.
Team challenges! You can now challenge entire enemy teams for 4vs4, or even 1vs4 battles!
Divebomb has a slightly increased cooldown.
Berserkers now have less intelligence and more strength per level.
Obsidian Blade now reduces armour by 8 instead of 10.
Fixed a bug with Counter Attack.
Fixed a bug with Nightfall.
Blessed Armour now grants 40% magic resist down from 50%.
Envenomed Spears now cost 220 gold up from 175.
Infernal Shield now costs less mana and lasts slightly longer.
Argonax is slightly weaker in 1v1,2v2 modes.
Argonax's Rain of Fire is less effective.
Most have been tweaked slightly to work better and with less lag, at least 90% of them have had minor changes that dont affect gameplay.
counter attack can now be turned on and off and has a greater chance to counter, now only stuns the unit that attacked and got countered.
Maelstrom now blasts random lightning bolts down in AOE in addition to spell dmg
Judgement reworked so damage\healing is more accurate.
Curse of living death now debuffs correctly.
Divebomb considerably improved with easier targetting and a more sensible range.
Electric Nova now purges targets in addition to damage(!)
Vampires may now create potions in smoke form.
Vampires no longer have reincarnation, but instead get vampiric sustenance (powerful self-heal)
Sawblades reworked so no longer crashes when its casted.
Impale strike works better overall with improved chances to hit.
Earthquake no longer interferes with Burrow.
Berserker Rage is more stable.
Death Spasm/Focus Magic/Freeze & Soul Drain greatly re-worked to run without leaks and (hopefully) work smoother.
Mana Burn has been made generally less effective. (Less burn + increased cooldown)
ViperSpider's movespeed increased to 320 from 300.
Witchhunter's Purity now deals much greater damage to summons.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
We haven't seen you in a while and I suspected that you might have been rather busy, now it's obvious: that's one heckuva change log!

One of these days I need to make another news announcement to call attention to our hosted projects, including yours. It's really an excellent piece of work!

Oh, were that all mapmakers as proficient and skilled as [broke=+ REP !]Steelb_l_ade[/broke] !
Level 9
Apr 28, 2006
Heres the updated changelog for 1.20beta, you can get the latest map version from which contains these fixes:

Version 1.20BETA changes (So Far!)
**Fixed a critical bug with the random hero system that caused the game to crash when randoming a Vampire**
Code has been cut down by half, and been re-written in shorthand making it easier to work on in the future.
All memory leaks have been fixed (thousands of them) (Means it will lag a LOT less)-Verified! =D
New intro sequence.
Accelerated XP gain rate from creeps.
More XP from hero/killing titans.
Heroes now level slightly faster.
The titans spawn faster and the Ritual of the Gods runs more frequently and lasts less time.
Added many more "mini creeps" that don't respawn but provide a quick XP boost.
Re-formatted all text colours to look more attractive.
New GUI appearance.
New system messages (GUI)
Heroes now display class (melee, support etc)
Greatly improved help system.
Huge cutdowns on spamming of help text/messages
Improved Stash functionality
Multiboard improved, now displaying hero icons for each player and the proper colors & an updating team score.
Proper player colours are used in all text messages.
Improved player commands.
More efficient programming throughout.
Improved summons bounty system.
Improved level rewards system.
Completely new way of choosing heroes far superior to the old way. (You now see background, skills, stats & class BEFORE you choose!)
Improved random/repick system.
Random mixes of creeps instead of fixed creeps. (each camp randoms different on a respawn taking creep levels into account)
Improved death system.
Improved berserker rage functionality.
Titan/Argonax death is far less crippling.
Improved boss duelling system.
Fixed bugs with boss duelling (door not opening)
New titan cinematics.
Improved titan spawning.
Greatly improved titan reward system.
Smoother lumber game, no leaks!
Improved creep respawn Triggers.
Creeps no longer spawn near a hero or titan.
Smoother, easier to understand upgrading/item system.
You now receive the proper resources when using leaver heroes including bonus's they receive from titans & the Ritual of The Gods.
Improved terrain fixes, (less doodads, a sea bed has been added)
When you select shops for the first time you get a brief message about the item system.
When you approach Argonax's sanctum for the first time you get a warning about him. (moved from -beginner text)
New Hero! Now you can wreak havoc with the Voodoo Priest! A hero that specialises in spells and hexes who makes for a powerful support caster.

Fixed a crash that could occur with the titan cinematic.
Fixed a glitch with the upgrading text messages.
Fixed some issues that could occur with the Private duelling boundary.
Fixed a bug where players leave.
Fixed a rare bug with the boss door.
Fixed a bug with Argonax's mana regen.

Private duelling is back with a complete makeover!
Challenges are now issued via buttons with players names on instead of confusing text commands.
The only two commands you ever need in PD now are -challenge and -accept. (!)
Big improvements to the multiboard regarding PD, you can now see how long a challenge lasts until it expires and see the status of the challenge/accept process at any time.
You can now see through use of icons who's being challenged by who!
Smoother, better written PD system.
Team challenges! You can now challenge entire enemy teams for 4vs4, or even 1vs4 battles!

Most spells have been tweaked slightly to work better and with less lag, at least 90% of them have had minor changes that don't affect gameplay.
Maelstrom has been completely reworked. It now summons a huge roaming storm cloud that blasts bolts of chain lightning at nearby enemies!
Electric Nova now purges targets in addition to damage(!)
Earthquake's damage has been radically increased.
Earthquake no longer interferes with Burrow.
Impale thrust has been replaced with a spell more like the standard "Impale" (Can now be casted without coming up from underground!)
Divebomb considerably improved with easier targeting and a more sensible range.
Divebomb has a slightly increased cooldown.
Berserkers now have less intelligence and more strength per level.
Berserker Rage is more stable.
Obsidian Blade now reduces armour by 8 instead of 10.
Fixed a bug with Counter Attack.
Fixed a bug with Nightfall.
Blessed Armour now grants 40% magic resist down from 50%.
Envenomed Spears now cost 220 gold up from 175.
Infernal Shield now costs less mana and lasts slightly longer.
Argonax is slightly weaker in 1v1,2v2 modes.
Argonax's Rain of Fire is less effective.
Counter Attack can now be turned on and off and has a greater chance to counter, now only stuns the unit that attacked and got countered.
Fixed a levelling bug with Blade Fury
Judgement reworked so damage\healing is more accurate.
Witchhunter's Purity now deals much greater damage to summons.
Curse of living death now debuffs correctly.
Vampires may now create potions in smoke form.
Vampires no longer have reincarnation, but instead get vampiric sustenance (powerful self-heal)
Sawblades reworked so no longer crashes when its casted.
Death Spasm/Focus Magic/Freeze & Soul Drain greatly re-worked to run without leaks and (hopefully) work smoother.
Mana Burn has been made generally less effective. (Less burn + increased cooldown)
ViperSpider's movespeed increased to 320 from 300.
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