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Vehicle Arena

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Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Vehicle Arena.jpg

So, here i am, back again from a WoW Break. It's been nearly a year since i made Warcraft 3 maps. But now i got this idea, and thought i should try to make it.

Beta has been released!
Download link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=113664

What is it about?

Vehicle arena is (currently) an 8-player arena with vehicles. People starts out choosing a proffesion (Durable, Speed and Aggresive), wich allows them to use some cars Special abillitys.

Now the players choose their driver. The driver has no infection on the game, other than the look. You basicly just chooses a model for you driver.

People gets an ammount of time, wehre they can buy items that improves their different attributes (Durabillity, Max Speed and Acceleration)

When a round starts, players enters a random start vehicle that has their proffesion (means you can use Special Abillitys from your first car).
Now players drive around in the arena, and tries to hit each other with their spells. A succefull hit deals 1 damage, Cars can have 3-5 health without item bonuses.
When a car breaks down, the driver is left at the place, and will now have find a new vehicle (there will always be an unused car at the arena, in one of the 8 spawn points). The driver only have one health, and can die from either getting hit by an attack, or chased down (PANCAKE!).
The only way to win a fight, is to be the last driver/car standing in the area.

Once dead, your driver will arrive at the shop, and are able to buy in the meantime. Once the round is over, the winner will be teleported to the shop, and a 30 seconds timer will start. Once it's out, a new fight will begin, in another arena.

Currently i have no plans for letting the game end with a winner. It is just till the players decies to stop playing.

Anything Special?

Well, the players will, when driving, be using a special sliding system, wich uses acceleration. To speed up, you need to spam "move" or rightclicking. Your speed increases by you ammount of "Accelerate" (Int), and you can keep doing this till your speed reaches "Max Speed" (Agi). Durabillity (Str) increases max hp by 0.5.

In some Arenas, there will be ramps, Teleporters and various traps, some automaticly, some activated by players.

Also, players are able to complete hidden Achivements, that rewards gold. An Achivement could be to hit a player with a damage spell, while you are in the air (Driven off a ramp). Achivements wont reward much gold.

Can i have more screenies?

At the moment, the game is far from done, and unless you want a screenshot of a steamtank, standing in a land consisting of dust, driving around, you can have it.

Below will screenshots be posted:

The Map:
In the start, players will have to choose a driver. Drivers do not change gameplay. When choosing a driver, you basicly just choose the model of your driver.
Drivers have one abillity - Enter Vehicle, wich allows them to take control over a vehicle that isen't in use.
VA2 ().jpg
Here i choose a proffesion, Proffesions change the startable cars of the player, and allows usage of some some special attacks.
-Agressive: Allows the usage of Acceleration-based vehicle's Special Abillity.
Aggressive Special abillities often consists of multi-protectile abillities, or other ways to easily hitting multiple vehicles at a time.

-Durable: Allows the usage of Durable-based vehicle's Special Abillity.
Durable Special abillities often consists of high-damaging abillities, or other ways to destroy a vehicle fast.

-Speed: Allows the usage of Speed-based vehicle's Special Abillity.
Speed Special abillities often consists of fast moving abillitys, homing abillities, or other ways to easily hit a vehicle.
Players need ammo to use special attacks. Ammo is bought from "The Weapon Exchange" shop. 1 ammo cost 10 gold.
Players can buy 1,5,10 and 30 ammo at once.
VA4 ().jpg
The first round has started. I got the Glaive Thrower - one of the two Agressive proffesion vehicles.
As you see, i just completed an Achivement. In the achivement "Slaughter", you have to be the first player to kill a sheep. Sheeps are found in the top left corner of the "Farm" arena.
When killing a sheep, your screen will also turn tempoary red, and slowly fade back to normal color.
Pictures of arenas are listed in the bottom of the post.

That was all the Screenshots for now. In the future, i will add a screenshot for each arena.

Do you need any help?

Well, i always need help :xxd:
Right now some help with triggers might be usefull. If you want to help with it, just give me a shout, and what you can help with. I will send a message with my question. All who helps, will ofcause, get in the Credits.

Currently i need:

Ideas for areans would be aprrecicated. keep in mind that an arena is 40x40 grids in size.
Post like this:
-Name (name of the arena)

-Location (where in azerothian the arena is located, like Ashenvale or Lordaeron.

-Specials (if there is any special treats in the arena, like traps or so). If there is a special, please say how it works.

-Drawing, just a small paint one or so, Showing the 8 spawn points, location. (The map is optaional).

I Hope you are a little intrested in this project, if you are, add a post, or give a rep :thumbs_up:.


Arena Pictures:
Blue squares indicates spawn points, red squares indicate areas with special additions.

1: City Arena - A city in Lordaeron. Buildings works as immovable blockers. No specials
2: Farm Arena - A farm in Lordaeron. Sheeps causes tempoary screen-blindness when killed.
3: Pit of Despair Arena - A deep room inside Azjol-Nerub. ramps allows the player to jump over the pit. Landing in the pit causes death.
4: Inverted Pyramide Arena - Kinda much an "I need more Arenas"-arena, No specials.
5: Road of the Fallen Arena - A Cave in outland, made to an Arena. Lava causes damage if driven on (1 dmg per sec).
6: Dalaran Arena - An Arena in the city of Dalaran. Teleporters are in the map, and allows cars and drivers to teleport to another place of the arena.
7: To all my friends! Arena - An Arena dedicated to my Friends! Thanks for all the feedback and ideas you give me!
8: Outland Arena - An arena, where all objects can be destroyed, except for the Arena boundary. Infernals will fall from the sky, deals 2 damage if standing beneath them, when they hit.

Thats all for now, Hope i can get some ideas for more Arenas!


  • City Arena (JPG).JPG
    City Arena (JPG).JPG
    192.8 KB · Views: 255
  • Farm Arena (JPG).JPG
    Farm Arena (JPG).JPG
    281.4 KB · Views: 251
  • Pit Of Despair Arena (JPG).JPG
    Pit Of Despair Arena (JPG).JPG
    237.6 KB · Views: 270
  • Inverted Pyramide Arena (JPG).JPG
    Inverted Pyramide Arena (JPG).JPG
    210.4 KB · Views: 249
  • Road of the Fallen Arena (JPG).JPG
    Road of the Fallen Arena (JPG).JPG
    144.2 KB · Views: 252
  • Dalaran Arena (JPG).JPG
    Dalaran Arena (JPG).JPG
    284.4 KB · Views: 182
  • To all my Friends Arena (JPG).JPG
    To all my Friends Arena (JPG).JPG
    277.4 KB · Views: 158
  • Outland Arena (JPG).JPG
    Outland Arena (JPG).JPG
    149.3 KB · Views: 137
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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
-Fast car-windwalk,Bloodlust (change name of course), critical strike..
-Durable car-self repair,Inner fire,Avatar..
-Aggressive- cluster rocket, breath of fire(buffed of course)...something that deals after damage like Fire Lords Incinerate (you can chose active or passive)..
Something like this?
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
okay, you dont understand what i mean xD

Each vehicle, got one basic attack. The basic attakcs works like shockwaves (click, and the shockwave move towards that point) or cluster rockets (shots something up in the air, that then land at the target spot and deals damage aoe). What i need ideas to is special attacks. They can work like a shockwave, but the spell also shoots additional two shockwaves. or an instant spell, that shoots rocks in the air, and damages all around the vehicle. So a spell could be like this:

Shoots a shockwave towards the target point, and two shockwaves to the sides of the car.
Get it now? xD
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to War Stomp
    • Actions
      • Set Point1 = (Position of (Casting unit))
      • Set Point2 = (Point1 offset by 100.00 towards (Facing of (Casting unit)) degrees)
      • Unit - Create 1 Peasant for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at Point1 facing (Facing of (Casting unit)) degrees
      • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Tauren Chieftain - Shockwave Point2
      • Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point1)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point2)
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
It is not supposed to be a race. More a battle arena. Im glad to see that this thread is getting a little active again.

Also, i will request arenas in the future, so get some ideas!

Edit: Screenshots are added! Please comment on what you think is nice, and what could be better!
And, yes, i know the terrain sucks, but it isen't supposed to be overmassed with doodads, advanced terrain formations, waterfalls and what so ever. The terrains are simple, and thats it... Migth add a waterfall or two to a forest arena xD
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Will there by any crashing? From what I read and saw in the 0.08, you just accelerate and move at top speed all the time, because you can't crash (well, you can't slow down anyway). It would also force players to concentrate more on driving, not just fighting.
I am really excited about the ramps and jumping you promised, although the system will be rather hard to create.
If you get all the stuff working, you should think about adding some other game modes that last man standing, bombing run or CTF could be really fun with the cars.
Anyway, good luck with this, I really like it
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Heh (thanks)
Well, right now, players got a "Handbrake Spell" that nearly instantly stops the car (trying to make it slow down slower, it happens in 0.09 secs...)
Also, im trying to fix the collision with other players/walls etc, so it slows their speed too. right now, you can actually move about 50% faster, if you move a little into a wall...

Does anybody here know how to check if there is a doodad or cliff hieght change close to the front of the unit? (Might be something like "(Cliff hieght) higher than (Cliff hieght) of triggering unit or something. Thanks for posting :)

Edit: Found the trigger.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
IsTerrainPathable( location, pathingtype )
in you case
IsTerrainPathable( GetUnitLocation( car ) , PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY )
from my experience, returns true if the point is UNpathable and false if it is.
You don't have to check for cliffs then, because there is a 1 tile wide zone which is unpathable
I am not sure whether I understood the word "pathable" correctly, is it (in WE) something like "enterable"?
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
lol, you're way off, my offsets are like 14-18 points xD (But you still move fast)

Thanks for the reply, i'll see if it works.
Edit: Didn't get it at first, worked :D Thanks (+rep if i could)

Update: Added pictures for each playable arena!

Updated Main Post

[Beta version released!]
Version 0.96 BETA has been released, im looking forward to some good replies and suggestions!
Level 10
May 20, 2008
I like the idea of the map. The special stuff, however, needs to be used more often. You have only 1 map for each of the things. I would say to use them again in different maps.
Also, I have an idea for a map (if you are willing to use it). I'm thinking of a map in Ashenvale that includes a river/stream that slows down any vehicle in the water. You could also have jumps across the river so you don't hit it. Basically:
Name: Aquaphobia
Location: Ashenvale Forest
Specials: River (slows down vehicles) and ramps (jump across the river)
I hope to see the final product of the game anyways.
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Thanks alot for the input :D +rep.

Sure i will add more special stuff to Arenas, but at first i need to make some more :)

I might consider adding your Aren, but i already got an Arena located in Ashenvale, ofcause, there is no rule that you cant have more than one arena at the same loaction, but... My "old" Ashenvale arena also have a river :/. Maybe i change the location, but i will certainly add your Arena.
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