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Just another maybe map...

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Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Ok, so this map am i MAYBE going to make, if people think its cool. I will start on it (maybe...) when the terrainer for my RPG is working on, yes, terrain :D

Name: Vehicle Arena

Description: Make a driver, customize his skills and weakness, and enter the dome of mad vehicle chaos.

First of all, the host (not red, im going to use host script) chooses the game length. This will demite how much lt takes for a vehicle to destroy. Now all players are going to make their driver, choosing model, spending skillpoints on abillitys, choosing favorite car* and other fun stuff. This will have a time limit, if you not are done, you may play a battle whitout full abillitys and then use points in the pause between battles.

-Arena battles
In the start of each battle, an arena is choosen randomly, different arenas have different propertises and bonuses, some teleporters, other pits, and maybe one will have a special car?
Players start's off in their drivers favorite car, aslong drivers are using favorite cars, the car will have special abilitys whit long cooldowns. A example of this could be a rocket launcher.

Now you are going to drive around whit the arrowkeys in a tird person view, and use your cars abillitys and your skills to destroy other cars. When a car is destroyed, the driver is left back on the ground, and will have to run for his life untill he finds a non-used car he can use.

To kill a player, you must kill his driver either by flatten him or by using your cars weapons :wink:. This will award some gold, based on how you killed.
A dead driver is teleportet to the shop, and may either look at the battle, or using his newly gained gold to improve his car or driver abillitys.

Im going (maybe....) to import sounds from Unreal Tournament 2004 for killing sprees or sounds when killing, they seem to fit very nice (Road Rage, Vehicle Hummanialation, Hit and Run, and, my favorite: PANCAKE! :grin:)

Well that was all from me, i hope you will reply and maybe, if its going to be something, help me making it :)

Level 3
Jan 26, 2008
Sounds like a good idea, should be fun. I'm guessing that each driver has a favored car, and if you aren't in it you don't get a special ability? Would this be Warcraft themed for drivers and cars or something else? You should flesh it out. I would recommend having naga, demon, elf, night elf, dwarf, human, orc, troll, goblin, tauren, and possibly undead cars. Otherwise, good job! :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Its pretty cool idea, sounds original. I think it you would have to have it a 3rd person click movement to keep it fast paced with maybe arrows keys to control your facing so if u need to turn around in 3rd person just hit right button and you turn so much degrees.

It would be nice if their was no delay with arrows but would probably have to rely on something like above. EX: right arrow clicked, sway camera 30 degrees to right or higher. Would take some planning if its possible.
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Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
you should have some cars have like the blades that come out the sides like in unreal forget the name of the car

Its the Scorpion :)

Sounds like a good idea, should be fun. I'm guessing that each driver has a favored car, and if you aren't in it you don't get a special ability? Would this be Warcraft themed for drivers and cars or something else? You should flesh it out. I would recommend having naga, demon, elf, night elf, dwarf, human, orc, troll, goblin, tauren, and possibly undead cars. Otherwise, good job!

Yes, it will be Wc3 themed, but whit 2-3 cars from each race (Dwarf, Orc, Night elf, Human, Naga, Blood/High elf, Dranei, Fel orcs and Demons). Most of the cars
will be their siege weapons, like Catapults from orcs and Infernal Juggernaut from

Its pretty cool idea, sounds original to much. I think it you would have to have it a 3rd person click movement to keep it fast paced with maybe arrows keys to control your facing so if u need to turn around in 3rd person just hit right button and you turn so much degrees.

It would be nice if their was no delay with arrows but would probably have to rely on something like above. EX: right arrow clicked, sway camera 30 degrees to right or higher. Would take some planning if its possible.

It will be whit arrowkeys, but it will be possible to use the mouse too, i will try make it as less laging as possible, useing 0.05 events instead of 0.01 and then just use pan camera over 0.05 seconds, to make it feel smooth :)

Thanks for all your suport!
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
I've messed around with some triggers, trying to make a somekind of leakless (prodably this is not :p) non-lagging movement system.
This is just the outcast, a simple one, but it seems that accelerate, turn right/left and Hand Brake all works as the handbrake. The order ID's is different, and i can't figure out whats wrong... can you?

View attachment Vehicle Arena TestSystem.w3x
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Cant you just make a overview from behind the car and enable mouse click turning.
So you click towards a place in front of your car.
Or if you make arrow key instead, use mouse clicks for turrets on the car :p

Clicking wont work well, as the vehicle gains speed, so clicking a new place will slow down again.

And what if we/he does it like in Jak & Dexter 3:


Well if you played Jak3 you know what I'm talking about.

well, im not sure if thats possible in wc3 :p

isent there anybody who can see the error in my map?
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Yeah I knew there was no triggering in it and it was a spell, I thought somehting like thorns aura effects or something :D

But thanks +rep for telling da secrets.
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
yey, rep :D

oh, and if youre going to make a hero/unit spell based on Phoenix Fire, then you will need a "dummy" spell, just to make the icon show, phoenix fire is a black passive, as i call em.

Oh, and what do you mean when you say "About time you said something usefull"
I always say's useful things, you just, uh... look in... uh.. the wrong post's! yea!
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