Yet Another Life Game

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Level 7
Jan 18, 2007

I've been working on a map where you play some average person and go around and do whatever you want (What an original idea). I still haven't decided if I should make it multiplayer or a very super epic single player map.

At the start of the game you pick one of three heroes, and the only difference between them is their stats.

-Every street is named. A multiboard tells you what street you are on.
-House construction. After you buy or rent out a house, you can go to different stores and buy walls, furniture, etc. to place in your house.
-Cars run on gas. You can go to a gas station and buy more gas. Different cars hold more/less gas.
-You can use the arrow keys to rotate and zoom the camera.
-You need to be in your car to drive it. Locking the car doors will greatly decrease the chance of having your car stolen. Driving on terrain other than roads will decrease/increase speed depending on your vehicle.
-Parking lots. You can park your car in a spot (Not for free) where it becomes invulnerable and 'unstealable' but not drivable.
-Lawn system. Every x game days your trimmed grass turns into regular grass, regular grass turns into dirt, and dirt turns into rough dirt. Basically, your lawn degrades over time. You can improve your lawn by using a lawn mower, watering it, and planting grass seeds. Trees (Which you can plant yourself) also degrade with the lawn, and weeds may appear over time.
-Your phone. Through out the map you may notice different phone numbers written on signs, walls, etc. You can dial the numbers with your phone.

Heres a list of the buildings I've made so far and the clever names of them.
-Appliance store (Unnamed)
-InstaTree (Buy seeds which grow into grass, trees, etc)
-School (Adds to your stats, depending on which classes you sign up for and go to)
-Sofa King (Furniture Store, pun intended)
-Auto Dealer (Unnamed)
-Home Cheepo (Walls and doors for your house)
-Club (Unnamed)
-Pizza Butt
-Radio Shak
-Car Garage (Add mods to your car)
-Fire Station
-Police Station (Includes jail cells in the basement)
-Bank (Includes that drive-through thing)
-City Hall
-Public Swimming Pool
-4 Small Houses
-4 Parking Lots

As you can see from the attached screenshot, I have lots of room to fill. I need ideas on what else to put in the map and some more features, and thoughts on making this either a "multiplayer or a very super epic single player map." Any other thoughts or feedback is much appreciated.
Hopefully this thread goes better then my last Idea Factory thread.



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Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
Hehe seems you are unlucky with getting answers however to find good ideas for such maps are hard.

Add Weather Effects in a Thunder Storm you should stay at home/car or you might get killed.

Also some kind of Theater would be nice. A Public Building where to do something to each other ... Like killing or talking some weird story.
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
I have another Idea Radio/Walkman where you can hear the different warcraft theme songs when turned on.

I don't know if this possible but how about a swimming hall. For this each unit needs to be able to walk on water. Their would be a "entrance" into the water. If the unit enters it change it to flying but lower the fly hight.
Level 7
Jan 18, 2007
Woo, moar comments :>

Most of the features listed are just ideas, but I have made progress on a couple of them. And all the buildings listed are 100% complete.

Thanks for the ideas, Zinive. I already made a public swimming pool, but I like the height changing addition.

Anyone have any thoughts on making it multiplayer or singleplayer?
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
Hmm i don't like the idea of making it single player. I suggest making it multiplayer but allowing it to be played in single.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Well, if you manage to pull off all those things this map will be AWESOME!
However I doubt you'll be able to do that.

But anyways, for being constructive :p
Maps are a lot more fun if you play them in multiplayer.
More cities like Steel said, and weather also, but don't go "stay home or you'll be killed", there's a pretty low chance of being hit by lightning.
Make a bank, and make so that you can take a loan, deposit money, or even rob it. A criminal life is also fun :p
Make job requirements, and don't make the jobs boring.
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