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Varsaigen - Dark Glory

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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
-------------------------------*Song Database*----------------------------------------------
*View attachment Tale of the Chozo.zip
*View attachment Light of Aether.zip
*View attachment Legend of the Ing.rar
*View attachment Dark Glory.rar
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Title List*-----------------------------------------------
Tale of the Chozo
Light of Aether
Legend of the Ing
Dark Glory
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*End Database*-----------------------------------------------

Please give me your opinion and how I can improve it. Thanks
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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
hmmm... :p ok. i'll try that. Plus, I found my favorite New Age song, Temous Vernum! ^ ^ Happy me. =3 It just sounds awesome. :p

Edit: Ok, made a new one. Please tell me what you think of it. :)


  • Cold Morning War.zip
    2.3 MB · Views: 87
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
I too, have some music you guys might enjoy. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f290/sacridshadows-music-scenarios-105271/#post889493 Please read the discriptions before you listen to them because you might not understand them at first.

BTW, these are pretty good. A few rough spots on Cold morning. But it feels like it needs more. And you need to add things in between the choir part. Tempus Vernum was almost the entire song. Except for the beginning. Please add more to it.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
lol. The Ing, are aa race of shape shifters born when Aether was hit by what is now known to have been a leviathen. The world spawned a 2nd world in a parallel dimension, and Aether became known as Light Aether with it's twin, Dark Aether. The Ing, born from the impact, waged war on the Luminoth, a race of sentient moth-like people, and attempted to take their world over many decades. They captured several energy points that controled the flow of energy going to each world, rigging it so that it would all go to Dark Aether. The Luminoth went into hybernation to decrease the chance of being found by their enemies. Soon, Samus Aran came to the planet looking for a group of marines, found dead. She agrees to help the Luminoth as her ship was damaged upon entry to the atmosphere. She fought off the Ing and collapsed their world, killing them in the process. The Luminoth were greatful and thanked her for her efforts. Apareantly, she became a sentinel in 3 temples of the Luminoth.

Ing Warrior
Hunter Ing
Emperor Ing
The three above are just some of the Ing appeareances in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. =3 Jope this info helped! ^ ^

Also, they could posess creatures, machinery, and corpses with complete efficiency.
Because they're only worth 15 points each. :p

It's much easier to keep your grid clean if you only catch two colors. So I go for yellow and blue.

If I wanted more points I'd go for more reds, but since they don't appear very often they tend to just sit in my grid for a while, being a nuisance.

By the way, Audiosurf's 50% off until 2nd Jan. :D
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
var, it's not spam. it's an opinion, lern the difference. anyways, adiosurf looks fun, but it doesn't quite look like it's worth $10, even though it might be. You listen to the song and you get to collect notes at the same time. speaking og songs and notes, have you aver played auditorium. It's really fun, even though it's the same tune over and over. It's quite the challenge.
var, it's not spam. it's an opinion, lern the difference. anyways, adiosurf looks fun, but it doesn't quite look like it's worth $10, even though it might be. You listen to the song and you get to collect notes at the same time. speaking og songs and notes, have you aver played auditorium. It's really fun, even though it's the same tune over and over. It's quite the challenge.

Played it ages ago. Yes, all 15 levels. Once you've played through them all there's no point in doing it all again.

And there's an audiosurf demo if you're not convinced :p
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