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[General] Variables

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Level 6
May 11, 2013
Hello. How to count variables in Multiboard.
1. Hero Level Count
2. Purchased Unit from recruit center(means you can buy units and add them to the creep spawn)
3. Count Hero Assists
4. Count Hero Deaths
5. Count Hero Creep Kills
6. Count Hero Ultimate Cooldowns(Must be displayed only to the team)
7. Count Hero Denied Heroes
8. Count Total Team Kills, Assists, Deaths, Denies, Creep Kills.

I read tutorial about multiboards, but there is no explanation about how to count those things. I only need to know variable types, and the function in GUI, so that i can update my multiboard.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
You need to setup various events to be able to record the proper data.

For example, to display hero level with an integer variable, you need to detect the hero level's up event and then increment (make sure that the hero level variable is initialized properly; if all heroes start from level 1 then it must be initialized to 1) it by the difference of the stored level and the current hero level (set HeroLevel = HeroLevel + [HeroLevel - Current Hero Level] ) or by just simply incrementing it by 1 if you follow the normal leveling pattern for warcraft.

EDIT: Sorry if that's the only help I can offer, I don't have WE available and just made this post on the fly.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Counting is not the job of the multiboard. You do not register the multiboard as a listener of the variables, at least wc3 does not offer such option. Instead you handle the recording separately as chobibo described and from there request the multiboard to update or you update the board periodically. How you collect/detect the change of data depends on the individual data.
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