To this very moment, I still don't know what in the world the actual question was...
The title answers itself, even though it makes no sense.
Your description answers itself.
People tell you exactly what you need to do, you proceed to claim "is very vague", "phrasing didn't help me" and afterwards do the exact thing they told you to do.
Either there's not a sufficient level of english comprehension or...
did andreasaspenberg hack your account?
But I understand you may not know what an array is or maybe you didn't know there was a Trigger variable, or both. In the future just assume that there's a variable type for basically everything in Warcraft 3.
One might not know a lot of things. But what I do when I don't know something I try and explore what certain things do and what not. If I can't find anything, then yes I ask. In this case, our friend knows the existence of variables, so it's very hard to miss the array option, try it out, check all variable's a very basic and exploratory thing that anyone who's new users of world editor should do, and not doing this indicates laziness, unwillingness to try things on your own, fragile mindset.
Not knowing something basic doesn't really excuse you to just outright ask for help when you haven't even tried at all.
These are not triggers. This is 1 trigger that contains 2 actions.