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Valley of Decay Rpg v1417k

Valley of Decay Rpg v1.4.17k!

Please check out Valley of Decay Standalone!
Valley of Decay

Business Inqueries: [email protected]

Check out these awesomely faught boss encounters(fan-made):

Basic information:


This Rpg is definitely a TEAM-Rpg!
If you try to do quests alone, you may be successful in the beginning,
but after a time, you will see that those bosses will rock your butt hard.
The perfect combination is "Tank", "Healer" and one or more "Damage Dealers"
as it is an advantage in most Rpgs. The available classes are listed below.
This is a save/load Rpg of course, you can save your character, your items
and the level of your abilities. You will find more information about abilities
below. The whole game itself consists of two main parts:
1)Doing quests and killing small bosses to become more powerful.
2)Facing hard bosses as a team of at least three players.
The bosses in Valley of decay Rpg are very unique and full of action.
Complicated boss abilities will make your brains run hot to
find the best way of surviving and defeating such monsters.
The Rpg will start with a row of quests which mostly don't require
much teamwork, except the Tank/Healer/dd thing.
Stay patient and you will not regret to face much harder and much funnier
tasks and bosses as you have never witnessed them!


You have nine different classes to choose from.
Heroes in this Rpg will have all their abilities form the beginning on!
During the game you will get ability-points when you reach specific levels.
With those you will be able to upgrade all your abilities.
To sum up, you will not get new abilities, you have them all from the beginning on
and you can upgrade them all couple of levels.
To be correct, you can get other abilities, but this will be explained in the
"Skill-system" part. The available classes and their mood:

1)The Priest:

The priest is basically a healer in this Rpg, wearing cloth-items and is able to use spelldamage.
With a specific skill (you can spend 8 skillpoints on a skilltree in the beginning of the game),
the Priest can turn into a Shadowpriest with new abilities, who deals damage instead of healing.
Therefore, the Priest can be either insane Healer or insane Dmg-dealer.

2)The Warrior:

This fat guy is the best tanking class in this Rpg. He has no healing abilities, but
he is very sustained. In adition to that he is the only class, besides the Paladin
and the Pacifist, that wears chain-armor and a shield.
All those features make the warrior the perfect tank. Small surprise:
With a specific skill, you can turn the warrior into a damage dealer, exchanging
some of his abilities with nice damage abilities. In that form,
he is also a very good damage dealer.

3)The Shaman:

This guy will be a bit unusual in this Rpg.
The shaman cannot use spelldamage, but uses agility instead! This makes him a mixture
of caster and meele guy. He needs mana and mana-reg, but uses only agility to deal damage
or to heal other mates. At this point, it should be mentioned, that the shaman can be
either a damage dealer or a healer(single target), depending how you spend your skillpoints.
The shaman has also got nice totems to support the whole party.

4)The Rogue:

Fast, furtive, deadly. These three words describe the rogue best.
He uses normal damage and agility to slice his enemies down.
Nothing much to say about this character, except that he is only
used as a damage dealer. He can only wear leather items.

5)The Paladin:

The paladin is a mixture of all these roles:
Depending on the spent skillpoints, he can be a tank, a healer or a damage dealer.
The disadvantage is, that he can't do any of those really good, such as the priest
can heal or the rogue can deal damage, but he is a very good allround supporter,
making him nearly indispensable for a party. The paladin is the only class besides the Pacifist, that can wear all items.
Update! The Paladin can now be played as an adequate tank, when wearing the right items (also in late-game).

6)The Hunter:

The hunter is the sister of the rogue, just ranged.
Wearing leather and using agility and physical damage to slay enemies down
are also the known issues of the rogue.
The hunter can also use spelldamage.
Update! The hunter's pet has been removed and replaced with
a small support spell (hot).

7)The Mage:

The mage is the king of spelldamage.
He uses very deadly aoe abilities, that can even slay big groups in a short time.
This character has also got the most mana, which is really required for a mage.
Mages can only wear cloth-items and are very, very weak, regarding their defence.
But the lacks of defensive abilities will be balanced by his/her deadliness!

8)The Hellminder:

It is mainly used as damage dealer.
All his abilities are strength based and to make it fair,
he has been gifted with very few armor. There have been
created some new and awesome items especially for the
Hellminder to balance his damage.
If you are that kind of people who like strumming the keyboard
then the Hellminder is the perfect class for you.
He uses bloodpoints instead of mana which can be earned by
casting his first ability which is the only one, that isn't affected
by bloodpoints. If you gear your Hellminder up with tank gear,
he can also be used as a tank in early and mid game.

9)The Pacifist:

The new class :) I wanted to invent a whole new hero,
which is not similar to any world of warcraft hero or any other rpg and there it is!
The Pacifist is a supporter class, who can heal, provide mana for your
mates and deal quite good damage. He is very hard to equip,
because he can wear all item types and because his abilities are mainly affected by all stats.
Are you the one who finds out the perfect equip for the Pacifist?
Remember one thing: he does not use spelldamage.


You will get ability-points when
you reach specific levels(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56).
You have to spend them to upgrade your abilities. Most of them will be stronger,
some of them will just be improved in their cooldown and others, such as the totems
of the shaman will only upgrade every 4 upgrades.
Warriors and Rogues, for instance, are very dependent on the strength
of their abilities, because those are the main damage-source of them.
The changes of those abilities will be remarkable.
Others, such as the abilities from the mage, will not be that much better,
because they use spelldamage mainly for dealing damage.


It is pretty common in modern wc3 Rpgs
to implement skill-trees for characters to make the game more varied.
In Valley of decay Rpg, there are skilltrees, but not that unique as they are
in Rpgs like TKoK. Nevertheless, they can make characters jump into specific roles,
such as i have mentioned before. The warrior can be a tank or a damage dealer,
depending on how the 8 skillpoints, that you have in the beginning, are spent.
You will always have 8 skillpoints in the beginning, also when you load.
This offers you the possibility of jumping into different roles in different games.


You have one profession, the "Enchanting".
With -ench you can open a table which provides information
about your profession level, your material and your items.
You can enchant every item once.
With leveling this profession, you will unlock more and better
enchantments for your items.
Upgrading your profession to the highest level is the longest
and hardest part of this game. It provides players,
with the wish of doing more than just beating the endboss,
a higher and harder obtainable aim.

Advanced information:

This map is made by TD_PRO_2006
-Menag [Tester/Ideas]
-Fanta-Freak [Tester/Ideas]
-Lazze [Tester]
-Findusi [Tester/Ideas]
-Lurchfreund [Tester]
-Murka [Tester/Balancing/Ideas]
-Maniac1992 [Tester/Balancing]
-0bs.vildmule [Tester/Balancing]
-Caster_K [Tester]
-FrozenStalker [Tester]
-A]c[E [Ideas/Balancing]
-DeathMaster99 [Tester/Balancing/Ideas]
-fr0zenf1re [Tester/Ideas]
-Proakten [Tester/Ideas]
-g-g-111 [Testress]
-s_o_c [Tester]
-GunZ- [Tester]
-Lang_BR [Tester]
-Kannwulf [Tester]
-Kinji [Tester]
-D4rK_SouL_X [Tester]
-Nestharus [for his attemps to make me learn how to implement a better save/load code :p]
-Notamaphacker [Hotkeyed version]
-mirkom [Tester]
-muzzel [storing code in .txt file]
-Robbepop [storing code in .txt file]
-zephael [Tester]
-P4r4noy3r [Tester]
-Aesgeroth [Tester]
-SayonaraDatte [Tester/Coder/Bugfixer]

Credits for the models:
-WILL THE ALMIGHTY [Ancient Explosion SFX/SparksExplosion/Dirt Explosion]
-Champara Bros [Arcane Explosion]
-Kitabatake [all armors/Blue Blood Sword/Samurai Helmet/Spell Axe]
-perfjert [Copper Waraxe/Square Shield/Undead Shield/Hammer of Death]
-Devine [DancingSword/DemonShieldTarget]
-Inferno [Dark Nova/DivineRing]
-Gottfrei [DemonicSword]
-Lord_T [Dragon BattleAxe/Spiked Stone Maul]
-varsaigen [Hive Hammer]
-ikillforeyou [all helmets/Plate mail shoulder pads]
-Tranquil [Lightnings Multiple/Castle Tower/Castle Wall]
-Tauren [Odd Sword]
-inico [Outland Pain Sword]
--SkatinG_CoW- [Shield/Tonfa/WizardsHat/Shoulderplates]
-N00byStance [NSRPG_shield_boneshield]
-xXMephistoXx [SlitheringSword]
-Thrikodius [Staff of Negation]
-GonePostal [ghoul sword]
-Misha [Gabriel Scepter]
-Xcisso [Wooden Shield]
-Sunchips [Bulwark of Azzinoth/Scaled Mail Pauldrons]
-Pyritie [Darkness High and Uber]
-Sunchips [Mail Armor]
-DTuGuR [HelmetDt]
-Misha [Natheras/FrostArchon]
-Dan van Ohllus [Trush sword]
-Usedwell [Longsword of Marr/Rotten staff]
-Kehel [Serpent]
-DonDustin [LavaColossus/IceNova]
-Lord_T [Troll Enforcer]
-Kitabatake [IceSpider]
-General Frank [Ice Crown Overlord]
-Callahan [Nerubian Guard]
-Mc ! [FrostElemental]
-JetFangInferno [BlizzardEruption]
-NatDis [Wood Elven Druidess]
-KayS [Armageddon]
-Ampharos_222 [Calcium Behemoth]
-Sellenisko [MotherShahraz]
-sPy [Nature'sBloom_Effect]
-Misha [Raploid Saber]
-Uncle Fester [Orange and Purple crystals]
-Sin'dorei300 [Female Necromancer]
-Sellenisko [Inquisitor Malendis]
-Vortigon [Wind egg]
-Spellbound [Interface]
-Sellenisko [Wyvern]

Credits for the icons:
-Stanakin Skywalker [BTNKoboldArmor3]
-Juan_Ann [BTNdemonknight]
-Static [BTNCrystalRing]
-bAsToIsE [BTNgloweysword]
-Mr.Goblin [BTNcape]
-MOrbid [BTNTemplarArmor]
-NFWar [BTNHelmetOfTheGhost/AirRiderHelm]
-Hellx-Magnus [BTNRavenBlackArmor]
-Big Dub [NecroHelm]
--BerZeKeR- [BTNBerserkerArmor+Helm]
-CloudWolf [BTNDeathKnight]
-enjoy [BTNVikingHelmet]
--Berz- [BTNSpikedRing]
-Jaret [BTNRootsword]
-PetrKubelka [BTNSoulAxe]
-Hellx-Magnus [BTNEagleDruidStaff]
-PeeKay [BTNViper/BTNAbsolute/BTNStormNecklace/BTNNecromancy/BTNMentality/seer staff]
-Infinitynexus [BTNAncientAmulet]
-The_Silent [BTNInnerMight]
-Mc ! [BTNSoulTalisman/sea spear]
--Berz- [BTNBlueStone/BTNDeathKnightRing]
-Elainiel [BTNEnergyNecklace]
-Apheraz Lucent [lunar edge]

-the entire map has been overworked. (removed leaks, better triggers, new features regarding to the interface of the game, etcetera...)
-Mage abilities will work now (all of them)
-Souledtonation of priest has been weakened
-Added some specialeffects to some abilities
-Credits of all models are now given!
-Every kind of dmg done will be shown from now on
-Shaman is now able to heal much better than in old versions
-Whole respawn system overworked
-Every single known bug has been removed
-Added a new area, that allows players the reach the lvl cap 60
-Added 5 new raid instances that grant good players the best bounty of this game! In this version, all 5 are closed. Time after time i will release new versions, with fixes and the new instances.
-Added a new ability for shaman, that makes him a good partner in your team from now on
-Added the new fog, that should make the game more uniqe
-Added a dmg-meter!
-Added many new items
-The agility per level has been increased for all agi heroes
-You cannot cheat ability-points anymore
-Fixed the critical strike of rogue and hunter
-Implemented a new damage-system that balances the different dds much better!
-Better description for new players implemented!

-Upgrade bug in last town has been removed
-Hp of assassins have been slightly decreased

-Fixed a bug, that prevented pple from reveving in the new area
-Mor�th, the dreadful will now do as much dmg as intended when he goes enrage
-Fixed a bug that caused pple to die after killing Harox
-From now on, the assassins for the quest "assassins" have to be killed by normal players!
-From now on, warriors will no longer taunt enemies with injure as long they are skilled as damage dealer
-Fixed a bug, that preserved infinite fury for the warrior
-Fixed the heal-chance of "taunt", it works correctly now

-The save-code will now work properly
-All the lvl 56 abilities will work now
-Small description bug fixed

-The Fury of warrior works properly now! For sure!
-The blocking bonus of shields will work now
-Zhrims death often caused his drops to get removed. Hopfully this bug has been fixed now
-Agi does not give attackspeed bonus, it is now mentioned in the tooltip.
-You will now be able to re-enter Lovax after his death
-Deathbringers are now spelled correctly
-Gra'Cara is harder now!
-The item "Unholy ring of the hunter" counts as a ring now!
-The item "Grievous dragonshell is better now

-Some ability balancing, especially warrior
-The manadrain of priests "Detox" works properly now
-You will be able to REPICK from now on!
-Implemented a very good new feature, that warns you when your level is higher than your ability-level! This will make you aware in the right time whether you can save or not! It can also balanced your ability-points until you are able to save!
This whole thing prevents problems regarding save/load completely!
-Changed, fixed some small things, that i already forgot^^

There are so many changes, that i forgot most of them.
I will only list the most important ones:
-Added a new class: Hellminder
-Rebalanced and overworked all hero abilities
-Added an exactly working dmg meter after each instance, that show the % dmg done for each player
-Added maaanny new items
-The first epic instance of the last six is open now! get the items :)
-And so many small changes which i partly forgot and of which some of them are too small to mention here.
However, have fun with the kick :)

Before the new instance will be launched, i had to fix
a few minor bugs:
-Hellminder has been rebalanced
-some items rebalanced to make them fit one single char. better
-credits removed from quests(f9) and added to an npc in first town
-flicked through all triggers to minimize lagg
-the map is now unprotected to provide possible help for other mappers

Two updates within a very short time :) sorry for that,
i am usually against those happenings.
This update will bring some very essential new things:
-the latest instance boss of the current version will work
properly now, there were some minor and one big bug
-implemented a critical hit system that will make the game more funny!
warrior ability-bug removed for now and ever!

The long wait is over. You have been waiting for
a challenge so long? Then the new boss in the
valley of decay will provide all that.
-A new epic boss, that will drop the chest set pieces
Those set pieces are very powerful, get em!
-Many small fixes have been made aswell :)
It was a prgressive work on the map,
so i forgot all the minor changes.
Go for the new boss, he is awesome :)

-Fixed somevery important issue regarding the set pieces
-Fixed spawn bug at zhrim

-Warrior - Enrage will now upgrade every ability-up
-Loading after picking will no longer keep ability-points
-Gold has been implemented! It is shown in the
multiboard. You can store a maximum of 999 gold.
-A new item shop can be found in the starting area
-You can now buy set helmets in the shop.
They will cost gold.
You can earn goln by doin the first six quests and
by defeating dungeon bosses.
-CODE RESET sorry for this, bit its required for the
gold value

I am soo sorry for this update, but is was
totally required!
-The warrior was still bugged with abilities,
this issue has been fixed now for every player
Please contact me when you find bugs.

-Moro'th, the dreadful will now drop gold too
-Gold has now a chance of 1% to drop from
every killed enemy
-Fixed a bug, that displayed a wrong gold value
for player 5 (yellow) when loading
-Added three new epic rings to the vendor
(they require 365 gold and izzeth's head)
-Amount of gold dropped by izzeth has
been increased drastically
-Izzeth, the cold has been slightly weakened
at phase 3

-Priest's Souldetonation cd has been reduced to 30 sec
-The new epic ring for mana based heroes has
a new stat (increases spelldmg too now)
-Some ability mana-costs have been increased,
because there is a new mana-reg system now!
-In older versions, the mana-reg of all items were
bugged. Surprise surprise! The issue was:
having two items that give mana-reg bonni
did not stack; the item with the higher mana-reg
increase counted!
From now on, mana-reg increase will stack!
From now on, these boni are % based.
All items with mana-reg bonus have been
rebalanced with %.
All heroes with mana habe a base man-reg
of exactly 1.00 mana/sec. Only items can
and will increase the amount.
-Priest's Holy touch cd will be reduced
on higher levels
-Have fun, i hope the mana is balanced.

-Overworked all trigegrs, bosses and special events
to remove grammar-mistakes and bugs and to
improve the game-experience.
-Warrior's Dps-talent will now decrease his armor,
making it unable to tank with him at dps skill.
-Healing cd of shaman decreased, making it possible
to have a shaman heal only to play the whole game.
-A new boss added in valley of decay (balance is missing)
-New items available from the new boss and old items
have been balanced.
-Decrease the cooldowntime of priests's aoe heal
down to seven seconds
-Increased the gold-gain from bosses drastically!
-You will now get gold from mroe quests than in the
earlier versions
-The character color-change from dual-talents
are now permanent!
-Shaman totems will no longer keep a bossfight up.
-The shaman now has a mana totem when heal-specced.
-Some other small changed which i forgot, find out
yourself and have fun with the new version!

-Special thx to "claudeff": the hellminder offhand,
dropped by sarania can now be saved.

-special thx to "s_o_c":
-rebalanced the last boss (tank is needed)
-fixed last bosse's phases, they should work now
-a new enrage abiliry has been added to the last boss
-also fixed izzeth's polar bear phase
-fixed the "follower" at lovax (important)
-added new items (one drop randomly from assassins)
-decreased the gold gain from bosses slightly
-all mage abilities have been rebalanced and
their tooltips have been fixed
-fixed a huge bug, that caused "nature's soul"
not to work
-added a new -cam command to get a better
overview for boss-fights
-fixed some typos

-fixed an issue, where -cam could be used while flying
-there are now only two -cam settings
-Water Warlocks in the jungle grant high xp from now on
-The Hellminder drop from Tara'yi is now a weapon!
note! it was a wep before, but the tooltip was wrong
-Pala-setbonus works now! sorry for this bug
-The item Blood ruby decreases the hp by 194
instead of 617 (undead area)
-Priest-Souldetonation is no longer affected
by spelldamage
-Priest-Detox has now a 46% chance
to deal 14% of your max. mana dmg
-Shaman-Chainlightning has now a 100% chance
to deal (agix7) damage.
-Shaman-Fire Totem deals much more dmg now
and he is no longer invul. to prevent pull bugs.
The totem's hp will increase with the lvl.
-Hunter-Unholy arrow has now an 38% chance
(up from 18%) to deal (agix3) dmg.
-the hunter's pet is stronger(more useful) now.
-finally fixed the cavebug-spawn at zhrim
-The Green death (Lovax ability) cannot aim
for shaman totems anymore.
-3 new items (one epic at murlocs)

-hopefully fixed all bosses! they should work now
as intended.
-added a new class: The Pacifist
-added three new items
-the shaman should work now completely!
(dont complain about firetotem dying,
it is intended to be like that when it takes dmg)
-fixed many small things to provide a better
gaming experience

-the Pacifist has been rebalanced
-final rejuvenation from pacifist works now
-shadowpriest - shadowbolt has now a chance
to release an aoe explosion instead of manareg
-the shield of holy priest is now a general buff
which can be used everye 1,5 seconds and
lasts for 180 seconds.
-the game now gets 1,5 str per lvl up from 1
-all final bosses (3) have an improved
infight system now, avoiding staying in the back
to w8 until the died heroes return.
-i recommend: a war tank to tank, not a pally!
(taunt is important now)
-the hellminder needs just 25 bpts down from 60
to use the dmg bonus on the "W" ability
-firetotem bug from shaman has been fixed now!
-the dmg from saranya has been nerfed
-the dmg from tarayi has been nerved
-ice cage at izzeth appears now once
every 20 sec. up from 15 and his
movementspeed has been reduced slightly
-entering dungeons and leaving them will
now result in a following cam.
-the -cam command has been improved
and fixed for once and ever!
-increased the dropchance from an epic item
which is able tp drop from murlocs
-remember! the xpgain from water warlocks
has been increased drastically, which means:
if you are lvl 32 and u want lvl 36 to get to
the high end area, you just need to farm warlocks
to achieve lvl 36 in no time.
-special thanks to: A]c[E for some balance advices

-all abilities of "The Pacifist" work now
(there was an issue with "under protection")
-rebalanced the pacifist, its perfect now!
-rebalanced the mage, to be a good single target
damage dealer too!
(increased base dmg of fireball drastically,
fireball has now a chance to deal (wis x 6)
additional dmg, deadly firebolt hits huge now)
-fixed the infight system of last three bosses,
the tank has now the additional job,
to regain aggro every 20 sec with the abilities
"taunt" and "injure".
-cavebugs at zhrim should work now, i think i have
finally found the bug
-decreased the armor reduction of warrior dps skill
-nerfed the xp gain from water warlocks slightly
-all enemies in the jungle can now drop the epic
item "Treasure of the north". its very rare.
-hopefully fixed an issue, that caused ads
to spawn inside of the jungle outpost after
the death of lovax.
-please dont abuse older versions to gain
gold/xp faster than in the newest.
you will lose some game fun then :)
-if rly everything works in this version
(ill w8 for feedback some days),
i can start with the new boss which will
be more epic than anythign uve every witnessed!

-added a -portal command, to set up a portal
in order to reach far away places much faster.
(the price for portals is: (herolvl / 5) and you can
type -destroy portal to destory the current
connection and set up a new)
-fixed all bosses and nerfed the high end bosses
a bit to make the whole game running quite fine finally!
-fixed a multiboard bug
i will soon start with the new epic boss. have fun with
the new class in the meantime :)

-the main attribute of shaman has been changed to agi
-random aggro from endbosses removed
-nerfed the attackspeed necklace from Sar�nia
-Warrior - Injure requires 0 fury to cast from now on
-implemented a unique First-Person cam (Esc to enable)
-fixed a beauty-bug, that caused goldgain to show up
above totems
-enabled a recycle system for undead castle and assassins,
to reduce the lagg for longer games
-the ability "Wild regeneration" from shaman does no longer
pause the unit and has been balanced in effect, duration and cd
-the pacifist has been nerfed overall in late game
-the net from assassins in valley of decay lasts now 3 seconds
-the heal totem of shaman has been reimplemented, healing
every five seconds a fix value which is also useful in late game
-totally fixed every single bug at T�ra'yi, the evergreen and
she is balanced now
-fixed all -portal issues!
-rebalanced all classes regarding dmg/mana-reg and armor
(this also includes items)
-the new gold cap is 899, preventing a bug
-completely overworked the dps-meter for precise values now!
(refreshes only every five seconds, but performs much better)
-overworked the HUNTER, making it more fun to play him
-increased the dmg of shadowstep of rogue and fixed it's
power to travel everywhere
-lvl 60 will now grant an attribute bonus of 35 for your main stat!
-the new boss is now available and works 99%!
-there are even more bug fixes and changes which improve
the overall game performance!
You will have much fun with this version, hf!
Also check out or first video of how to beat the nature boss.

-rebalanced the last boss ( i have to admit,
that he was really too hard for normal people)
-rebalanced the necklaces, dropped by the last boss
-the ability "Wild regeneration" from shaman works
properly now
-hopefully fixed the first person cam
-fixed a small bug, which eventually caused
someone to get thrown into a corner while
fighting Sarania, the dreadful.

-fixed wild regeneration, sorry for that issue.

-Added the last of the five big bosses,
called Naxia, the unpredictable goddess
(endboss including a whole instance missing)
-Totally rebalanced Priest heal, you can now heal
as good as a shaman with priests
-rebalanced all heroes again (dps)
-added commands to change the size
of your crits. and the minimum amount a
crit should be to get shown
-added the new set rings, which are dropped
from naxia
-bosses have a %-hp-bar from now on
-overworked the warrior DD skill. he does
huge dmg now.
-reduced the damage of the last three big bosses
to balance the heal a bit more
-are you good enough to beat Naxia?

-fixed a warrior bug regarding Fissure
-naxia is much harder now, all cds have been decreased
and the totem phase cannot be healed anymore

-hp-reg through strength is now increased to 0.25
up from 0.20
-fixed warrior evasion, it works correctly now
-reworked some skill-tree abilities, to have an
effect when being lvl 60

-added some new items in early game and end game
-balanced ranger's pet, to make it more useful
-rebalanced many items, to make rogues and hellminders
more useful in late game.
-as always i tried to rebalance all heroes dmg, to make
every class useful
-decreased the mana costs of pacifist's abilities drastically.
he will not run out of mana so fast in early and mid game
-I checked green revenge and the 9,8k dmg item from tarayi
and found out, that green revenge actually always worked.
tarayi should not drop the 9,8k dmg item anymore, neither
the frost orbs
-increased the hp and dmg of all early and mid game bosses,
to balanced the whole game again, after the changes of all
classes which increased their dmg quite a lot
-decreased the drop chance of normal items, to avoid
whole fields of useless items being on the floor
-added a new quest to an npc in front of the gate to the
five last bosses. doing this quest grants you the new best
offhand in the game. you will loose all other items doind so.
but this is no loss, the offhand itself is as strong as all your
other items together. you then have to farm your other items
again to get even stronger.
prepare for the very endboss, he will come in summer 2012
and he will show no mercy!
-I hope everything works fine, if not feel free to send me
replays or to write me anywhere :)

-reduced respawntime of ghosts
-reduced respawntime of spider eggs drastically
-changed some minor things

-the last quest for offhand works now completely!
-made a huge change with priests shield:
the priest shield slowed the attackspeed of bosses
by 25% and the movementspeed by holy crappy 50%!
this will now be removed because it made bosses way easier
than they actually are.
it now does not decrease the bosses ms, but it decreases
their as by 10%

-the last quest shouldn't bug your gold anymore
(pls let me know if it finally works for you!)
-rebalanced some high end items
-fixed some minor bugs

-fixed a bug where people did not take dmg
while fighting Lramon in specific phases
-fixed a typo in some item description
-introducing a new value, the "physical dmg"
Rogues and Hunters will now take profit
from their current physical dmg value.
Some spells will now have a base dmg, based
on this new value.
Overall this means, that rogues again got
buffed in an advanced scale, while hunters
stayed at their dmg output lvl.
In front of all i wanted the rogue to become
more useful than he was before.
The dmg output should be very high now,
making him a balanced fighter for your team.
The items which will increase your physical dmg
will also show this value in an index to the
bottom right of the item icon.
Your total physical dmg still is the amount
of dmg, shown in the Meele interface of the unit.
-there was a bug, where -cm caused crits
not to be shown at all. The problem is,
i do not know why, that cms over 3k wont work.
From now on, the maximum minimum crit will be 3k.

-Added the profession "enchanting"
-Rebalanced the whole game, to be
perfectly doable with four players,
but still being possible with three
and being easier with five people
-Overworked the save/load code,
it is shorter and mroe secure now
-Your load code will now be stored
in the folder "Savegames" in your
WC3 TFT folder.
-From now on, you cannot reenter
a bossfight when you die (does not
count for the first two bosses)
-Decreased cooldown of Holy touch
for priest
-Paladin is now able to tank also
in high end game, when skilled tanky
-Buffed Holy rain of paladin
-Buffed Lifedrain of Hellminder
-Buffed and balanced Last stand
for warrior
-Rebalanced the pacifist regarding
base stat gain and damage output
-Changed some base stats for
some heroes
-Weakened all heroes in beginning
of the game
-Replaced one useless ability
of the mage with a new awesome one
-Fixed vpd gain fpr hunter and rogue
-Buffed rogue again, i don't want melees
to be useless. You will need one ranged
dd for the hard bosses, but take one melee
for some extra dmg
-Scaled all abilities for rogue, hellminder,
hunter and shaman, to be more balanced
through the whole game
-Buffed shamans chainlightning
-Added some more items to all
areas of the game
-Improved the ability point fixer
-Changed and added a lot more small things,
i do not remember them anymore.
-Have fun, this is the new version, the endboss
will be added in about one week!
-Please let me know if you find any bugs!
You can contact me via PM.

-spell cast interruption fixed
-added final boss
-added custom interface
-new loading screen
-new preview image
-buffed paladins' platinum hull
-paladin now gains 3 str per lvl, up from 2.5
-rogue crit strike dmg(15%) increased to agix5 up from agix2
-rogue agi per lvl set to 4
-buffed feint damage
-mage now gains 9 int per lvl, up from 5
-mage has 9 base int, up from 5
-mage fireball cd reduced to 2.5 sec.
-hellminder - buffed bloody punch base damage
-hellminder - buffed veinkick drastically
-shadow priest damage of last revenge buffed hard
-shadow priest shadowbolt chance for aoe raised to 50%
-fixed fortified brain(caused shaman to freecast chainlightning)
-you cannot cheat-kill main bosses anymore
-fixed mana-reg for pacifist ultimate talent
-skilltree-shadow-priest: gains wisdom per level in addition
-skilltree-rogue: buffed for endgame
-skilltree-mage: buffed spelldamage gain
-skilltree-warrior: buffed crit chance
-increased enchanting foliants drop amount
-added 4 new items (endgame weapons)
-more efficient dmg calculation(different damage values are added up when they belong to the same spell or move. this will cause less dmg values on screen and higher values overall)
-boss hardmodes drop more gold and enchanting foliants
-some minor general improvements and bugfixes have been made

-added a few new items for early and mid game
-added a new shop in the valley of decay,
right in front of the entrance to the bossarea.
Lightbringer Mario will provide additional ways
of spending your endgame gold.
-added a 5% chance in each game to spawn
"Rift Hoppers". They drop one random item(any).
You will get a message at game start if there
are any spawns.
-fixed a severe bug, where Lramon would stay
invulnerable when wiping in 2 ad phase
-very high critical hits are now especially highlighted
-fixed a heavy bug, that calculated vpd slightly wrong in many cases
-fixed pacifist mana reg talent
-pacifist talents are now more useful on higher levels
-buffed dark servants from pacifist drastically
-fixed a heavy bug that made it impossible to for people
to save at level 39 while skipping level 38 with heavy xp
-buffed wisdom per level for hunter from 2.0 to 2.5
-buffed hunter talents
-hunter's crit chance passive proc chance has
been buffed from 26% to 76%
-unholy arrow's chance to deal agix3 extra damage has
been buffed to agix6 extra damage
-hellminder: heavily buffed bloody punch again
-hellminder: buffed damage of brutal thrust when having
more than 20 bloodpoints from herolvl/10 to herolvl/6
-added an item tooltip for the few special items that
cannot be worn by rogue, hellminder and
warrior(special thanks to SayonaraDatte)
-updated the information provided by "Keeper of Knowledge"
-fixed a fiew typos and grammar mistakes

-this little update tackles the rebalancing of the hunter,
since he has become weak after all the buffs of the other classes.
-unholy arrow now does 25% more damage whenever cast
on the same unit consecutively (stacks up to 60 times at level 60)
-"Critical shot" has been replaced with "Hunter presence", which has
the same effect as Critical shot, plus an increase of raw auto-attack

valley, of, decay, rpg, wow, world, of warcraft, role, play, game, priest, warrior, td, pro, 2006

Valley of Decay Rpg v1417k (Map)

22:53, 8th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 1
Jan 19, 2009
Some friends and I beat the before version this, and all I can say is this map is amazing. Love the boss fights. I'll have to test this version too.
Level 2
Jun 26, 2006
menag helped with this? and no druid? thats hard to believe xD, on another note, ill have to try this once i get home.
seems ok, add some more abilities and maybe go over the describtions of abilities again, nontheless voting for approval
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Really good description, finally, i will try and leave comment.

Small note: You can use something like this to save space! :thumbs_up:

O jea
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
more bla bla bla :eekani:

even more bla bla bla :eek:


O jea
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
melee heroes
more bla bla bla :eekani:

even more bla bla bla :con:
range heroes
more more more more bla bla bla :eekani:

even more bla bla bla :slp:
Level 6
Aug 26, 2009
menag helped with this? and no druid? thats hard to believe xD, on another note, ill have to try this once i get home.
love ya <33
well come online in northrend
i'd like to show you my map
also i didn't really help at the map, i just gave ideas and tested D:

i like the map, the bossfights etc
also i have to agree with the terrain, it isn't really good
well td, you could ask in clan forum if someone would make the terrain for you
Level 1
Jan 31, 2010
First of all there need more spells, try with spell books or something. The priest needs a rework, that the class only got 1 healing spell makes its boring 2 heal as. Give the Priest a HoT or so the shield isnt just armor but so i absorb some dmg. And please rework surge of life, it just doesnt make any sense that the only AoE heal sux at healing but is refreshing your CDs, when your only real healing got no CD at all but still has 2 long when its the only u got, and when the 2 other spells are with long CD and high mana cost, first the mana burst a great DMG move but sux as healer, and 2nd the armor buff there sux 2 refresh why would i want it 2 be refreshed ? it got high mana cost and it sux 2 recast it at the tank. and make so last stand dont give magic immune it does so he remove armor or write that he is getting magic immune.
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Level 1
Nov 27, 2009
I've found a few bugs mate, one being that my skills didn't lvl up at 50, instead i got a footman called something like "Lvl up skills" that died in a sec or 2 vs assassins in the Valley area. I also noticed that you've greatly increased the hp of assassins again 6.5-7k might be a bit to much. Talk to ye ingame
// Murka
Level 3
Apr 2, 2009
Goodjob on this map...i really like it and i can see that alot of the users have love it as well!

You should perhaps add a new class...that could be distingful from other maps. Because we have all seen those classes...come up with something new for the next version :)
Level 1
Nov 27, 2009
I think you won't be happy, but the only likely hero to be added will be the Death Knight since the heroes are based on WoW in this map and the rest of it is mostly from TD's own ideas. Though I don't think any hero will be added in the near future.
Level 1
Feb 5, 2010
This map is really good but theres a few things i would change like how u need to rerun the map to fight instance boss's or how the first boss drops better stuff then the later few but the boss's later are pretty intense i cant wait for your next update :D!

Level 3
Apr 2, 2009
not in near future right :)
the problem is, that the all needed heroes are already here.
there isnt missing any support/heal/tank
all i can do is thinking about a new kind of dmg class^^
lets see what future brings :)

SRY there is any bug so that i cant go to the 2nd page of comments :(

Good! Yes a new class would be awsome...well ill follow the releases of this map closely! You got my support.
Level 10
Oct 26, 2008
xD nice man

hey i just tested the thing with fury of warrior.
the bug has been fixed, i cannot get infinite fury anymore when i spam attack.

i thought about a new class, but i have no time now so it will take some time:
Maybe "Vampire" as a new class. if anyone has completely no heartfor a vampire pls post it^^
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Level 10
Oct 26, 2008
you will not receive skillpoints, you have 8 skillpoints in the beginning which you can spend new every game.
Skilltree heal of priest: you are heal skilled from the beginning on, but when you wanna go dd, you can skill it :)
the hotkey R works for me sry :( cannot fix anything here
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
This map rules :grin: +1 rep and rated 5.

Bold = Important

BUG REPORT: Priests heal text whenever u upgrade it says 66 but it really isn't 66 like at lvl 7 its 128 really but the green text says 66.

Priests detox abilities hotkey doesn't work.

I think warriors should get rage when they attack things as well since its impossible to get rage on bosses who attack slowly you just stay at 0 I find problems with getting rage unless theres more then 1 mob its fine if that 1 mob attacks super fast although but some bosses attack slowly.

Balnezzar the boss of the church of hell drops a rusty dagger and a crappy blue shield he drops low lvl shit is this suppose to be like this?

Robe of progress from zhrim isn't in the right position it should be on the heroes attachment its on his head.

For healers make it so they can see all the other heroes icons so he can heal them better.

Are the lvl 1 trolls meant to drop helmet of spellpower? That seems a little too overpowered for a troll to drop I also saw that the undead camp leader drops it as well so I'm thinking that was a mistake adding it to the trolls loottables
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Level 10
Oct 26, 2008
yes it is supposed to be like that :)
he can drop all blue items fromt he mini bosses before.
hmm i just dont get it, when i play this map in bnet or anywhere else, the detox hotkey works for me. hmm

OH DAMNIT i wanted to fix the fury thing with warrior, but anyhow a new bug occured.
you are right, he doesnt get fury by attacking anymore.
gotta change that.

edit: yes they are supposed to drop the STOLEN helmet of spellpower.
the vampire boss drops the non stolen helmet which is a bit better.
the chance for the trolls to drop the stolen one is veeeeery low.
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Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
WORST BUG EVER: For some odd reason it says people are cheating when they're not even when they have no gold left they never gave anyone gold either idk why this happens no one gave him gold either.. was an elemental shaman.

Plate of fate shield from the hell cathedrals first boss says it gives 35 blocking what does this mean because I can't find what it does I tried testing it to see if whenever I get hit it blocks 35 damage but that wasn't true as I took 11 damage from a mob with 28 damage ( because of my dmg reduction ) when it should be taking 1 damage if it blocked.

I killed zhrim then all of a sudden he did the cave thing when dead and all the items got destroyed..... LMFAO got really pissed because great items dropped this needs to be fixed.

Does agi give attack speed as it says when u move your cursor on your main stat? Because I don't really see a difference in my attack speed with 100 agi o_O if it doesn't increase attack speed you should put it so it says it doesn't.

When u kill Lovax he keeps saying IT CANNOT BE over n over n over n over.. also u can't re-enter his dungeon so ppl who die can't get loot fucking gay as hell.

I think u should add some more offhand weapons to the beginning I didn't see any until the cave of nightmares could be my luck although.

Shadow step hotkey doesn't work.

The little robots in the Lovax fight are called Deathrbingers when it should be Deathbringers.

Clan NwS to play with pros on this map :D
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Level 10
Oct 26, 2008
WOOT, xzero, thank you very much for this report.
those reasons are anough to bring out a new fixed version.

But there is one thing i can tell your about the hotkeys: they work all. anyhow, some hotkeys dont work for some pple, i think it has to do sth with the keyboard settings.

the thing with lovax is new to me, i will check it.

there is one crappy offhandwep :) it gets dropped by scorpions^^

IMPORTANT: agi does not give attackspeed. i am sry, i have to change the tooltip.

THE SAVE BUG: it works, but there is one reason, why i there is still a possibility that the saving doesnt work:
when you powerlvl a friend, and he takes a quest reward that grants him more lvls at once, example: you are lvl 5, on lvl 6 u get the ability point and you take the reward that makes you lvl 7, you will not get that point. in that case you will never be possible to save for the rest of the game.

and yes: the blocking of shield doesnt work :) will be fixed

and I will come to clan NwS to play this map with pros, sounds awesome :)

PS: lovax never says anything like It cant be. it isnt implemented in the game.
i also tested it, he says nothing when he dies. sry :(
maybe a replay would help here.
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Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
You got rid of the warriors AoE Wrathstomp for a blocking passive? Edit: Weird this happened to me once when I loaded and the blocking passive took over my wrathstomp and got rid of it but then when I rmed my wrathstomp was still there and the blocking still worked.

Also please fix robe of progress being on the characters head instead of chest.

And yes every single time I kill Lovax he keeps saying IT CANNOT BE over and over I put the replay on the attachments. Where we rape every boss and find the best weapon in the game atm its called Brutality in the replay :D.

You only have one chance to load in this map if you get your code wrong it says Welcome and you can't load anymore but this isn't mentioned in the map so you should mention it because my friend thought his code was broken.

Priest doesn't really steal mana with detox as it says 0 mana stolen.

Add -repick command.

Mention the bug where you can't save if you level past your ability point in the tips since most people don't know this and don't try to save until their lvl 20+ and find out their code doesn't work.


  • It Cannot Be.w3g
    650 KB · Views: 182
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Level 10
Oct 26, 2008
Blocking: the passive block ability is now a basic ability of warrios and paladins.
you cannot see it when you are defensive warrior, but it still works as it should.
when you skill warior to damage dealer, you can see the blocking ability because one ability-slot remains free. Thats intended. any bugs occured? as far i have tested everything regarding this issue works.

Loading: when you load a wrong code, you can still try infinite other times.
in the case f your friend that couldnt load i think he did not type the right password.

Detox: yes your are right, i cannot put turn off the natural text of the ability, it will ever be 0. you are still right, because the mana of enemies remains nearaly full.
this will be fixed soon or not so soon.

Conclusion: sry i dont have much time in the next 3 months, but you can count on me, that i will bring out a version after those three months, that ontains all thos fixes and much much more including two of the new instances :)
Level 4
May 20, 2009
It wont let me download it, i save it then try downloading it into the warcraft editor and it doesnt let me i know thats a way to prevent ppl from delting shit and stuff but how do i do it if i cant download into editor and play from there?
Level 9
Aug 21, 2008
Dled it played it. here is what i think:

:thumbs_up:Overal great, thats not one of this cheap bad rpgs
:thumbs_up:Quite alot Quests. And not every Quest is about killing 20 enemies.(some are ok, and there are only some)
:thumbs_up:Good enemies, much of them have skills. especiality bosses are fun.
:thumbs_up:Easy,balanced start. No prob to solo some enemys while the other palyers are still deciding which hero they want to play:ugly:
:thumbs_up:Nice idea with the skilltrees

:con:Every 2 lvl i gain1 gold which i could only use for this one spell upgrade. Its like the spell upgrade every 2 lvls, no need for the gold somehow.
:con:You cant buy or sell items. Thats not bad at all, but something is missing compared to a normal rpg.
:con:The spells are nice, but some spells are boring. the mage only have damage skills. Adding a stun or a slow to a spell could make him more usefull.
:con:At some heros there isnt a to big difference if you choose a other skilltree.
:con:Terrain is ok, could be better but isnt to bad.

:thumbs_down:No balance at the creeps if there are lesss palyers. You said it is a team rpg, which is just a cheap excuse in my eyes. Should't be a problem to reduce enemys health at less players.
:thumbs_down:only a few heros+ heros which are seen in nearly every rpg. I hope this will change.
:thumbs_down:Heros have the same spells all the time. they just get better, but in the end you do always the same things again.happily the challanging enemys make this point not that bad.

Ovberall just 3,5/5(which is 4). Hope this will get better, casue overral this map was awsome. just the lacking replayability... Skilltrees are nice but at some heros they dont make enough difference.

edit: repick is missing =(

edit2: You need a different respwan trigger/system for the creeps. It looks like they always revive where they get killed.
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Level 1
Feb 18, 2010
how fly to top castle? where is undead berseks & hunters?
why skeleton warrior & small spiders have structure tree?? my pally cant attack him with spell( (say: cant use spell on tree)
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Please fix the bug where the warriors wrathstomp is replaced by the blocking passive it happens at random whenever a warrior loads or picks. Trust me it happens as I've seen it a lot especially with lovax's shield for some reason but I've seen some one with lovax's shield load and not have wrathstomp but then next 2 remakes he had wrathstomp.
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Level 1
Feb 22, 2010
Hey td i have some bug reports for you :D ^^
Shaman: the heal totem upgrade at the skill tree bugs the heal totem and you cant cast it anymore^^
the fire totem dont work anymore after spend last point at 56
and it would be nice to add 1 more totem upgrade^^
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Please fix the bug where the warrior loses his Wrathstomp to shieldblock passive it happens to my friend almost all the time and he won't play until its fixed.

My suggestion would be making a spell book ( with a good hotkey like q or e ) with all your abilities in it so you can have more abilities.
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Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Paladin's tranquility spell is overrided by block as well sometimes.

Also yes as the above poster says those both hotkeys are set to B when they shouldn't be.
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