Rui's review for "Uther's Slumber", a melee map by Adamcg
"Uther's Slumber" is a very decent melee map. Despite the poor ground texture variation and a notable homogeneity on the drop types, the map evidences quality.
Looking at the terrain from the World Editor, it is clear that the author used the grid to his advantage. Starting locations and neutral buildings are symmetrically placed with a very small error rate. The distance between them is fair for both players.
On the beautification aspect, I was not as pleased. The terrain is not bad – it contains the minimum quality we can demand from a melee map. However, the ground texturing could use a lot more work. Besides a few variations here and there, there is a clear homogeneity on the placement of tiles. On top of that, the city textures (marble, cobble...) do not fit well on the open.The creator did, more or less, manage to make this less noticeable with the doodads.
Creeps are (fortunately) decently placed and chosen, and their drops are balanced. Plus, the author actually knows what guard distance to set for which creeps, something not everyone knows.I have only a few things to say regarding the drops. While playing, you notice that most items being dropped are permanent. Well, actually, there are only two creep camps (one per player) which drop a charged item. The rest of them are indeed permanent or powerups.While permanent items are always welcome because they passively increase the stats of your hero (thus not requiring the player's intervention), I think they do not contribute a lot for momentary advantages; these are usually given by scrolls, potions and other charged items. These items could serve as adequate drops for the Gold Mine guards. Or any of them. I just don't find it very fitting for the lot of the hostile camps to drop permanent items.In addition to that, I noticed these camps on the center's edges, composed of a Forest Troll and a Shadow Priest and alternately an Ogre Warrior or a Forest Troll Berserker. I just want to remind that the latter is not necessarily stronger than the prior – remember that Normal damage type is more effective on heroes, while Piercing, on the other hand, is nearly insignificant against Defend.Nevertheless, the drops are relatively fair.
I believe this is all I have to say. The map does deserve being on the league. With these few rough edges polished, "Uther's Slumber" will no doubt be a perfect map!My rating for this map is 4,5/5, which rounds up to 5 (Highly Recommended). On an unrelated note, it is actually the first time I give a melee map a rating this high.