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Using Vexorian's model to change pitch

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Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I want to be able to move special effects and change their pitch. As I understand it, Vexorian made a dummy model (which I downloaded) that has many animations. I looked at the animations and they are in the form of "a" "b" "c" and so on. I need to know how to translate those into angles so that I can make the dummy unit, say face straight up (90-degrees) or straight down (270 degrees, or -90 degrees).

Is there a translation of his animations into degrees?


I should point out that I use GUI and do not know JASS.
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Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
You should have taken a look inside the XE map of Vexorian which is the only official way to download the dummy... I just realized that that DUMMY.mdx that I gave you was also from Vexorian :D

Anyway, Vexorian did not implement full pitch rotation.
Because he made if for a missile system.
(However I can see that a missile could be moving backwards.)

Anyway this is how Vexorian made it:
method operator zangle= takes real value returns nothing
    local integer i=R2I(value*bj_RADTODEG+90.5)
    set this.zang=value
    if(i>=180) then
        set i=179
    elseif(i<0) then
        set i=0
    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(this.dummy, i  )
Translated into a simple function it would be this:
function SetUnitZAngle takes unit whichUnit, real angle returns nothing
    local integer i=R2I(value*bj_RADTODEG + 90.5)
    if i >= 180 then
        set i = 179
    elseif i < 0 then
        set i = 0
    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(whichUnit, i)

But as you could notice, if you set the angle to a point where the model would face backwards, this would not work.
That is why you can use this one instead to enable that.
function SetUnitZAngle takes unit whichUnit, real angle returns nothing
    local integer i=R2I(value*bj_RADTODEG + 90.5)
        if i >= 180 then
            set i = 180 - (i-180)
            call SetUnitFacing(whichnit, 180 + GetUnitFacing(whichUnit))
        elseif i < 0 then
            set i = -i
            call SetUnitFacing(whichnit, 180 + GetUnitFacing(whichUnit))
            exitwhen true
    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(whichUnit, i)
Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I hate to do this to you since you've been so helpful, but could you put some of that into GUI, or even spell out the logic and I can put it into code.

For example, what is: integer i=R2I(value*bj_RADTODEG + 90.5)

It looks like I convert the angle from degrees to radians, which I can do...but then what?
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
That is actually the exact opposite way.
That makes a rounded integer of the arc...

That code sets the animation to a certain index. The animations are ordered so the first(0) will be 0 degrees and the 179th will be 179 degrees.
So you have very precise turn rate.

To call this you need a "Custom script: call SetUnitZAngle(udg_TempUnit, udg_TempReal)"
In this case it will set TempUnit's Z-facing to TempReal degrees.

I am not quite sure but I think you have to remove the (*bj_RADTODEG) part.
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