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Using alternate animations for abilities

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Level 7
Sep 24, 2008
Hell hiveworkshop community, I happen to be having trouble using animations for abilities. I have two situations which require assistance, so feel free to answer either one:
1. I have a medic model, with it's heal animation as "spell slam." How can I use that for my heal ability, instead of "spell." How can I accomplish this?
2. Many models have "walk alternate" and other alternate animations, normally intended as a way of swapping weapons. How can I make an ability which utilizes them. Perphaps like "run mode" and "walk mode."
Thank you for reading, please post if you have any information regarding this issue, thanks:grin:
Level 7
Aug 30, 2008
Set the tags right. for example : required animation names = alternate (or something)

and for the spell, simply change the animation on the very top of the object editor then hit the edit screen
Level 7
Sep 24, 2008
Set the tags right. for example : required animation names = alternate (or something)

and for the spell, simply change the animation on the very top of the object editor then hit the edit screen
What do you mean by "edit screen?"
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