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Use hero minimap icon for non-hero

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Level 12
May 22, 2015
Is it possible to have a unit appear on the minimap as a the big circle like heroes when the unit is not a hero?

I have bosses in my map and currently you can completely lose track of them. I find it hilarious when my friend and I are scrambling around looking for them, but it's definitely not something that should be part of the gameplay.

My current (unimplemented) idea is to have a dummy hero unit that is moved periodically to the boss (one for each boss - some bosses use more than one unit and you can have more than one boss on the map at a time).

Should I got ahead with my idea or is there a better / easier / nicer way?
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
Much better ways there, you can even give your boss a custom cool looking minimap icon.

A sort of hacky way would be to look under "Advanced -> Game Interface" and there for "Icon - Minimap xxx" (where xxx would be hero, neutral, resource, resource (entangled) or resource (haunted)). And then make your boss one of those or as you said, move a dummy one of those constantly to the position of your boss unit.

A trigger solution would be to use SetAltMinimapIcon(string path), which allows you to set ONE new icon with a .blp of your choice. Then you can for every unit choose whether it should use that alternative icon, namely with UnitSetUsesAltIcon(unit u, boolean b).
Level 12
May 22, 2015
This is working for me thanks! I am using the haunted goldmine icon.

To be a little more clear, I went with the "SetAltMinimapIcon(string path)" solution and just used the haunted goldmine icon in the game already.
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