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[Cinematic] Unsung Legends Trailer

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Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
This is a cinematic that I made for UL. I did the triggers and cameras and so on, and HernanG did the terrain. You can download the cinematic Here.
Bellow is a quote of Taur's post when he announced its release, with a few screenshots.

Taur said:

Unsung Legends Cinematic Trailer Released!

That's right we're not dead! And we come bearing gifts, or at least a new trailer. Made by bob27, this cinematic trailer illustrates the events that lead to the start of Unsung Legends. Speical thanks to HernanG for his awesome terrain. Get it here:

UL Cinematic Trailer

You can also look at some screenies of Bob's awesome cinematic work here (even though technically, you could basically DL the cinematic before you finish looking at all of them):

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Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
as I said on wc3camp, very bad cinematic for that one month of work (as Taur said). Text was too fast, cameras was bad, no art feature in battle, just 100units vs 100 units and watch, knights appear there from nowhere. 1/5 from me.
Level 3
Mar 18, 2007
me and my friend thought it was very good.
5/5 from me,
5/5 from my friend too!
i cant wait for the full thing.
Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
I agree with Restor, this cinematic is as beginer work. It has bad cameras, bad battle scene (oooh, hundred unit go go go issue attack-move to another hundred units...), terrain is pretty nice but FOG don't fit, and it has lot of bootless models (some scenes has really lot lags)
Text are too fast, cameras are too fast. It has much sentences for a trailer.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I liked some parts. The skeletal archers' volley over the Scourge's forces, and this terrain was, with no doubt, made by our Herna'h! However, I must agree that the text is too fast. Cameras is really w/e, for me. Also, what was with the Humans fightning at the side of the Forsaken? Remember that the Alliance shouldn't really be pleased with Garithos's death, and not even WoW-ways justify that alliance.

This cinematic is ok, although this project has been around for quite some time, even more wc3search merged with The Hive, nonetheless, good job.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
I agree with Restor, this cinematic is as beginer work. It has bad cameras, bad battle scene (oooh, hundred unit go go go issue attack-move to another hundred units...), terrain is pretty nice but FOG don't fit, and it has lot of bootless models (some scenes has really lot lags)
Text are too fast, cameras are too fast. It has much sentences for a trailer.

The Cameras might not all be perfect but I think that the fog looked very nice.

Visually stunning terrain, as is expected by HernanG, but of course I found many grammatical errors in your poor uneducated Australian English, Bob :p Regardless, looking very nice!

Actualy I didn't do the text, slith did
Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
Best cinematic i have ever seen. Good job 5/5 .

So is someone making campaing that is placed in world after frozen throne?
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
I was a little disappointed with a couple things, like the necro's staff going into the rock, the units walking through the spikes in front of the skeleton archers, and stuff like that. But overall, good work. I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait to see more...
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
so, people said this is awesome, so, check this few things

see the second image (http://hiveworkshop.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=3560&d=1174177558)
why the troll have that aura? in that situation it looked horrible Imho

as I said, coming of knights was nowhere showed, they just WERE there

I dont think if balista shoots make efects like bombs, maybe some new UD technology

if the fog was perfekt, tell me why the horizont there looked so ugly

the scene here, its not in that image but u can see it in cin, there were two cameras, and time of changing one camera to second was exactly same as the Wait time between them, as good cinematicer, u know that it make laggy efekt (the camera stay there for 0.1 sec maybe and THEN move next, make wait time shorter

there were many more mistakes, but I dont have time now to describe them all.
Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
so, people said this is awesome, so, check this few things

see the second image (http://hiveworkshop.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=3560&d=1174177558)
why the troll have that aura? in that situation it looked horrible Imho

as I said, coming of knights was nowhere showed, they just WERE there

I dont think if balista shoots make efects like bombs, maybe some new UD technology

if the fog was perfekt, tell me why the horizont there looked so ugly

the scene here, its not in that image but u can see it in cin, there were two cameras, and time of changing one camera to second was exactly same as the Wait time between them, as good cinematicer, u know that it make laggy efekt (the camera stay there for 0.1 sec maybe and THEN move next, make wait time shorter

there were many more mistakes, but I dont have time now to describe them all.

post better cinematic plz? make better cinematic plz? Only thing that disturbs me in there is the knights coming out from nowhere
Level 7
Aug 10, 2004
Alright, I just had the time to sit down and watch it, and overall it wasn't too bad. There were strong points, and there were good points. The terrain was good. sometimes it could be better, but HernanG managed to make a good amount of nice scenes, I particularly liked the end scene, which could've been better without that visibility fault, where as the camera only showed objects in a certain distance, and displayed more as it got closer. I'm pretty sure this can be fixed with one of the visibility triggers. The battle scene was alright no special effects, but it displays the point, which is what it's there for. The text was too fast at some points, and it's hard to read that quick enough and pay attention to what's going on in the scene on any cinematic without voice acting, I would suggest a voice actor for the narration to settle this small issue. As a trailer, it seems nice, sometimes the music just shot out of nowhere in what seemed like the middle. The cameras at times were not emphasizing the right thing, and were a little too bumpy at times. Some angles could also be fixed a bit. It's also nice to have cameras in close, to bring the viewer closer to what's going on. The story was well told in the narration, and gave a good idea as to what the project is about. And overall it gave me further interest in the Unsung Legends project, so I would then say it completed it's task as a trailer. Good job to all who were involved.
Level 6
Feb 25, 2005
I havent seen many cinematics, so this is without doubt the best ive ever seen. But hold on a second, i would still like to mention what i thought was the major good/bad things. I'll start with the good stuff
  • The terrain was stunning, and i didnt think the fog was a problem.
  • Some camera views, as the one moving alongside the scourge armies, and the one looking at the trolls on the hills and then down, looked really proffesional.
  • The story is very good, with enough sides to make it interesting.

And the bad stuff...
  • There is just to much text. Real movie trailers take one or two sentences at a time for a reason. You dont have time to read it all and see the trailer, very frustrating.
  • Some stuff looked wierd, as mentioned, the troll aura was so wrong. Those are minor things that can spoil the shot.
  • No voice acting. Bet its hard to do, but it gets so much better.

As i said, this is still the best cinematic ive seen, but ofc it can get better.

Level 1
Oct 17, 2006
Nice cinnematic. Seen quite a lot of Wc3 cinnematics, and most were crap. Anyway, here's my list of good and bad things about it;

+ Storyline looks interesting. It's only a bit strange that the humans are fighting alongside the Forsaken, but I can live with that.
++ Terraining looked very nice.
+ The archer's volley looked cool in the battle scene.
++ I didn't see too many typoes in the text, which means that you either knew how to write everything or bothered to check it in a dictionary or w/e. Big plus from me.

- Those knights came out of nowhere, as mentioned before.
- Text was a bit too fast at the start, later on it was okay.
- Personally, I didnt really like the way the camera switched angles all the time. It was always turning, and the top views didn't really look great in my opinion.

Not the best cinnematic I've seen, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 4/5. :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 9
Aug 23, 2007
Great cinematic. Loved the battles scenes and the story explanation through out it. Its been a while since I heard anything new on this project so I was wondering if the team was even working on it or if work has just been slow.
Anyways 4/5 :thumbs_up: for this cinematic.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Wow, sry for noob question but when will it be done?

No idea, Taur just asked me to make a trailer for the project. So I have no idea when it will be done.

Great cinematic. Loved the battles scenes and the story explanation through out it. Its been a while since I heard anything new on this project so I was wondering if the team was even working on it or if work has just been slow.
Anyways 4/5 :thumbs_up: for this cinematic.

Thanks for the comments, and I think they have been working on it, just very slowly.
Level 9
Aug 23, 2007
wow that sux I was really looking forward to playin that. but oh well. I can see Why they stopped working on it. After working on it for so long it would start to get tireing and time consuming. Well at least the team that worked on it learned some things and maybe they'll get together and make another map thats smaller than UL and maybe even better than UL would have been since they could use the knowledge they gained from making UL.
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