i agree with APproject
more detailed just go follow these steps
1- go to force properties menu
2- add a player
3- make an alliance of you and that player
4- check the shared vision as APproject said
5- press ok
here now the forces are done, about the coloring do as APproject said just change the units colors to your color which is basically an illusion for the player and at the end for the movement .
you need to create 2 Regions
1- Entrance
2- Final Destination
Note : Call them whatever you want, i used these names to get you the idea
and here is the trigger for the movement :
Unit - A unit enters Entrance <gen>
(((Triggering unit) is A structure) Equal to False) and ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red))
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Move To (Center of Final Desitination <gen>)
Now i used owner of unit as player meanwhile you can set it to the player you want
move to order for the unit , will make the unit just walk and ignore everything in its way even if it is attacked , meanwhile if you want a dota style unit movement then u just change the Move To --- to --- Attack Move To and they will move towards the target point attacking any enemies of their owner player