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[Trigger] Unit enters and makes neutral mob attack or not

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Level 4
Nov 19, 2009

i love your site! its awesome !

will also make a donation soon (end of the month id reckon) :D

to the point ...

i m trying to make a trigger to do the following:

1) consider a small area ( named i.e. Area 1) containing a mob (i.e. dryad) which is set to AGGRESIVE initially to anyone

2) IF the player 1 (i.e. slot 1 RED - first position) is Night Elf, then, when an unit belonging to the Night Elf player enters the same area with the initially aggresive dryad mob ( Area 1 ), the mob which was aggresive, suddenly turn NEUTRAL

thats it !!!

also....if anyone can give me some tips for the opposite situation as well !!!

1) consider a small area ( named i.e. Area 1) containing a mob (i.e. dryad) which is set to NEUTRAL initially to anyone
2) IF the player 1 (i.e. slot 1 RED - first position) is Night Elf, then, when an unit belonging to the Night Elf player enters the same area with the initially neutral dryad mob ( Area 1 ), the mob which was neutral, suddenly turn AGGRESIVE

i tried to use triggers in all manners and ways..but i cant seem to get one such simple trigger to work :((

in starcraft, it was sooo easy ....there was a lovely trigger that did just that

thank you

P.S. i hope i put this thread in the right forum
if not, i appologize and please ask the administrator to move it to the right forum
Level 5
Jan 15, 2009
Would the unit be created some time before the game has started or would the unit be created after the game has started... If he is created after the game has started you may need to use a variable... Sorry if this isn't helping but reply a answer to my question and i may be able to help.:smile:

You may just need to change the owner to "Neutral Hostile" so if you can find that in the triggers it may be your solution.
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