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Unholy Invasion v2.2b


Unholy Invasion is a unique co-op Hero Survival map where 1 to 3 Players defend against hordes of zombies with various customized weapons and gear.

Here are some of the features of this map, for those who didn't see this map before;

--Highly customized manual attack system; you can attack with a single weapon and bash with a shield, a two-handed weapon, a bow combined with a special arrow of your choice or with dual weapons. Each attack style have it's own attack animations, attack sounds, stats, abilities and more.
-Fast-paced combat with gore.
-A unique and easy equip system.
-22 Melee Weapons, 4 Special Arrows which can be combined with 7 Ranged Weapons, 8 Body Armors, 9 Helmets and 7 Shields, each with their own item models, stats and abilities.
-A knockback system which fits perfectly for a map of this kind. (Thanks to Paladon)
-A simple, yet nice custom stat system.
-Each equipped item shows on character and fitting perfectly, even quivers. (Hail to their respective owners!).
-Supports 1 to 3 Players and 3 Difficulties.
-Zombie numbers are proportional with Players. When a Player leaves, lesser zombies spawn.
-3 Specializations to choose from.
-12 Feats to further improve your playstyle.
-Lag free triggering.
-Much, much more to see!

Latest Updates;

-Dexterity now reduces attack cooldown (With a 50% cap). Combat is now faster.
-Added a new elite helmet; Helm of the Duelist.
-Added a new elite helmet; Assassin's Headguard.
-Prevented selection of enemies or other players in combat rounds.
-Boss now takes 25% reduced damage from critical hits.-Buffed Taunt passive.
-Nerfed Artifical Heart.
-Fixed some bugs.
-Changed some armor stat requirements.

-Added new attack cooldown bars.
A bar that indicates the cooldown of your attack appears on your hero.
-Melee attacks now cannot be performed unless an enemy is in your weapon range. This prevents accidental misses.
-Removed camera lock command. Instead, players can now lock/unlock camera instantly by pressing "Q" in combat.
-Added a new health bar and a new selection circle.
-Some tooltip fixes.

-Equipment that normally have a stun ability now shatter enemy defense instead.
Shatter means enemy defense is temporarily reduced by 3.
-Added a new basic armor; Fiend Armor.
-Added a new elite armor; Deepwater Armor.
-Added a new elite ranged weapon; Arbalet.
-Removed generic "error" sound.
-Replaced "Runner" with a new feat; Initiator.
-Corrected the duration of Taunt armor reduction effect.
-Zombie Rally aura no longer effects Players.

-Added a new base ability for Players; Charge.
Charge is a short-range dash which can be used to escape, knockback or damage enemies.
-Charge damage scales with Energy Stat.
-All Armors now modify Charge damage and knockback.
-All Special Abilities now have a passive effect.
-Remade Taunt ability.
-Remade Stamina system.
Moving now drains Stamina, while standing still restores it faster than before.
-Added a new elite two-handed weapon; Sulfuras.
-Significantly increased attack/use ability animation speeds of the Hero.
-Attacks and Charge ability now briefly shakes camera. Critical Hits shakes more.
-Strength now increases knockback, including ranged weapon attacks and Charge.
-Added a new combat music from Dragon Age.
-New ambient for combat rounds.
-Harder Boss.
-Right-clicking an enemy first time now makes your Hero face that enemy
-Greater Creeps now have Ensnare ability.
-Reworked Hard Hitter Feat and fixed knockback bug.
-Reworked Magic Quiver Feat and renamed it; Thrifty.
-Reworked Specialized Feat.
-Replaced Resistant with a new Feat; Cunning.
-Skull Cap, Horned Helm, Berserker's Helm and Avenger Helm now have new bonuses.
-Prevented resource trade.
-Fixed a bug when trying to shot with no arrows left.
-Significantly reduced Hero movespeed.
-Restoration Potions' triggered abilities are now more responsive.
-Improved Creep/Boss AI.
-Players now cannot attack/use abilities for 1.5 seconds after equipping a new weapon.
-Added Minimap terrain image.
-Reworked Artifical Heart.
-Added an equip/unequip sound.
-Prevented Patrol, which causes some bugs with the new Stamina system.
-New swing sounds for melee attacks.
-Nerfed ranged weapons and arrows.
-Modified critical chances of melee weapons.
-Overall balance changes.

Some examples of how the equipment looks like on our hero are below. Please note that some of the screenshots are old, but they'll give you an idea about the equipment system.

New Demon Armor Shoulders! 28 May 2011

New Full Plate Shoulders! 28 May 2011

Only a quarterstaff equipped.

Leather armor, skull cap, saber on main-hand and war mace on off-hand.

Full plate mail, grand crown, emerald flamberge and a quiver of arrows

Demon Armor, Bone Helm, Elven Bow and a quiver of arrows.

Royal Armor, Berserker's Helm, Holy Shield, Vampire Sword and a quiver of arrows.

Forum Link


*This map is protected.
*Loading a saved game causes the game to crash. There is no defeat condition however, you dont need to save and load your game, if you die, you can try as much as you want.
*In some widescreen resolutions, there are some missing texts in text boxes (usually "required stats" for some items). I recommend you to use a 4:3 resolution.

defense, hero defense, survival, zombie, unholy, unholy invasion, invasion, item, equipment, equip, attachment

Unholy Invasion v2.2b (Map)

Date: 23:30:41 30-Nov-11 Map Moderator: -Kobas- Map Status: Approved 5/5 Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message! Useful Links: If you have any complaints or questions about your map, please make a thread here:Map Resource...
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Only one stupid bug with nonsense just ruining my work =@ it's all about this useless worthless world editor. I hate it!
In the middle of the map, some kind of an invisible point just blocks arrows?!?!? If i can somehow fix that, it's just finished...
Level 4
Dec 16, 2003
Dont double post

Oh yeah it was almost a month between my posts...

As for the invisible "null" place, it's in the dead center of the map right? just put a pillar or something cool there.
Or make the map bigger so that the "null" place leaves the playfield =)))))
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Level 4
Dec 16, 2003
you give rep to me I give rep to you, it's the circle of life!

but lets talk about the map, what do you think of my post Conlan?
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Level 2
Sep 4, 2007
Hey I just played the map again; hadn't played it since I put it down back when that echo bug was still an issue. Now that it's fixed, I've got to say this is a quality piece of work. 5/5

Good to see you're still working on it, too. This range thing sounds very interesting...
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
I'm sorry for SO late reply. I'm really busy with my collage projects since I'm a last year student and they're all gonna end in a week. In my free times, I worked on my Torment Arena map and it's almost finished.
About unholy invasion, I've done a lot of work for v1.2 but as i've mentioned a long time ago, I've got a stupid bug problem and I had to somehow fix it but I don't even know where to look at, I just hated worldeditor one more time. Currently I really don't want to work on it, because of the bug. But since I've done all that ranged weapon systems and new multiboard, I may want to finish it after this stupid school works.

thanks for your interest.
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
Omgosh, u updated!!! But shoot it's too late, i will have to wait until tomorrow :). Can't wait love your maps!! :D
Level 4
Dec 16, 2003
As for the invisible "null" place, it's in the dead center of the map right? just put a pillar or something cool there.
Or make the map bigger so that the "null" place leaves the playfield =)))))

This might help you if you missed it... or mabey not just two random ideas ^_^
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
Ok i've got two ideas to keep this game fresh and exciting so people stay throughout the whole game without getting bored (I personallly don't mind the longness, but everyone else gets bored and leaves if they are not my friends. Still, it is a bit long since nothing really changes).

First, you could add spells. Perhaps classes, but spells/abilities would add some spice. Not like "meteor from the sky" and "summon lava" mage crap, but more physical abilities. Like "player dashes across and hits 3 enemies on the way" sort of thing.

But there are different approaches you can take to this one. Personally, u will probably know WHICH one i prefer but it will require a lot more work and if u are planning on making a RPG ever i suggest u scratch it =). But anyway, you could add some kind of save system. Every time you play, you can get a code at the end, or maybe by typing -save. Some survival games have this, but i am not talking about just saving your rank. Saving like, abilities you gain (drops, random acquire, or maybe through picking them as you level up or each time you play), extra bonuses or stats or something, and hey, maybe even weapons/armors? Lol. Well i am just giving suggestions I even like it the way it is but things that SHOULD get added in the small run::

-Different/changing zombie waves and/or bonus waves
-Special zombies with abilities that are harder to kill and require teamwork that come in each wave
-Abilities, perhaps? Depending on how the special zombies turn out. Keep them a bit realistic though, please
-How long is each wave? Try to not spread them out so much with zombies coming it one by one. Instead (lets say the wave is 5 minutes), have a decent size rising in like the first 30 seconds, and have a HUGE wave come in at 30 or so seconds, and not many zombies coming in between 30seconds-2minutes. During this time you need to kill the zombies fast or you have no time to recover. In these huge waves, you cannot recover easily. ~1:30-2:30 recover time, then a normal wave starts coming in, followed by another HUGE wave. The times and zombie appearance order is not accurate, should be more random, i am just giving an example of what a wave should be :).
*Yes this sounds hard and abilities for multi killing will be needed :)
*If not, take out the fillers in the waves, the zombies come out too slow.

With those things in mind you will probably have a Grade A game!
Level 5
Feb 6, 2009
I love this map it is really great! But how about you do some more classe in there like an mage and a hunter or so... because after a while Zombie BASHING
gets Boring

but still Nice MAP!
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
im so sorry, but i think im not gonna work on my maps anymore.
Both Unholy Invasion 1.2 and Torment Arena 1.8 were about to finish (98-99%)
However, i found 1-2 unexpected bugs came from nowhere and wasnt able to fix it, and i give up, cause i already wasted my years on WE since WC3 released.

Still maybe someday, ill finish.. dont really know
Level 2
Dec 27, 2007
must go on

Hey, i've tried your map!....

and i LOVE it!!!!!!

but it's too sad to see that u dont have time to update it anymore!

so u should let someone help u, or let that guy take over!

it's too sad if this map doesnt get updated!
Level 1
Mar 3, 2010
I dont understand the negative reactions!

this is an absolutely awesome map!

the only downfall is that the waves are a bit.. well repetitive and there could have been more items off course, but for the rest... wow man.
This is awesome, I recommend you go and make this even better, with different kinds of creep waves and bosses and more items etcetera.

I give you a 4/5
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
I decided to continue this map, and it's almost complete. Expect a new huge (really huge) upgrade soon =)

Edit: It's been almost a month. But i've been working. And made even more new stuff. The real time-consuming thing is bug fixes, and i think i've fixed all i found now. Check the full update here; http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...oly-invasion-equipment-based-survival-195763/ I'm planning to release this very soon...

Edit2: Released! :)
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Level 1
May 26, 2010
Great, cool improvement ! But, i've a problem ... I' bought the storm rapier ... but, i can't take it, it's said that i don't have the stat requirement ... (I've got 30 in str and 30 in energy at the moment ...)
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
Is this a Battle.net only map? I opened it in single player to test it, and when I started I couldn't move.. My hero just stood there.. -_-
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Great, cool improvement ! But, i've a problem ... I' bought the storm rapier ... but, i can't take it, it's said that i don't have the stat requirement ... (I've got 30 in str and 30 in energy at the moment ...)

Are you sure? I've tested every equipment a million times. If you did purchase an "Elite" two-handed weapon before storm rapier, you won't be able to equip another elite two handed weapon for the rest of the game. It's a restriction to increase replayablity. Choose an "Elite" equipment carefully when you purchase.
EDIT: I just noticed that you said you got "30 in str and 30 in energy", but Storm Rapier need 24 Str and 28 DEXTERITY :) Please read carefully when you buy Elite items. There's no turning back :)

Is this a Battle.net only map? I opened it in single player to test it, and when I started I couldn't move.. My hero just stood there.. -_-

No, you can play it solo. DON'T turn unused slots to computer. Because all heroes are paused till everyone choose a specialization and there is no AI, thus, computer cannot choose a spec.
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Level 1
May 26, 2010
Are you sure? I've tested every equipment a million times. If you did purchase an "Elite" two-handed weapon before storm rapier, you won't be able to equip another elite two handed weapon for the rest of the game. It's a restriction to increase replayablity. Choose an "Elite" equipment carefully when you purchase.
EDIT: I just noticed that you said you got "30 in str and 30 in energy", but Storm Rapier need 24 Str and 28 DEXTERITY :) Please read carefully when you buy Elite items. There's no turning back :)

I can't read that's it's for 28 dext ... I just can read 24 str ... :goblin_wtf:

EDIT : and I don't know why, but when i load my saved game, my game crash ... So we must play on LAN or something ...?
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Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
I can't read that's it's for 28 dext ... I just can read 24 str ... :goblin_wtf:

EDIT : and I don't know why, but when i load my saved game, my game crash ... So we must play on LAN or something ...?

I think it's about resolution. All tooltips can be seen in various resolutions but i think Blizzard is to be blamed here. Why the hell put a limit on item tooltips with latest patch? It didn't exist on 1.24.
No you can play solo. Dont load the game. When you fail, you can restart over and over again. I just noticed the fatal error. I also dont know why
Level 1
May 26, 2010
And, i tried to trade some stat point, to help a friend for getting a weap, but when i traded it, the next level didn't launch ... We've been to the 13th and it's a pain to not finish your game cause of that ... So if you can block\fix it, it would be cool :)
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
And, i tried to trade some stat point, to help a friend for getting a weap, but when i traded it, the next level didn't launch ... We've been to the 13th and it's a pain to not finish your game cause of that ... So if you can block\fix it, it would be cool :)

I hate the World Editor more than anything. I know i've disabled sharing resources.. why it doesnt work? sigh..
Btw, youre not supposed to trade stats :D Yeah, next round won't launch. It checks if everyone spent their stat points. Else, the next round don't launch.
Level 1
Feb 16, 2010

Your map is super duper great!! Awesomeness for shot..
Because of the equipment system you've created..
I have some suggestions but its just a simple suggestion..

{GAME-PLAY}:ogre_haosis:how about play with zombies and players in a arena or put some modes on it like..

[Freestyle] A normal Survival game mode.
[Mass Killz!!] Kill as many zombies as you want until the your the reaches the time limit and the player who had the highest kills wins.
[Survivor vs Zombiez] Its a PVP thing like facing your opponents in the other side and eliminating them all, you can revive your ally by approaching their body and do some action and you can eliminate your opponents dead bodies as well. make sure that you have eliminate all your opponents or they might eliminate you.
[Last Survivor Standing] All of you should survive by killing all your friends because they might eat you alive.

{WEAPONS}:ogre_hurrhurr:Just to spiced the things up specially with the animation..

[Knuckles/Punches] Like boxing gloves or what so ever.
[Knives/Stabs] You can throw it or not.
[Old Guns] You know what i mean.

{OPTIONAL}:ogre_icwydt:Just an optional suggestion nothing special about it..

[Chooseable Heroes] I like the way you manipulate the equipments but what if a player wants to choose a character/model for the whole game like a Female, Child, Old Man, Adult Person, Gay, or Something..

Anyway, your maps are great and your awesome..
Level 2
Jun 5, 2011
Love this map very much, with unique systems, especially the gameplay. Like the new "Ranged Weapon" features. But it's start to boring when in the 10th+ rounds. Maybe you can add mini bosses every (..) rounds, other negative events, etc. And then the balancing, no imbalance seen in the gameplay, though, good job. Also, I feel the "presence" of a healer was kinda.. not too perceived by players, with only 1 healer-type skill.
And also, when I play using ranged-type weapon, on level 6, I can't choose feat. But when I try playing using melee-type weapon, on level 6, I can choose feat. Can you check that? Hope my information wasn't wrong.
Then, when I buy an armor that gives +5 bonus strength (so my hero's strength now was 25), I can't buy weapon that requires only 23 strength. Or it's supposed to be like that to avoid fraud?
That's all, I repeat, love this map very much, with unique systems. Hope this map will be famous soon. I like to see a new type of weapons, like staff, on the next version. Players can cast skills only that can be used if using staff and learn skills (new features), with balanced channeling time. It's only a suggestion, but epic-awesomeness if you can. (Of course with a lot of work)
Now 4/5 from me. Thank you for your great work of giving happiness to players (gamers) like me.

lol something is wrong with your map, i try to play it private with my friend and when my friend joins he gets kicked for no reason...do you know what might cause this?
Seems fine to me and the others.. maybe it's because different version of Warcraft III : TFT?
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Love this map very much, with unique systems, especially the gameplay. Like the new "Ranged Weapon" features. But it's start to boring when in the 10th+ rounds. Maybe you can add mini bosses every (..) rounds, other negative events, etc. And then the balancing, no imbalance seen in the gameplay, though, good job. Also, I feel the "presence" of a healer was kinda.. not too perceived by players, with only 1 healer-type skill.
And also, when I play using ranged-type weapon, on level 6, I can't choose feat. But when I try playing using melee-type weapon, on level 6, I can choose feat. Can you check that? Hope my information wasn't wrong.
Then, when I buy an armor that gives +5 bonus strength (so my hero's strength now was 25), I can't buy weapon that requires only 23 strength. Or it's supposed to be like that to avoid fraud?
That's all, I repeat, love this map very much, with unique systems. Hope this map will be famous soon. I like to see a new type of weapons, like staff, on the next version. Players can cast skills only that can be used if using staff and learn skills (new features), with balanced channeling time. It's only a suggestion, but epic-awesomeness if you can. (Of course with a lot of work)
Now 4/5 from me. Thank you for your great work of giving happiness to players (gamers) like me.

Thanks for your comment. I thought about adding more bosses, but i decided to add different zombies instead. The map also took HUGE time, considering the amount of new features AND the goddamn bugfixing. I'll think about adding more bosses on next major update.
You need to have a specific base stat (EXCLUDE bonuses!) to equip an item :) Check "F9" ingame for additional information.
Are you sure about the feat bug? I've never experienced that! Maybe you accidently picked some feat. Type ".feat" to check your feats. Also, you cant start the next round unless you pick a feat. Can you check it again?
About healer and specs; well, please don't consider this like WoW or other games using same formula. In this map, everyone -not only the one who picked Crit [Damage] spec- is supposed to hack&slash zombies. This is also an equipment based game, not a spell-based game. Your special ability have an important role in game yes, but it is just an individual ability which is needed to be used at right time.
I may think about adding spell staffs. But consider that a fireball spell would be almost same as the Hellfire Arrow, so i doubt if it's necessary. But i'll think, maybe something will come to my mind

lol something is wrong with your map, i try to play it private with my friend and when my friend joins he gets kicked for no reason...do you know what might cause this?

Sorry i've never seen that happen :/ . Maybe it's because of WC3 versions?
Level 2
Jun 5, 2011
Checked, and nothing wrongs.
Maybe last time I did something wrong with the feat. Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience.
Level 4
Jan 3, 2011
Have you ever thought of building upon this? Maybe turning it into an rpg or something?!
Edit: Oh and boss is EASY On single player, just need 3 elite items, a bow and a shitload of those purple pots if u get low on hp
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
I actually builded upon something else and made this :) However, i cant turn this into a RPG. Gameplay just doesn't fit and i really don't have time for that. I'll probably improving this style instead.
Well, i thought boss is balanced in terms of difficulty. Bows seem a little too powerful for now. Maybe i'll also improve the cooldown of restoration potions. Try "Insane" difficulty.
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Very good map! I had very much fun! but there is a problem that u can win even if there are 40 zombies in map and your hp is 10, u can run from the zombies until refill you health :)

Hmm. I see your point and i know about it. It would be really hard, but it's possible. I'm just not sure how to fix that issue. Maybe every round there should be ranged creeps, dunno. Do you have any suggestions? I really need suggestions about gameplay. Perhaps low hp should also cause something like "Fatigue" just like low Stamina causes, which reduces your movespeed, or, being hit may cause you to slow, i'll think about it.