• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


My pride and joy. my best of the best. the creme de la creme.

Laurence, the S'aj Donac warlock.

a renegade human from a nomad tribe, living in the deserts and the barren lands, constantly travelling and trading their goods, selling their services to parties that dont dare enter these regeons.

S'aj Donac Warlock, Death Knight

UndeadArthas (Texture)

THE_END: Great skin, the horse turned to goat is awesome




THE_END: Great skin, the horse turned to goat is awesome
Level 11
Nov 9, 2004
great skin. love it but teh faceial hair and horse could use some work.use the noise n layer technique for beter facial hair.overall great skin
>_< omg i cant see ive got my eyes closed.good quality skin.
venom: its not a OMFG ITS SO !!111onellol1!!1 iT R so hppY skin but its still great.good to see you liek the skin i liek it too :)
4.5/5 :D



Level 4
Mar 27, 2004
So you're going to release that demon hunter skin you made that's like this one? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.
Level 12
Sep 13, 2004
the BM is nice afronight, but it looks terrible in-game. this skin is one of my personal fav's becouse it looks so bloody good ingame, it fits perfectly in a wc3 background.

and antihero yes its a shame, but B&B is cancelled due to lack of interest of the crew. one by one we fell for WoW. its a hard thing to realize, but with WoW around we wont play much tft. and i dont see the point of putting more effort in finishing it if we're not going to play it.

thats why i'm realeasing all my skins, maybe they can be of use for someone else.

we'll also put the uncompleted map up for dl at thehubb, maybe someone is interested in finishing it. its allready at about 80/85% of completion so... xD

EDIT: just noticed the DC award! thank you!!

now give grompanda the same treatment he deserves it *evil glare*
Level 3
Nov 2, 2004
This skin kicks asses of all little europeans, go arabs ^^

But, why the fuck is he sleeping???
4/5, because of the lazy touch of the eyes of this skin o_O (Won't rate because i just wonder, omfg ...)

MfG JunJee
Level 12
Sep 13, 2004
why is it lazy to have him have his eyes closed? its a equally big effort to make.

its fun. nubudy has done this. and it looks really funk in game. also, in his original role as the Saj'Donac Warlock in B&B, it was good to have his eyes closed. it made him more mystical, more like a spellcaster.