Undead Battles

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Level 5
Aug 8, 2007
Please vote if you think this a good idea/a waste of time.

For days (about 3) I have been thinking of making a custom hero map, but with a twist.

Four teams of 4 must choose from a Skeletal Hero, Zombie, Demon or Void. Once you have chosen your "race" you are prompted to select your class and, finally your attributes (max of 25). Once all players have done this, Player 1 is asked for the game mode from modes such as Death Match, Knockout, and CTF etc.

Once this is finally finished, if it is Death Match or CTF, Player 1 is asked for the number of rounds from 5, 10 or 15.

Now, once everything gameplay related is completed, you are asked to choose a Weapon/Staff, Shield/Robe and your 4 custom abilities (depending on your class) that are made up of:
-And, Ultimate Ability

Eventually after customizing your hero (all abilities, attributes, items etc.), the game begins, 4v4v4v4. Each team has a base (the 4 corners of the map). Your objective is to work as a team and take out the enemy according to what game mode is enabled.

-Death match:
The first team to 5 kills wins 1 round (rounds are selected in the beginning)

-CTF (Capture The Flag):
The first team to score 5 points (capture 5 flags and take them to your base) wins 1 round.

Once you die, you die. The last man standing wins for his/her team.

-Got a mode idea? POST!

I will, unless this is thought of as a waste of time, implement other things such as summoning creeps, controlling Neutral Hostile camps, etc.

If you have voted, please say why you voted that way and what you voted.



EDIT: DAMNIT! Could an admin please turn this into a poll with options "Good Idea" and "Waste of Time"? I forgot! :/ THANK YOU!
Level 4
May 13, 2007
I don't want to spoil your enthusiasm, but I think there are a million maps like that out there....

In your introduction you say "...but with a twist". What twist? The game modes? even that has been done often enough.
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
People would get bored at the start of the map customizing everything. Sorry, but it is a waste of time. If you still want to make your map, you should. My map, currently linked in my sig. is not that new, but I still like it.
Level 3
Nov 7, 2007
I think it's a great basic idea, but what they've been trying to say is that it's not very innovative.
None of those game play styles is very new. Neither is allocating stats.
Those types of maps are typically called hero arenas. Some have dozens of heroes. Customizing hero skills and abilities maps have been out for a while too. Arenas and hero wars..

When you find someway to innovate on the concept come back to us and we can help you think it through, but otherwise it's just a rehash of older ideas.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
This would be a really great idea if it wasn't done time and time again before. The CTF thing is used too much and in horrible ways, and the hero killing is obvioously in soo many different games, come up with some more ideas. Work on it and it could be a great game, be more original.
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