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Undead - Araj the Summoner

Araj the Summoner
"More...More souls!"

Araj the Summoner was a lich in the service of the Lich King Ner`zhul, who became regional commander of Scourge forces in the Western Plaguelands.

During the Third War, Araj commanded the Undead Ravagers to attack Hearthglen.

It is known that he was the former leader of Scholomance before aiding the Scourge invasion of Caer Darrow and later claiming the city of Andorhal as his own.

Headquartered in the ruined city of Andorhal, Araj had two primary responsibilities: spread the Plaguue via massive Plague Cauldrons situated at various points throughout the area, and continue to pound at the Forsaken defenses at the strategic pass known as the Bulwark. These duties kept him busy for some time after the end of the Third War, but ultimately it was the spreading of his resources that spelt his doom. Considering the Forsaken to be the most necessary target of Scourge forces, he left his southern flank far less guarded than was wise, perhaps not considering an Alliance incursion likely.

Subsequent to the fall of the Lich King, Araj commanded the scattered remains of the Scourge forces still present at Andorhal.

Araj the Summoner (Model)

Araj the Summoner (Icons) (Icon)

Araj the Summoner - Portrait (Model)

The execution is good and the model can be distinguished from the generic Lich and Kel'thuzad. The model is only 10.5 MB overall - though it can be lowered if the unneeded details in the .dds textures are erased. The facefx is working without any...
Level 10
Oct 10, 2020
Preem model bro! Played classic quite a few months ago and it was so hard to get a group to take this guy out. Luckily someone high level helped me out so I get the scholomance key. Speaking of Scholomance I always liked the way those cultists looked with the gothic face paint. Thought about attempting to make one but I just really suck at modeling but I got texturing down kind of. I’ll get there. Lol
Level 34
Jul 26, 2015
hey bro it seems to me that you forgot to upload the normal texture to the details one, since there is only the diffuse and the emissive
Nope... I haven't forgotten anything. This means my character still access the Normal-textures from the game.
Save file size. ^^

The Hive wouldn't even let me upload the model if a file was missing btw...
Nope... I haven't forgotten anything. This means my character still access the Normal-textures from the game.
Save file size. ^^

The Hive wouldn't even let me upload the model if a file was missing btw...
I understand, so I ask you one thing, since the details texture is edited and the normal one has a different shape than the details, that would not cause those parts of the model to be seen as bugged?
Level 34
Jul 26, 2015
I understand, so I ask you one thing, since the details texture is edited and the normal one has a different shape than the details, that would not cause those parts of the model to be seen as bugged?
Since it is only about objects that do not overlap in the original files in terms of their positions, yes.

The object just has to be in the same place as it would be in the original file.
If you take it from a 2048x2048 file and want to paste it into a 1024x1024 file, you just have to scale it to the 1024x1024 size.
Would also work with 512x1024 e.g. etc, etc...
(To be on the safe side, I always mark all four corners just to have the exact position in the new size and then delete them later)
But as I said: If you want to use objects that overlap in their original files, then there would be problems with textures and so on...
If that is not the case, Warcraft has no problem recognizing the textures correctly.


HD Model Reviewer
Level 34
Jun 22, 2013
The execution is good and the model can be distinguished from the generic Lich and Kel'thuzad. The model is only 10.5 MB overall - though it can be lowered if the unneeded details in the .dds textures are erased. The facefx is working without any problem.

I'd recommend lengthening the death sequence as the dissipate animation happens almost instantly after he dies.


edit: oh and yeah, please add an icon
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Level 5
Jun 4, 2013
edit: oh and yeah, please add an icon

Still no icon :sad: .

Despite this, I must salute your work @Raddazong . We were treated to loads of unique models for Paladins, Dreadlords and Pitlords but as for the other heroes from the campaigns, these ones were completely left out, especially the Liches. Blizzard failed us so badly 😭 .
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Level 5
Jun 4, 2013
I got u homie
That will do my friend, thank you. :thumbs_up: Can't wait to see more of your custom models. Hope you'll make more liches 💀, I always thought it would be interesting to vary their appearance a bit, for example by making one wearing a creepy-looking pharaoh's funerary mask, it would look so neat and unusual :mwahaha:.
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