Well, I've rediscovered the old The Tales of Raviganion and I was wondering; is there any simple way to work those 4 races, in with the 4 standard ones?
Like playing with the 8 (Undead, Chaos, Human, Woodelf, Troll, Orc, Nightelf, and Swamp Dweller) races at once. Also if it has to be a Senario that fine.
Oh, will that program or method allow me to put the Naga in the mix to?
Like playing with the 8 (Undead, Chaos, Human, Woodelf, Troll, Orc, Nightelf, and Swamp Dweller) races at once. Also if it has to be a Senario that fine.
Oh, will that program or method allow me to put the Naga in the mix to?