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UI Frames, starting guide

Level 5
Oct 10, 2010
Check out Tasyen's guides, tutorials and introductions at this link ui-fdf | HIVE for more informations about UI Frames


With patch 1.31 Blizzard added more than a few new API functions that allow us, mappers to manipulate with game UI in general (such as visibility of certain parts of default UI) and also allowed to use custom created frames, so if you ever wanted for your map to provide totally custom UI now it's easier than ever!

What functions?
Functions needs types, so we're gonna start with them

Frame related types

type framehandle        extends     handle
type originframetype    extends     handle
type framepointtype     extends     handle
type textaligntype      extends     handle
type frameeventtype     extends     handle

Frame related constants

    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_COMMAND_BUTTON
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_HERO_BAR
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_HERO_BUTTON   
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_HERO_HP_BAR     
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_HERO_MANA_BAR
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_HERO_BUTTON_INDICATOR
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_ITEM_BUTTON  
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_MINIMAP         
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_MINIMAP_BUTTON
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_SYSTEM_BUTTON  
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_TOOLTIP           
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_UBERTOOLTIP   
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_CHAT_MSG      
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_UNIT_MSG        
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_TOP_MSG          
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_PORTRAIT       
    constant originframetype        ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME

Frame related hashtable addition
native  SaveFrameHandle
native  LoadFrameHandle

Frame related methods themselves
native BlzGetOriginFrame                           takes originframetype frameType, integer index returns framehandle
native BlzEnableUIAutoPosition                     takes boolean enable returns nothing
native BlzHideOriginFrames                         takes boolean enable returns nothing
native BlzConvertColor                             takes integer a, integer r, integer g, integer b returns integer
native BlzLoadTOCFile                              takes string TOCFile returns boolean
native BlzCreateFrame                              takes string name, framehandle owner, integer priority, integer createContext returns framehandle
native BlzCreateSimpleFrame                        takes string name, framehandle owner, integer createContext returns framehandle
native BlzCreateFrameByType                        takes string typeName, string name, framehandle owner, string inherits, integer createContext returns framehandle
native BlzDestroyFrame                             takes framehandle frame returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetPoint                            takes framehandle frame, framepointtype point, framehandle relative, framepointtype relativePoint, real x, real y returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetAbsPoint                         takes framehandle frame, framepointtype point, real x, real y returns nothing
native BlzFrameClearAllPoints                      takes framehandle frame returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetAllPoints                        takes framehandle frame, framehandle relative returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetVisible                          takes framehandle frame, boolean visible returns nothing
native BlzFrameIsVisible                           takes framehandle frame returns boolean
native BlzGetFrameByName                           takes string name, integer createContext returns framehandle
native BlzFrameGetName                             takes framehandle frame returns string
native BlzFrameClick                               takes framehandle frame returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetText                             takes framehandle frame, string text returns nothing
native BlzFrameGetText                             takes framehandle frame returns string
native BlzFrameSetTextSizeLimit                    takes framehandle frame, integer size returns nothing
native BlzFrameGetTextSizeLimit                    takes framehandle frame returns integer
native BlzFrameSetTextColor                        takes framehandle frame, integer color returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetFocus                            takes framehandle frame, boolean flag returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetModel                            takes framehandle frame, string modelFile, integer cameraIndex returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetEnable                           takes framehandle frame, boolean enabled returns nothing
native BlzFrameGetEnable                           takes framehandle frame returns boolean
native BlzFrameSetAlpha                            takes framehandle frame, integer alpha returns nothing
native BlzFrameGetAlpha                            takes framehandle frame returns integer
native BlzFrameSetSpriteAnimate                    takes framehandle frame, integer primaryProp, integer flags returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetTexture                          takes framehandle frame, string texFile, integer flag, boolean blend returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetScale                            takes framehandle frame, real scale returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetTooltip                          takes framehandle frame, framehandle tooltip returns nothing
native BlzFrameCageMouse                           takes framehandle frame, boolean enable returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetValue                            takes framehandle frame, real value returns nothing
native BlzFrameGetValue                            takes framehandle frame returns real
native BlzFrameSetMinMaxValue                      takes framehandle frame, real minValue, real maxValue returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetStepSize                         takes framehandle frame, real stepSize returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetSize                             takes framehandle frame, real width, real height returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetVertexColor                      takes framehandle frame, integer color returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetLevel                            takes framehandle frame, integer level returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetParent                           takes framehandle frame, framehandle parent returns nothing
native BlzFrameGetParent                           takes framehandle frame returns framehandle
native BlzFrameGetHeight                           takes framehandle frame returns real
native BlzFrameGetWidth                            takes framehandle frame returns real
native BlzFrameSetFont                             takes framehandle frame, string fileName, real height, integer flags returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetTextAlignment                    takes framehandle frame, textaligntype vert, textaligntype horz returns nothing

So how do I do things?
As with anything in warcraft 3 world editor there are multiple ways to achieve same result, we will try to achieve our results writing everything from scratch (you'll note that later), so in order to start this way we need this function:
native BlzLoadTOCFile takes string TOCFile returns boolean
Note that it is native and is present in common.j so it is available for GUI (via call), JASS, vJASS and Wurst.

As function name states, it is for loading TOC file, TOC file is nothing else as Table Of Contents being a file with .toc extension which looks like this:
that's it! TOC file stores file paths one at a line, so multiple files would look like this:
Note that there is no empty line at beginning but there is one at the end of it.

Once you import TOC file into your map we need to tell the game to load it via BlzLoadTOCFile which takes a string, that string is an absolute path to our TOC file (you can see path of file you imported in WorldEditor and for Wurst files are imported accordingly to directory structure within imports directory at root of your project).

Returning to TOC file, entries there represent relative paths to files that are to be loaded so in our example those files should be at same directory level as our TOC file (near them, next to them, with them).

Note that BlzLoadTOCFile returns boolean which is set to true when all files are loaded successfully but if something goes wrong - function will return false which comes in handy during debug.

So where we are now?
Quick answers is nowhere, but we are close to start things!

Create files
Create 2 files, name them MyFiles.toc and MyFrames.fdf, put name of second one into first so it looks like this:


MyFrames.fdf is empty for now

Import them into map
For Wurst place them into imports directory within your project

For GUI/JASS/vJASS import them via World Editor and remember paths to them (you may also set paths into something shorter)

Instruct your map to load TOC file
During map initialization we need to run:
BUT we are savvy programmers/mappers so we want what happens with our loading function so:
    boolean loadingResult = BlzLoadTOCFile("myfiles.toc")
    if loadingResult == false
        BJDebugMsg("SOMETHING WENT WRONG WITH myFiles.toc")
        BJDebugMsg("MyFiles.toc is loaded (files that it points to)")

MyFrames.fdf can be empty, function still returns true
If your function returns false check if you got empty line at the end of MyFrames.toc file and/or path to TOC file.

Still we didn't do anything?
Well, yes but we're about to do some amazing stuff!

This .fdf file, what is it?

files are files that contain Frame Definitions and other stuff related to them, all default things related to GUI (not trigger thingy) in Warcraft 3 is defined in those files, you can view them via Ladik's Casc Viewer under war3.w3mod->ui->framedef, some of those files are loaded by default, some of them are not.

Learn through replication

To not create some weird idea for you to follow let's replicate some of default behaviour but in our way!

We're gonna tackle hero icon in upper left corner because that will touch numerous problems you should be aware of.

HEY, I want to do stuffs and see them right now!
Okay, put this into your MyFrames.fdf:
Frame "SPRITE" "WarCraftIIILogo" {
        BackgroundArt "UI\Glues\MainMenu\WarCraftIIILogo\WarCraftIIILogo.mdl",
And update your map code to this:
    boolean loadingResult = BlzLoadTOCFile("myfiles.toc")
    if loadingResult == false
        BJDebugMsg("SOMETHING WENT WRONG WITH myFiles.toc")
        BJDebugMsg("MyFiles.toc is loaded (files that it points to)")

    framehandle logo = BlzCreateFrame("WarCraftIIILogo", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 0, 0)
And voila we got something like this:

Quick breakdown:
In FDF file we've created Frame Definition which consists of:
Frame(object type) "SPRITE"(frameType) "WarcraftIIILogo"(objectName) {
    BackgroundArt(Property Name) "UI\Glues\MainMenu\WarCraftIIILogo\WarCraftIIILogo.mdl",(Property Value)
In our map code:
framehandle logo = BlzCreateFrame("WarCraftIIILogo"(objectName), BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 0, 0)
BlzFrameClearAllPoints(logo) // Clears all point settings it may have
BlzFrameSetPoint(logo, FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0, 0) // Sets one point (top-left) relative to top-left point of other frame (that exists)
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Suspect this might be too simple but I can see it being argued otherwise.

Some changes I would consider mandatory however.

1. Use jass tags over code tags for syntax highlighting
2. The lists of natives/constants should be put in hidden tags to save space
3. I am not sure if using wurst in your example is a good choice. To you and me, the syntax difference is not big but for the sake of a more universal tutorial I think vjass, jass or lua as they are the natively supported languages.

4. Indention would be nice but not required

Graveyarded as you are not around to update it. Poke if you come back and decide to do so and I'll put it right back.